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What is an Angel Sign?

What is an Angel Sign?

Are you someone that has nightmares, and you aren’t sure why you are always on edge while you are sleeping? Or were you a child that had nightmares and you would wake up screaming or sweating?

Waking up from a nightmare can make you realize how real they seem. When you lay still and you feel that something is there haunting you, the nightmare might play back through your mind. Maybe you have nightmares that you remember since you were a child, and you feel that you were given these dreams for a reason.

Angels have different ways to show you that they are there with you. They might show up when your life is hard or when you need to have comfort or hope in your life. The vibrations of the angels are there to guide you and to keep you safe on your journey.

The angels are there for you and all you have to do is to ask them for a sign and listen for their messages:


Some people have dreams so that they can receive messages from their angels. These dreams are there because people get distracted when they are awake.

Angel dreams are sending you messages to make sure you know that they are there to watch over you and that they know what you need and what you are looking for.

If you cannot remember your dreams, ask your angels to help you remember them and to give you confidence to know that they are there for you.

Always write down your dreams when you wake up in your journal. This will help you to not forget what you dreamed.


Do you ever take pictures and then see an orb in the middle of the picture? This looks like a speck of light that is moving even though the sun is nowhere around. This is a sign your angels are close to you.


Your angels might send you a feather to let you know that they are there close to you. When you find a feather in a place where you don’t expect it, this means they are with you.


If you go somewhere and you smell something yummy, it can mean that your angels want you to know that they are there. This can be the smell of food or other things.


Angels can be seen clearly by animals and babies. If you have a baby and they smile or point at something, they probably see your angel.


Pets will also see things that we cannot see. Some pets will bark and wag their tail when an angel comes close to them.


People love to look at clouds and sometimes angels will use the clouds to communicate with you. If you see shapes like heart or angel wings, this can be a sign.

Angel Numbers

Angel numbers are repeating numbers such as 3:33 or 11:11. These numbers will show up when you need them, and this can be your angel trying to get your attention.

Angels will use numbers that are repeating to get your attention and to show you a message. There are so many angel numbers that each of them has different meanings in your life.

Find out what your numbers mean and pay attention if you have a message just for you.

Temperature Changes

If you are sitting in hot room and out of nowhere it gets cold, this can be your angel coming into the room.

Hearing Voices

You can hear angels talking to you and it sounds like a voice inside of your head. You may even think that you hear a person talking to you but realize you are alone.

If you hear your name, this can be your angels talking to you. Clear your mind and pay attention.

Physical Feelings

Maybe you get chill bumps, or you feel tingling in your body. This can be because your angels are trying to communicate with you.

You might notice that there is a strange light, or you might feel someone tapping you. This means you are not alone. Acknowledge that your angels are trying to talk to you and thank them for being there for you.

Hearing Music

Music is one way that your angels can communicate with you. Since we are people, we love music. If you hear a love song or a song that gives you an answer to a question you have, this can be your angels giving you answers.

Finding Coins

Coins are a fun way that you can know that an angel is close to you. Maybe you need money to pay your bills and you have angels that send coins on your path. Finding coins that have an 11 is an extra blessing such as a dime and a penny or a dollar and a dime and penny. This can be one of the best signs that you find.

Pick up coins that you find in the parking lot and thank your angels.

Animal Interactions

Animal interactions with strange animals such as hummingbirds, butterflies or dragonflies are often associated with your angels being close to you.

These animals can come and are very spiritual and they are there to show you a sign. Pay attention to these animals visiting you and see what you are feeling when they come and when they leave.

Signs of a Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual Awakening

Do you want to see your life more fulfilled? Do you feel that you spend so much wasted time doing things such as sitting home and watching television or just doing nothing important?

If you are one of those people, you are not alone. People often feel that their life is limited and wasted, and they know that they need to have some kind of change.

Do you feel that you are one of those people that want to be more satisfied in your life? Do you find that the world is interesting but sometimes boring?

Chances are that you are going through an awakening or that you might soon go through your spiritual awakening. You might be ready to change and ready to embrace things in your life. This is similar to a butterfly and it is emerging out of its cocoon like a beautiful butterfly so that it can go and do better things.

There are many good things that can happen when you go through your spiritual awakening such as:

  • You will have inner peace.
  • You can find real happiness.
  • No matter what happens in your life you still have joy.
  • You have strong emotions.
  • You experience unconditional love for people.
  • You love all living things.
  • You are finding who you really are.
  • You want to be on a path in your life towards your journey.
  • You want to have a stress-free life.
  • You feel fulfilled.
  • You see life as meaningful.
  • You want healing in your mind, body, and soul.
  • You have a change in your thinking.
  • You understand more things than ever before.

