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Manifesting Extra Money into Your Life

Manifesting Extra Money into Your Life

When you want to manifest things into your life, such as money, then you need to do something to get the money to you. Maybe you do things every month such as write checks to yourself for payments out to buy something. So, why not write a check to yourself this time?

What You Need:

  • Candle
  • Sandalwood incense
  • A blank Check

To Prepare:

The first day of the month when you pay your bills, write yourself a check from the universe.


Sit at your desk and write out your bills. Light the sandalwood incense and light the candle (preferably green). Take out a check and make one to yourself.

Believe that your money is coming to you and in the box of the amount, write out the amount hta you need to come to you this month. Or you can write the infinity symbol on it.

When you sign it, sign it as “Law of Abundance” and write in the “for” line your own name.

Put the check in a place where you do not lose it and then you can see this come to you each month.


Here is an overview of how to manifest money to yourself each month:

  • When you are in need of money, get a blank check.
  • Light a green candle because the color green is the color of money manifestation.
  • Light the sandalwood because this scent is also the scent of bringing money to yourself.
  • Take out the checks and when you are writing a check to your bills, take a blank check out for yourself.
  • Write your name in the “for” blank.
  • Make the check out for the amount of money that you need this month such as $400 or $1000.
  • In the signature line, put the words, “Law of Abundance.”
  • Put the check in a safe place.
  • Thank the universe for bringing money to you.


You can get as much money as you need manifested to yourself but remember that you have to have an open mind and to be positive when you want this to happen for you.

Learn to Manifest Money to Yourself

Learn to Manifest Money to Yourself

If you were given the opportunity, you would want to make more money and have a better life. Many people are unable to have a good relationship with money and this is why they have problems manifesting the money to themselves and they never reach the financial success they strive for.

Financial success will start with your mindset and the way that you believe things concerning money.

Using the Law of Attraction is one of the easiest ways to change your thoughts about money and to open up money coming to you. You have to make some changes in your life to see this happen.

Know Your Beliefs

If you want to see the Law of Attraction work, you have to stop limiting what you believe about money. Your life, since you were small, taught you what was true to you and these are where your limited beliefs came from.

Your parents probably told you things such as, “money doesn’t grow on trees,” or “money doesn’t buy you happiness,” and this could have caused you to have a negative thought about money.

In order to use the Law of Attraction to your benefit, you have to learn to figure out what you believe about money. Once you see what money is to you, you can see that it is an unlimited resource for you, and you can acquire this money.

One way that you can change your belief and mindset is by using positive affirmations. If you feel that you view money as hard to get, this can limit your money intake. Use things such as, “I am getting rid of negative feelings about money,” and “everything that I touch becomes gold.”

You can also say things such as, “I am positive about how I use my money,” or “I am making all the money that I want in my life.”

Whatever you say to yourself is what you will begin to believe, and it will become a reality to you. Using positive affirmations to get rid of unbelief or to rule out your beliefs about money can help you use the Law of Attraction.


The Law of Attraction will help you to believe things inside of yourself and these things will come out to you. If you want to bring money to yourself, you have to visualize the money in your possession.

Visualizing means that you will see this in your mind, and you will change your mindset to see that you can reach your goals of making money.

This can motivate you and help you to move forward when things get hard. Seeing money as if you already have it can change your mind and let you see that there is enough money for you to make.

Knowing that there is abundance can come naturally with money and you will see this in your minds eye. If you want to create a visualization point, carry a hundred-dollar bill in your pocket. This will make you feel that you have money and not allow you to say that you are broke.


The universe wants to give you what you want and need but the universe wants your thankfulness in return. When you are thankful for what you are getting, you will open up your mind and your heart and it will get rid of limiting beliefs and negativity that you have. This will allow you to be open to new opportunities.

When you change your mindset regarding money, it will allow you to use the Law of Attraction and help you to be thankful for the money that you already have. Be thankful for everything you have an each and every opportunity that comes to you.

No matter how much or how little money that you have, if you want to have more, be thankful for it and what the universe is doing for you.

Reasons the Law of Attraction is Not Working for You

Law of Attraction is Not Working for You

The Law of Attraction can bring with it wonderful gifts, spiritual lessons, and transformations, but if it is not working for you then there may be a reason. Most will go through this at some time or another and it is usually because of some impulsive action we took without really thinking it through. The universe is not against us at any point, even if it feels like it. However, to use the Law of Attraction, we must understand the rules. There are a few key things you must know and live by to keep on the positive side of things and help your abilities come through. These will be shared below.

You are Not Prepared

This is a somewhat ironic one, but one we are all likely guilty of in life. We tend to think when we ask the universe for something specific, we are ready to receive it, but this is not always the case. For example, many people will ask for a $1 million, but have no real clue what they would spend such a vast amount on in their lives. They have no idea what to do with it, where to store it, or how to set up a bank account for such a large amount. Perhaps you have a general idea like a vacation with the money, but do you have a destination in mind or what activities would be included? Thinking through the details in terms of actual money instead of a wish can make a huge difference. If you are well prepared then the process of the Law of Attraction can begin to offer you your desire.

Lack of Clarity on What You Want

This reason alone can be the reason why you are not manifesting your desires. If you are not clear on what you want then the universe cannot send you anything. You must ask for what you want in a clear manner. If you do not know the specifics, the universe may send nothing or may send what it thinks you need, but that could be far from what you want. If you cannot get clear on the exact thing you want, then start with a clear essence of what you want and then add in the details. Also be clear on why you want what you want. The why is equally important in attracting things. The universe may be less likely to provide a new sports car if you just want to live in luxury as opposed to a new van with lots of safety features for your three children when you need a new car. Get specific.

You are Not Releasing the Desire to the Universe

Attachment is a huge hindrance to the Law of Attraction. You may really want the desire to come to fruition, but really needing something means you are less likely to get it in this manner. This is because you are holding tight to the lack of the item and if you do not let go, the universe cannot provide. It is fine to feel like you want something, but needing it or “fill in the blank with the worst case” is actually limiting to the Law of Attraction. Desperation is a repellant for the thing you desire.

Subconsciously Believing You Cannot Have It

This is a mindset issue and relatively easy to overcome once it is recognized. It is also a huge barrier to attracting desires. If you can truly believe you can have your desire, you are halfway to achieving it. Think of your desires in terms of when they will happen, not if. If the opinions of others are influencing you then realize you need to trust in yourself, not others. Let go of thinking that says something is impossible and trust yourself.

Attracting the Wrong Things

We manifest all the time. It is not something that can be turned off and on at will. All of our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs dictate reality. If most of your day is spent dwelling in the past or you are always looking into the future without ever truly being present then the Law of Attraction is unlikely to work for you because you are manifesting more of what you are dwelling on.

The Law of Attraction is a way of life and to allow for radical transformations, we must be open to it happening. This starts with thinking about why you can have something instead of reasons you cannot.

Understanding Lucid Dreaming

Understanding Lucid Dreaming

Shamanic dreaming is something that is similar to lucid dreaming. This can take place in stages and helps you to be aware when you are dreaming.

If you want to understand lucid dreaming, you have to understand that this is something that is unusual and something that most people do not experience.

In your culture, you might not understand Wirelike or dream recall. This happens when you are very young, and it can be part of the Shamanic dreaming. This is a custom where you can learn to understand and remember your dreams your whole life.

Remembering dreams can help you to reach lucid dreaming and this allows you to know that you are dreaming while the dream is taking place. The best way for this to happen is when you are understanding of lucid dreaming and when you want to now more.

Lucid dreaming is when the dreamer knows that they are dreaming, and they know that their body is in one place and their soul in another.

Dreaming History

Everyone has dreams but not everyone remembers their dreams. Many people have experienced lucid dreaming and they just do not remember it when they wake up. It is thought that more than 80% of the people in the world have had lucid dreams and that some people will have lucid dreaming many times int heir life.

Lucid dreaming and shamanic dreaming are similar but shamanic dreaming will take you to a different level and help you to see the lives around you while you are sleeping. This kind of dreaming can be like a coma.


When you understand your life, you will see that your dreams can be part of your conscious mind. Here are some things about it:

  • Lucid dreaming allows you to explore your dreams and see things in a clear way.
  • This kind of dreaming allows you to motivate yourself in your mind.
  • Lucid dreaming can help you to do your fantasies that you have wanted to do.
  • You can face things that you are afraid of or past traumas when your lucid dream.
  • Lucid dreamers can get power and make positive changes in their life.

Lucid Dreaming

There are two states of consciousness that makes people confused with lucid dreaming. This can be a hypnopompic and a hypnagogic state. These are the times where you are between being awake and being asleep. These are the times where your subconscious mind is tapped into and things become powerful.

With hypnagogic, this means falling asleep and hypnopompic means when you are waking up. This can be a time where you see different lights and different patterns or when you become stuck in a dream scene. This can be a peaceful time in your life and allow you to transition sleeping and to lucid dreaming.

Lucid dreaming and hypnagogic are similar because they are times when you see images and when you are not completely asleep yet. This is a valuable time and can help you to know more about what is going on in your life.

In the second stage of consciousness, this is a time where people think they are lucid dreaming, but they really aren’t. They can go through the normal sleep stages and this is the bridge between being in lucid dreaming and just a precursor to this. This is a common state of dreaming where you wonder if you are dreaming or if you are not asleep yet.

Dreaming can feel that you are in charge of what is going on and this can be tricky because when you connect to your subconscious mind, it can make you feel that you are connected in your dream but it can also make you confused if you are dreaming or not. This can take practice for those that want to experience lucid dreaming so that you can be aware of the dreams.

If you are in charge of your dreams, then this is lucid dreaming. You will be aware that you are dreaming, and you will know that you are in charge. You will experience different things and fulfill your fantasies such as facing your fear, dating who you want, and you might even have to go through a nightmare.