There are times that you will go through changes in your life and when you understand this, you need to understand that there are signs of going through an awakening such as:

  • Wanting to let go of beliefs that have held you back.
  • Being spacey for a long period of time.
  • Being sensitive to negativity.
  • Wanting to stay away from negative people.
  • Feeling electricity through your body.
  • Knowing that you are experiencing synchronicities.
  • Seeing meaning to new things.
  • Being able to know that you are seeing signs.
  • Stopping yourself from conforming to the world.
  • Eating better and healthier.
  • Feel and look younger.
  • Want to spend more time in nature.
  • Being aware of things that are not good for you.
  • Having peace and being connected to the universe.

It is natural for your to go through different things when you go through your awakening. You will experience things that you have never done or felt before and you will see that this is all part of your journey.

You will achieve your spiritual awakening when it is time and one way that you can work through this is by meditating.

Meditating can help you to absorb the problems that happen when you go through pain from your awakening. This can be a time where you learn to grow and where you experience these wonderful changes.

How to Manifest Money with the Law of Attraction

Manifest Money with the Law of Attraction

People that know if the Law of Attraction are often drawn to it but for different reasons. Some people want to use the Law of Attraction to find love, but most people use it to attract money in their lives.

Manifesting money can often be followed by manifesting a new job or a new relationship. The Law of Attraction says that you can attract anything to your life that you send out into the universe. It is no different to use this law to attract money than it is to attract anything else.

There are things that you might not be able to do in order to get things to manifest to you, but this is because you are using the Law of Attraction wrongly. Here are some ways that you can use the Law of Attraction to get what you want.

Why Do People Have a Hard Time Manifesting Money?

People often have a hard time manifesting money because they see money as a negative thing. When you see money as a stress or anxious thing in your life, that is what you are sending out to the universe.

When you have thoughts and feelings that are negative, the Law of Attraction will not work for you. You have to start looking at money as a positive thing if you want to be able to attract it to your life.

How to Manifest Money to Yourself

The first thing that you have to do is to know what you need to have more money for. Some people like the idea of having money but they don’t have any real reason to have it.

What do you want to have money for?

  • To purchase a new car.
  • To buy a new house.
  • To go on a vacation.
  • To pay off debts.

Take time to write a list of what you would do if you had money. Don’t just talk about how it would be neat to have money but write a detailed list of what you want to do with your money.

How Much Money Do You Need?

The next thing that you need to do is to say how much money you need. You need to be specific in what you want.

If you are trying to be free of debt, you need to know how much money you need to get debt free.

Stop Limiting Your Beliefs

There are things that can stop you from manifesting money into your life and one thing is the way that you talk and think about money. Here are some things that you should never say:

  • Money is always limited to me.
  • I have to work too hard to get money.
  • I want a lot of money but that is selfish.
  • My family isn’t rich, and I’ll never be rich.
  • My chances of having a lot of money are very low.

If you want to manifest money in your life, you have to stop believing that you cannot get money. There are things that you can do to be more positive about making money and if you want to make more money, you have to change your mindset.

Act Like You Have Money

Another thing that you need to learn to do is to act like you have money. One of the rules of the Law of Attraction is that you need to act like you have money and stop acting like you are poor. This doesn’t mean you have to go out and spend a lot of money but make plans to spend it when it gets to you.

Money Is Good

Learn to change the way that you talk about things and be positive about money and what it is. You can use positive affirmations to speak money into existence.

Learn to talk about how much you can afford things and how little bit of stress money gives you. Changing the way that you talk can help you to attract money faster.

Make a Vision Board

Cut out images of things that you want to spend your money on or draw pictures on your vision board. This can help you to see what you would spend your money on when it comes.

Keep this vision board close to you so that you can see it whenever you walk into the room. This can help you to be positive.


One of the biggest things about the Law of Attraction is that you need to be creative in what you are visualizing. Let these things be powerful for you.

Imagine yourself getting richer and enjoying the success of your earnings. Imagine that you have the money and what you would do with it. Allow your whole body to feel it.

See yourself outside of your body and what you would do if your money came to you fast.