Lucid dreaming can take you to places that you may never experience in your life. You must be in control of your ego during lucid dreaming and when you are sleeping you can still get things done. This can take you to a sexual place and allow you to know what you are doing and deal with your feelings.

Lucid dreaming can help you to be inspired and to give you therapy through things that you have a hard time facing in the real world. These dreams can be unpredictable but when you are fully lucid it means that you will be in charge of your dream.

One of the positive things about lucid dreaming is that you can control what happens in your dream. You will have strength and confidence and you will be able to do what you want. You can change your circumstances and get rid of negative things in your dream.

Lucid dreaming allows you to be more aware of the world and what is going on in your life. You will see things including objects and energies of the world and you will be able to sort through things you questioned in your life. You will even be able to change your mood and be more creative.

When you learn to be in charge of your dreams it can lead you to ap lace where you can master your life and you can be more powerful.


You can practice lucid dreaming and you can do this by taking events that have happened in your life and let them show up in your dream. This can take away your energy, but it can le you see things form your past life that have been negative.

You can lose energy and you can also heal your energy during your dream journey. This can cause you to have different thoughts and deep emotions and to go through situations that will help you to reach your goals in real life.

You can perform rituals and make dreaming a habit. You can make shamanic rituals a habit and help you to have shamanic dreaming. Here are some ways to do that:

  • Sit in a comfortable place before you go to sleep.
  • Sit for a few minutes and think about your day.
  • Visualize events like scenes from a movie theater. Think about them from the inside out and get rid of any energy that is forming around you. See the energies moving around.
  • Clear the energies that drain you and make you feel bad after a hard day. Do not rush this and take your time so you can reach a positive mindset.
  • Once you finish, stand up and exhale deeply. Allow all of the negative energies to leave your body. Let your hands, feet, abdomen, chest, genitals, and all parts of your body feel better. Do this as much as you can and imagine white light going through your body.

Dream Journal

Take time to write down your dreams and the things that you saw when you were dreaming. Writing these down can take away any stress or questions that you have. This can be something that builds your self-esteem and helps you to feel better in your mind and body.

Journaling might not be for everyone, but many people like to journal so that they do not forget what they dreamed. Lucid dreaming will take place and you will want to know what happened when you were dreaming and what you can remember.

Journaling will help you discover your dreams. You will have a chance to recall every detail that you might not remember later in your day. People dream thousands of dreams in their life and because you are dreaming so much, chances are you will not remember them all unless you write them down.

Take time to go out and purchase a journal and then recall all of your dreams and write them down. Share with others your dreams or keep them private, whatever you feel that you should do. Having them written down will be sacred to you.

You can write in your journal once you wake up and do this as soon as you can. When you wake up and write down your dreams, you can almost always remember all the details. You can even lay back down and go back into a dream state.

If you are afraid of missing something, hang a white board in your room and when you get up write down small notes and then recall them later and record your whole dream later.

Create Goals

Make goals so that you can have longer and more realistic dreams. Here are some things you can do:

  • Set goals that are monthly goals.
  • Write down your goals and reflect on them.
  • Write down actions to reach your goals.
  • Write down the goals and what actions you took.
  • See what kind of progress you have made.

Writing out your dream goals will help you with:

  • Clarity on your dreams and will help you to be successful. They will help you to know what goals that you can reach.
  • It will motivate you to journey into your dreams and to make actions.
  • This will help keep you on track and help you to know what goals are important.
  • This will help you to see how far you have gone and to help you celebrate your dream goals.

When you write in your journal, you need to note these things:

  • What you explore in your consciousness.
  • To learn shamanic dreaming.
  • To fly in your dreams.
  • How to heal other people.
  • How to increase your self-esteem.

You can also write affirmations down such as:

  • I will prepare for my dreams so I can do lucid dreaming.
  • I will go my own speed in my dreams.
  • I will write in my journal each day.
  • I will know what I need to do.
  • I will be successful in lucid dreaming.
  • I will not be frustrated when I am not successful.

Do not forget to write down your feelings and emotions and then go back later and look at the journal. After writing in your journal, write down your goals, affirmations, and notes. You can record your dreams and always put the date down.

Put bookmarks where you write so that you can look up your dreams later.

Memory Checks

Writing in your journal will help you to have memories that can help you to remember your dreams. You can do this before you go to sleep and you can give these messages to people that you need to share them with. Write down lists like shopping lists or write notes on your calendar so that you can get cues into your future.

Always write lists so that you can remember things in your everyday lives. If you are home or at work, write down things you need to remember, and this can help you to improve your memory.

For lucid dreaming, you need to have memory cues and you can do this before you go to bed. Write down your dreams at night and believe that you will be able to be aware of your dreams. Write your journal notes down and learn to pay attention to what you need to remember.

Do tasks that can motivate you and try to remember. Follow techniques of lucid dreaming such as doing reality checks and working on your memory. There will be things that happen in your dreams that are not normal, and you have to know that you are dreaming when these things happen.

Some people accept their dreams as real life and you have to realize you are dreaming if you want to be successful.

Reality checks are important to perform and you can use them when you dream so that you know what is going on.