Taste the Money

This might sound silly but imagine what it would be like to smell and taste the money. Money has a smell that you will not spell on anything else and when you say your positive sayings, imagine what money smells like. Keep this in your mind.

Always show appreciation for the money that you have and think about it and how much it makes you feel positive.

What Does it Mean to You to Have Money?

How does money make you feel good?  Stop thinking about what it feels like to have no money and change the way that you think of things.

Think of positive ways that money makes you feel and think about how money can change your life and make everything better.

Think about what money can offer you and how manifesting money can help you to get what you want in your life. If you want a new car, imagine how money can help you to get that car and to get what you want.

Write down as many good things that you can say about money.

Be Thankful

Never forget what you have. Be thankful for the money that you have and for the things that you are able to do. Be thankful that the money has allowed you to not worry about buying food or things that you need.

Think about all of the great things that you already have and how money has helped you to be comfortable in your life.

Everyone will be thankful for different reasons, but it is important to be thankful and to be positive in what you want.

Most people want to manifest money in their lives, but this does not always come fast or easy. Money can cause you to miss out on positive things and if you are attracting money for the wrong reasons, it can have a negative impact on your life.

Do you want to have more money in your life? Use the Law of Attraction to help you reach your goals and get the money that you want.

Ways to Attract Good Luck in Your Life

Good Luck in Your Life

Have you ever met someone that always seems to have good luck? Did you know that luck is something that you can attract to your being? All you have to do is learn to change your attitude and the choices that you make in your life and you can start bringing luck to your own being.


Failing is something we all experience and when you end up failing, learn from it and be successful anyways.


Make sure that you pay attention to the choices you make rather big or small. The choices you make are what define you and you need to take this seriously.

Make sure that you are spending your time being loving and kind and that you are living your life in victory.

Make choices that help you to feel good and help you to be lucky in your life.

Stop Being Greedy

Learn to make decisions that do not make you look greedy. Let luck come to you and allow yourself to work hard and to get what you need by working hard and not by being greedy.

Good Things

Be optimistic and ask good things to come to your life. Stop being negative and you will see you have more opportunities.

Do Good

Do good to others and you will see goodness come back to you. Be positive in the things that you do and let the world give you back positivity.


Always have a plan in your life and use it as a guide to get what you want. Let luck find you and do the business in your personal and business life that helps you to succeed. Always work hard.

Be Giving

Be giving to others. Do not be selfish. You can give more of yourself and you will see that goodness will come into your life. This will also change your mindset to something more positive.

Increase Your Luck

Change the way that you are doing things and if you don’t see an improvement, change it again. Let yourself make changes that are positive and set your expectations high, but not too high.

Good Character

Find people that have good character to be around. Spend your time with people that you care about and people that are good.


Invest in your future and do not be afraid of the risk of investment. People fail because they refuse to change. Learn to turn around your life and be successful in all things that you do. Be disciplined and be a good leader. Focus on your goals.

Work Hard

A hard worker will have more luck than someone that is lazy. Do not just depend on luck but depend on hard work and positivity to get your life moving. Be positive and set your level of success high. Find your happiness and work hard until you get it.

Invest in Others

Invest in others in your life and learn that you cannot be successful without them. Let them help you to reach your goals.


Network yourself and your company. Let others be able to find you and know what you are about. Give out good vibes and be successful in your business.

Make your employees happy so that they will talk good about their job.


Always be prepared for things to change and happen. Use your knowledge to take risks and to find new opportunities.

Energy Vampires

Stay away from negative people and do not let people feel success on putting you down. Get away from people that drain you.

Build Relationships

Find people that you can build relationships with and that can help you to work hard and to solve problems. Reach out to new people and new relationships.


Make sure that you are using positive words and that you are not complaining. People around you hear what you are saying. When you work hard and you have positive energy, you will go far.


Allow your life to change and change with it. Enable things to happen in real time and give professional services to everyone you meet. Allow your business to grow and your team to be prosperous.

Know Your Luck

Luck is having new ideas that work. Everyone gets lucky here and there.

Be Positive

Learn to be positive and to learn from negative experiences. Allow your business to grow on your positivity and learn to accomplish whatever you need to have a positive life.

Knowing if You are an Empath or if You are just Intuitive


Empaths are people that have the feelings and are able to pick up the energies of those around them. An empath is a person that is normally very intuitive, but an empath doesn’t have to be intuitive to be an empath.

The words are sometimes used in an interchangeable way and they are very much linked, but they are very different at the same time.