When someone teaches lucid dreaming, they will often tell their client to set a clock so that they can do a reality check when the alarm goes off.

The step is to write down some target lists that happen to you each week. Break your list down to a few items that will happen in your week.

Journal your list and this can help you to remember things and improve your memory. Then set alarms.

Here are some reality checks you can do:

  • Buying things.
  • Writing things down.
  • When someone says your name.
  • Holding money.
  • Seeing a yellow car.
  • Turning on a television.
  • Throwing something in the trash.
  • Putting the phone down.
  • Seeing an ad.
  • Eating something.
  • Flushing the toilet.
  • Seeing stars.
  • Turning on a light.
  • Seeing a bird.

This list can help you to know when you should do a reality check. When you see these things or do these actions, note that you need a reality check and do one.

When you hit a target in your reality check notice what happens such as:

  • Can you touch a solid thing?
  • Can you hold you breathe for a long time?
  • When you jump do you float or come back down?
  • Can you read a sentence without the words changing?
  • Do you have a normal reflection in the mirror?
  • Can you add numbers and get the right answer?

All of the reality checks can be useful to help you know if you are dreaming or not. You can also do the mouth and palm test. You do this by opening your hand and tapping your index and middle fingers with your palm open. If your hands do this in your dream, then you are lucid dreaming.

You can do reality checks while you are awake and then you will be mindful when you are awake or when you are dreaming. Ask yourself questions and see if you can answer them.

Your brain will construct you with different learning patterns and will help you to know what is going on. The law of gravity says you cannot jump and fly so if you do this, you are dreaming. You also cannot jump to the Milky Way or run on the moon. You have to have reality checks to understand what is going on.

You can ask yourself questions and you will see that your realities can change. You can even question your own reality and have alternate realities. This can be different when you are sleeping or awake. The reality checks can help you to know if you are lucid dreaming or not.

One example of this is when you write while you are dreaming. This will be a time where you are not able to focus and you think you are awake, but you cannot focus to write. You can practice this until you can.

Summary of Reality Checks

  • Make targets such as 20 things that you will write about each day to perform a reality check such as when you open a door, flush the toilet, or eat something.
  • Change the targets each day until you get used to changing them.
  • Memorize your targets and when you wake up, write them in your journal.
  • Remember to do your reality checks during the day such as opening a lock or remembering something. Ask yourself if you are dreaming.
  • Do other reality checks even when you are not dreaming and open your state of consciousness up.
  • Increase your memories and you will be able to keep track of what is going on.
  • Tally your targets that you hit and miss at the end of the day. This can help you to know if you are working towards lucid dreaming.
  • Do your best to hit all of your targets and be proud of yourself when you improve.
  • If you develop a memory, write it down.
  • Try your best and keep hitting your targets and your memories until you get where you want to be in your lucid dreaming.

What Color is Your Aura?

What Color is Your Aura?

Do you wish that you were one of those people that could see auras?  Did you know that you are always surrounded by your aura and that it is full of different colors?

Rather you can see your aura or not, it is important to know what the colors mean. Most people that are believers know that the aura exists. The aura is your energy field and your vibrations that surround you. Everything has energy and different vibrational patterns. These cannot be seen by most people because they do not train their eyes, but people can see these colors if they practice.

We cannot just hear sound waves, but we can also see them through the aura. There are only some people that can do this, and you have to practice seeing them, but it is possible.

The body has seven main chakras and they are related to different colors and the seven main aura colors are:

  • Red
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Yellow
  • Indigo
  • Violet

Seeing Auras

If you want to see an aura and it is your first time, the best way to do this is to have a white background behind you.

Look at a spot by the persons face and concentrate without moving your eyes. Do this for a minute or two. Then scan the outside edges of the person and see if you can see any colors.

If this doesn’t happen right away, keep practicing. You need to really concentrate to be able to see the aura.

Feeling the Aura

It is much easier to feel an aura than to see it. If you stand close to the person that you want to feel their aura, you can stand close and put your palms about six inches from their head. Stay at a distance and move your hands around the outside of their body without touching them.

You will feel fluff down their body, and it will feel like you are rubbing something like a blanket or a pillow. This is the energy field that you are feeling.

If you can feel the aura but you cannot see it, here are some things you can ask so that you can find out what color it is:

Aura Test

Pick only one answer for each question and if you do not have a solid answer, pick one that is the closest.

Which Fits Your Personality?

  1. Energetic
  2. Considerate of others.
  3. Kind and healthy.
  4. Sociable.
  5. Loving and helpful.
  6. Humble and full of spirit.
  7. Sympathetic and sensitive.

Which Statement Fits You Best?

  1. I get mad easily.
  2. I like to be physical.
  3. I hate rules.
  4. I communicate with others easily.
  5. I love to give help to people.
  6. I daydream often.
  7. I love to learn new things.

How Would You Describe Yourself?

  1. Like to be alone.
  2. Like to take risks.
  3. Spontaneous.
  4. Loves nature.
  5. Listens well.
  6. Risk taker.
  7. Very sensitive.

Overall, You Feel?

  1. Realistic
  2. Strong.
  3. Optimistic
  4. Outgoing and fun.
  5. Intuitive.
  6. Curious.
  7. Full of ideas.

Others Would Say That You Are?

  1. Well grounded.
  2. Brave.
  3. Good at creating things.
  4. Loving of others.
  5. Very spiritual.
  6. Full of imagination.
  7. Independent.

What Do You like the Most?

  1. Flowers
  2. Dark Chocolate.
  3. Shoes and clothes.
  4. Jewelry.
  5. Home goods.
  6. Makeup.
  7. Candlelight or romantic dinners.

You Think Yourself As?

  1. Tenacious.
  2. Motivated
  3. Have a plan of action.
  4. Someone who is benevolent.
  5. Have strong instincts.
  6. An individual.
  7. Loves to dream.

If You were Feeling Bad What Would be wrong With You?

  1. Stomach ache.
  2. Hard time breathing.
  3. Sore throat.
  4. Dry or watery eyes.
  5. Headache.

At Work you Are?

  1. A team player.
  2. Love a good challenge.
  3. Hands on worker.
  4. Do tasks without problems.
  5. Hate saying no.
  6. Take pride in your appearance.
  7. End up as a leader.

Statements About Yourself:

  1. I am blunt and want to be honest.
  2. I love adventures.
  3. I like to dance and move.
  4. I am organized.
  5. I like to have stuff but it’s not my priority.
  6. I feel anxious in a large group.
  7. The environment is a concern for me.

If you answered mostly A’s, your aura is mostly red.

If you answered mostly B’s, your aura is mostly orange.

If you answered mostly C’s, your aura is mostly yellow.

If you answered mostly D’s, your aura is mostly green.

If you answered mostly E’s, your aura is mostly blue.

If you answered mostly F’s, your aura is mostly indigo.

If you answered mostly G’s, your aura is mostly violet.

If your answers are divvied between a few colors, then your aura changes colors depending on what is going on in your life.

After you take the test and you pay attention to your color, figure out what color fits you most. You will probably see that you wear a lot of colors that fits your auras.

Meaning of the Colors

Once you know your colors, it is important to know what the colors mean:

  • Red means full of energy, a hard worker, works well with a team, hates change. If you have a health problem, it can be anxiety.
  • Orange means that you are adventurous, and you have no self-discipline. This can mean you have kidney or reproductive problems.
  • Yellow means you are happy, creative, fun and you hate conflict. Health issues can be in the spleen.
  • Green means you love people, you love animals, you are a perfectionist and you are trustworthy and impatient. You may have lung issues.
  • Blue means you are helpful and spiritual, and you love peace. Some have problems with the throat or thyroid.
  • Indigo can mean you have no self-esteem and you are calm and an introvert. This can mean you have eye problems.
  • Violet people are wise and love to have the truth. They like to be in charge. This can be a problem with the nervous system and the pineal glands.

Enhance Intuition Using 7/7 Numerology

Enhance Intuition Using 7/7 Numerology

July 7th is known to amplify potent seven numerology energy. The natural instinct already part of you to do detective work and dig deep into what you want to unearth will be best rewarded on this particular day each year. The answers and insights you desire will reveal themselves through your intuition if you allow it. This is the day you will feel the most profound connection with the divine as you spend time in meditation. This is the main way intuition is developed. Try to find a few minutes on this day to sit silently and connect with the spirit.

Power of Seven

Seven is a number that many people consider lucky or even magical in a sense. There are seven days in a week, seven continents, and even seven world wonders. When viewing the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, seven is called Netzach which is representative of triumph and eternity. Looking to Tarot, 7 is a Major Arcana card, the chariot, that represents victory.

If you were born on July 7th, your sun sign is obviously cancer and you are a moon child. Having the number 7 anywhere in your birthdate, numerology, or life path means you seek peace, serenity, solitude, and calm naturally. You are a seeker of enlightenment who loves truth and honesty, though you may hesitate to share your own secrets. Seven’s who live at their highest vibration can typically be well trusted with all types of secrets.

Seven’s tend to be sage philosophers. They are almost always spiritual and will work in their own spiritual quest for wisdom and understanding. You may like to explore different religions, spiritual ways of thinking, and even metaphysics while developing your own path and connection. You tend to build your faith on what you have discovered for yourself. Many seven’s thrive as detectives, scientists, researchers, and academics because they love to use their questioning minds. It can be tempting as a seven to be overly skeptical and doubting, but you cannot let it become an overwhelming habit or it will drag you and others down. While some skepticism is healthy, too much is highly destructive and can leave you in a dark frame of mind.

Seven energy requires some alone time for healing. You need periodic alone time to recharge and refuel your inner reserves. You are likely sensitive, intuitive, and have multiple psychic gifts. You probably do not like crowds, instead preferring a comfy, cozy room to read a good book with pets nearby. Thoughtful sevens will realize the need to avoid arrogance, abuse, and cruelty of any kind. You will find no sense in being rude, selfish, or anti-social. You will see suffering and pain in others. You are also likely to understand that doubt and distrust will not win friends or allow you to enjoy life.

Sevens have a beautiful mind, but one that is highly impressionable and a bit vulnerable. Try to fill your mind with wholesome goodness that keeps you happy, peaceful, and happy. You will need to guard against over worrying, over-thinking, and being overly analytical. Avoid living in your head and only relying on logic. Keeping a balance of emotion and logic is key to finding peace and happiness.

When sevens have a moment in which they get an impression to do or not to do an activity, they may want to use logic to ignore the feelings, but must remember that intuition transcends logic. Learn to trust yourself and you can then know who to trust. Develop trust with others by offering them just a little to see what they do with it and only then give more. If you need help with trust, ask your spirit. Perhaps even a mantra on trust will be helpful.

Past Life and Your Relationships Today

Past Life and Your Relationships Today

Most of us have been in a relationship that we considered to be a good relationship. The person probably made you feel that you were full of energy and brought you happiness. When you meet them, you realize that this can be someone that would make a great partner or a great friend.

One of the worst relationships that you have ever had was probably one that caused you to struggle and to feel a lot of stress and bad feelings. You might have had many struggles and misunderstood each other. This could also be a friendship or a partner. Maybe you have met this person, but you disliked them almost immediately.

All of these kinds of relationships exist because of your past life relationship with their souls. We sometimes feel that we have someone that we love forever even though we just met them, and this is because we have known them forever just in different lives.

Past Life Relationships

When you realize that you have past life relationships, chances are that you will feel a lot of intensity in this relationship and it might even surprise you.

Maybe you met someone accidently and you talked about things, but you did not think much of it. Then if you meet them again, you felt like you had talked the whole time. If you chose to spend the day with them then you will see that you have exchanged things in your life fast like you are bringing each other up to date so that you can get to know each other well.

You will see that your past life friend is taking you on a spiritual journey that is strong and helps you to have a powerful connection. Maybe even after a short conversation that you found that they brought you happiness and strong feelings that confused you or made you think of them constantly.

This might be part of your normal life and it could be that you become in a relationship with them and you see that it is passionate and strong.

You might look back and wonder how you ended up together and how you were able to commit to each other on such a strong basis.


In your past life you have been somewhere, maybe in the city or in a village. Maybe you were a Sultan or maybe you were poor.

Chances are you were in relationships with people and there might have been goodness or disappointments that you had to face. If you were in a harem, for example, maybe you felt that you were unimportant in the relationship and you wanted someone to be proud of you.

Maybe you were punished for being angry in your relationship. Then, when you meet the soul in your life now, you might have found that you become friends or lovers right away. This can be an intense relationship because of your strong past.

This relationship can cause you to look at yourself and to have feelings differently than you expected.

Many Lives

When you get rid of your past life, you have to learn to explore it first. You have to be aware of what your soul has went through rather it was good or bad.

You might repeat things in your present that happened in your future and if you learn to look for themes, you might see that things feel similar or have a similar relationship dynamic.


Some people have incarnated many times and sometimes you will play one role and then another. You might be a mother in one life and then be a child in the next life. Depending on what happens and what the circumstances are can determine what your status is.

The patterns that you have in your life can be important. Maybe you have had to neglect things you wanted in your past lives so that you could find yourself in your present life and marry the person that was meant for you.

Your pattern can change depending on who you are and what you go through.


The influences and patterns that have happened in your past life can affect your relationships. Even though you have an instant connection with someone, you might find them hard to deal with and feel that you are with someone too controlling.

Maybe both of you need to be healed and you want someone that is balancing you. Maybe you are aware of the patterns that are happening in your life.

The people that you are meeting might be someone that is there to show you truth and to listen to you on your journey.

The more successful you are in understanding your skills, the more your life will grow and the happier you will be.

Your past life can impact the people that you meet in your life. If you have soul regression it can mean you are still trying to have relationships with someone that you already released, and they can cause you to have obsessive feelings.


If you have to walk away form a relationship, chances are you need to heal. You might need to go to regression therapy so that you can get help from your past life.

Learn to recognize your patterns and your relationships and learn to focus on your past life so that you can move forward.

The Intuitive Connection to Love

Intuitive Connection to Love

Love and intuition simply go together. Each of us has felt that shiver up their spine or butterflies in the stomach when that special someone looked in their eyes. Perhaps you feel instantly connected to someone even though you never met them before. These are natural occurrences of intuition and they are so commonplace; they are often taken for granted. We all have some intuitive ability. This can be as simple as knowing something without knowing how. Still, intuition, like love, can be compelling and mysterious, bypassing both rational and logical thinking. This is because both have their roots in the soul. They are both powerful energies that enhance life experiences. In fact, knowing one will offer a deeper understanding of the other.

Intuition is as unique as you. It may be received as a thought or energy field, or through emotions. If you intuit mostly through ideas and thoughts, you are a mental intuitive. It means you are naturally telepathic or able to tune into, send and receive thought messages to someone or a group of people. Emotional intuitives usually focus on emotions, able to easily pick up on others’ feelings. Mental intuitives are empathetic and are often the go-to person when someone needs emotional support. Spiritual intuitives receive intuitive vibrations through an energy field and can often see angels and auras. They have an active dream life and tend to be free spirits. Finally, physical intuitives absorb energy through their body even though it is through someone else.

Once you know your intuitive type, you can develop and use it with your natural intuition with greater success. The type of intuition type you have also plays a role in your ability to communicate, understand, and grow in intimacy with others. This often shows up as knowing what your loved one needs without asking, dreaming of deceased loved ones, or feeling their emotions as you hold their hand. This may all seem random, but it can be part of your intuitive strength. The bond of love between two individuals can strengthen and intensify ability. So developing your ability can also help build your love.

Partner Exercise

The following is an exercise that is to be completed with a partner when you both have time to participate. Start by finding a time when both you and your partner can be undisturbed for an agreed upon amount of time. You do not even have to be in the same area, just quiet and connected in the same time period. At the agreed upon time, sit or lie down and take long deep breathes with your eyes closed. Imagine each breath is cleansing and exhaling is clearing away stress and tension. As you settle into the rhythmic breathing, visualize your partner. Do not force this, but bring them to your mind’s eye. Feel your connection to them. Keep visualizing as you wait for them to smile or acknowledge you in some way. This is an intuitive exercise, so you may just ‘know’ when they are aware of you. This is not necessarily the same as three dimensional seeing, it may feel like your imagination, but this is good, keep it going.

Now, practice one of the intuitive communication techniques.

  • Mental – Take a long deep breath and as you exhale, imagine releasing and letting go of mind chatter. Keep going as you imagine your thoughts exiting without allowing them to gain importance. They will eventually dissipate. Now imagine your mind expanding and overtaking your partner’s mind. Tune into their thoughts and send them a thought or question. Project this thought as you continue to breath deeply. Stay in this place and focus on breathing. Receive what comes in while focused. When you feel the concentration is wavering, send a thank you and release negative stress through breathing. Open your eyes and write what you received.
  • Emotional – Before beginning, make sure you know and understand your own mood. If not a calm, happy mood, try deep breathing to relax and exhale the negative. Then continue to breath deeply to relax. Inhale and exhale, feeling it in the heart. Imagine the heart encompassing your partner. Feel what your partner is feeling and take it in. Once complete, send them love and allow them to disconnect. Now open your eyes.
  • Spiritual – Imagine your partner in your mind’s eye. Notice as many details as possible about them. Energetically transport yourself to them and draw close as you feel the energy surrounding them. See if they have a message or mood to share through their aura. Take in what you are experiencing and imagine your partner surrounded by white light. This is love and protection you can leave with them as you return to your physical space and then open your eyes.
  • Physical – A physical intuitive may do best to hold a photo of their loved one or a personal object. Hone into the energy from the source. This is called psychometry. Close your eyes and breath while imagining a white light moving from your head through your body. Breath to relax tight areas and continue until you are fully relaxed. Now, imagine your partner while becoming aware of the experience. See if you can feel what your partner is feeling. If you feel a tight spot that needs relaxing, breathe through it. Once complete, move back to your own space and your partner will do the same. Send loving, light energy to your partner. When finished, open your eyes.

Love is a potent life force energy that is not restricted by the confines of space, time, or condition. There are no barriers, just as with love when two people become one. Develop your intuitive connection to love and allow it to unfold in your life freely.

Dark Side of Empathy

Dark Side of Empathy

Having a normal psychological response when you are an empath is hard. This is a time where you are constantly going and never take time to slow down and heal. People that are empaths often have big hearts and are very sensitive. They feel things that others are feeling and being this kind of person takes a toll on the body and mind and can cause compassion fatigue.

If you are overly empathetic or you find that it is constantly taking a toll on you, it can turn into you have no empathy for others. Too much can make you not have enough. Empathy is sometimes said to be an emotional resonance which means that you feel what other people are feeling.

The brain has neurons that are used for this purpose to help you know if you have someone in your life that are having strong feelings of sadness or anger. When we care about these things, we feel the feelings in our own bodies.

These neurons in our brains work all day long and cause us to feel stress, anger, fear, and sadness. It can be for people, animals and even objects. We can feel overwhelmed and feel like we are actually suffering. The emotions of others can be contagious, and it can cause our mental being to not have boundaries that we need.

We might not even be able to tell the difference between our own feelings and the feelings of others because we get so used to them.

The boundaries that we need are hard to find when we are empaths because there are always children that are not able to protect themselves, hurt animals, and other people that are not able to protect who or what they are. We have a hard time determining our voice from others and if we do not learn to be very attentive, our feelings will be identified as others and it can cause us to suffer.

If we are extremely empathetic, it can feel like your system is overworking. It can cause us to feel wounded. In order to protect who, we are, we have to learn to be numb or to shut down so we can survive.

If we have lost our abilities to be empathetic, we can actually start lacking empathy and this is a very common thing and is called compassion fatigue.

Empathy is something that can run out and is a normal response when you find yourself feeling what others are feeling and never taking a break.

We can hit the limits we have of being empathetic and if we do not learn to recharge ourselves then we will suffer and so will others. We will begin to tune out and become indifferent to how others feel.

Instead of feeling all feelings, we will get to the point where we feel nothing. When you are like a sponge and you find the sponge to be full, it will no longer work unless it is wrung out.

If you are new at being an empath, you might feel that you could never be anything but feeling but the truth is that when you are excessive in your feelings, you become stressed out and to the point where you have to become numb or else you will not survive.

You will possibly want to feel less, and you will struggle to find a healthy feeling where you can be empathetic without harming yourself.

You have to find a place where you can be compassionate but detached at times. This does not mean to be numb, but it means that you are not overwhelmed by pain and suffering. You might have a little bit of compassion and less empathy.

If you wonder if being numb is a bad thing, the problem is that when you lose your empathy, you lose the work that the universe has given you. Even though this can be a healthy way to cope, having strong emotions can be a hard part of your job and can cause you to always be detached.

When you are no longer empathetic, you will not care about what others are feeling and you will begin to minimize their pain and withdraw from people that need you.

You will also have negative emotions and they will be unpleasant to you. You might even build on hiding these emotions till they explode.


You can find a way to work and to engage with others while being connected to your own body and emotions.

The healthiest empathetic response is to figure out what ways you can be flexible and where you can care and be warm without always having to take on the emotions of others as your own. You have to learn to have boundaries.

You can do this by coping and managing what you absorb each day. Learn to be kind to who you are and to take a break when you begin to feel overwhelmed.

Start breathing and doing meditation exercises to get rid of pain and suffering that you have been soaking up. Find someone that you can talk to so that you can express and release your feelings.

Another way to help yourself is to figure out practices that help you to be grounded in your body. You can figure out a way to cope with your life and to feel better such as yoga and meditation.

You will continue to feel pain of course, but instead of judging yourself over your pain, you can learn to be more compassionate with yourself. You have a lot of compassion to give but you have to give this compassion to yourself as well so that you can stay stable in your emotions and be there of rothers.

Being compassionate with yourself will help you to be an empath that is healthy and strong. You have to find help in your organization and stop doing tasks that are daunting and draining to you so that you do not have to suffer alone. Find a way to let out your feelings and go to support groups if you need to.

No matter where you are on the empathy level, you can take steps to form boundaries and to help to protect yourself, care for yourself and boost your empathetic immune system.

This is a hard road sometimes and the way that you express yourself and build your boundaries can allow you to find balance and still do your meaningful work that the universe has given you the gift to do.

Getting Over Breakup

Getting Over Breakup

Heartbreak is something we have all experienced and this is an emotion that is strong and raw. This emotion can leave you feeling alone, sad, depressed and can cause the kind of emotional turmoil that feels like you are completely wounded.

It is important that you can figure out how to get over a breakup and the truth is when your heart is broken, sometimes you do not know how to stop crying and how to get your ex out of your mind and to move on. There is no real answer, and everyone is different but getting over heartbreak is not a matter of doing something, it is about mourning and then learning to move forward.

Sometimes the methods that you use will not seem to work and chances are you have tried different methods. Psychics can use different therapy guides to help you change your energy. Remember, everything is full of energy and people do not realize the power of the energy that people, and things have.

Sometimes, visualizing can help you to rebalance your energy and even though this does not always make sense, the truth is that it can help you to feel better and more at peace in your life. This can work well for you after a breakup.

Slam It

Energy is strong and you do not want to use all of your energy trying to fight back or get revenge. You have to work on you and when you do this, you can get rid of the energy cord that connects you.

People need to visualize the idea of closing the door in their exes faces. This is a way that you can imagine yourself doing it and then you will benefit from it.


Next, take time to write a letter to your ex and say exactly what you are feeling. Say everything that you would say and could say to them if they were right in front of you. Get all of the painful feelings and emotions out and no matter if they broke your heart or not, write the letter. After you write it, burn it and you will have gotten all the negative energy out.

Protective Crystals

Crystal therapy is a great thing when you are suffering a broken heart. Find a crystal that draws you in and then let it show you what you are feeling. If you are hurt, let the crystal pull the hurt out of you. Determine what crystals give you the most power.

After a breakup, you can use different crystals such as clear quarts and ones that have a softer vibration. This means that you can use the crystal to boost your energy levels and help you to be more positive in your life. Some great ones include rose quartz, amethyst, moonstone and others.

If you find that you keep thinking of the breakup, hold a stone such as Selenite close to you when you are sleeping, and it can help you to feel calmer and happier.


Take time to give yourself power and to rebalance who you are. Find new hobbies and go back to do things that you didn’t do when you were with them. Change around your apartment or stop hanging around places you and your ex used to hang out at.


Keep the faith and the trust that you will be able to move forward. Cut the energy cord that you had with your ex and put yourself in a place where you need to increase your strength and your hope.