These are two very different abilities and when you look at the definition of an empath, you will see that this is a person that feels the emotions and the energy of those that are around them. This means that they are able to use their own body in order to interpret the emotions of others and even things around them.

Intuition is something that works as a gut feeling. This works with your unconscious mind and helps you to feel things without having a real reason as to why you do. This is an internal thing that happens to people.

People often believe that an empath is full of intuition, but this is not always true. The traits are often things that come together but they do not always.

Intuitive Empath

An intuitive empath is someone that is able to feel the feelings both internally and externally. They are able to use their intuition to find solutions and to experience things in this life.

Are you able to tell the difference between an empath and an intuitive? Here are some signs that someone has high levels of intuition:

Feelings of Others

One of the biggest things that happens to an empath is that they are able to feel the feelings and thoughts of those around them and sometimes even things. They absorb the energies and the energies become part of what they are feeling.

Sometimes an empath cannot tell the difference between their own emotions and others. When they are around emotional people such as someone angry, they might become angry and not really know why. This happens with other emotions as well.

An intuitive empath on the other hand is able to know the difference between their emotions and the emotions of others. They are not as taken back by people’s emotions and they are able to keep their own emotions intact.

This kind of empath is able to set up boundaries and to keep the emotions separate.

Feelings and Reason

An empath is someone that is able to detect what others are feeling but sometimes they do not realize why this is happening.

This can be a person that has a hard time understanding these emotions.

An empath that is intuitive can tell things differently and can look at life with a different perspective and figure out why things are happening. They are able to tell things and to focus on feelings and why the feelings are happening.

These people do not use their mind, exactly, but their unconscious thinking to help them to understand. They sometimes are able to understand the feelings of others better than most people can.

Their Own Feelings

An intuitive empath is someone that can help others and they can use their feelings to understand them. The enjoy talking about things and about dreams and worries but they are not always able to put everything into sentences.

Most people will have different feelings, but an empath has feelings that are stronger, and they become valuable to who they are. They help to identify them.

You might not be able to put yourself in the emotional feelings of an empath and this can be something hard to understand, but they can help you to have a detailed image of what they are feeling and what they are thinking.

People Come to You for Advice

An empath is able to understand what someone is going through, and they are able to see things from their perspective. When someone is intuitive, they can make good counselors to others and they can help people to work through their problems.

If you are an empath, you are probably someone that people come to so that they can get comfort and learn to work through their problems.

Empaths that are intuitive are able to help people think beyond their problems and help them to solve their problems. You can work through the good and bad for people.

When other people come into your life, you will see that you can step into their shoes and learn to focus on what is going on in their life. This means they will call on you to discuss things in their life and will hope that you can help them.


If you have these feelings, chances are that you are someone that is an intuitive empath, and you are there to help people through their life problems.

How the Universe Gives You Messages

Universe Gives You Messages

We are people that are part of a bigger reality. We are not cut off and we are always connected through who we are. The way that we connect with the universe can be helpful and the universe can give us messages to make our lives better.

There will be things that you will see in your lifetime that are messages that the universe has given you. Chances are that you do not realize these messages but if you open up your conscious mind, you will see that the universe wants to tell you something.

Repeating Situations

Have you ever had the same thing happen over and over to you? Maybe all day you tripped on things or spilled things. These things could be the universe trying to tell you to slow down, or something even deeper.


When you sleep, your unconscious mind is deep into sleep but at the same time, it is also getting messages from the universe.

If you are someone that dreams a lot, listen to your dreams and tune into the meaning of them. There is a chance the universe is trying to tell you something.

Strange or Repetitive Animals

Animals can be part of your spirit world and they can deliver you messages. If you see an animal all the time like see a bunch of cats, this could be something the universe is trying to tell you. Maybe you might even see an animal that is unusual.

When you see numbers that repeat such as 11:11 or other numbers, it can be signs from the universe.

Synchronicity Events

Having events happen to you over and can be surprising but if you keep bumping into the same person or you get a call from them before seeing them, this can be the universe trying to show you and confirm to you that you are going in the right direction.

Losing Things

It is important that you learn to pay attention to things that happen to you, even that are bad. If you continuously are losing things, the universe will sometimes show you this so that it can help you to find it again.

Other times, the universe allows this to happen so that you can move on from your past.

Words or Sayings

Another thing that happens sometimes is that you will hear words or saying repeat. This can mean that the universe is trying to give you a specific message and it is using things around you to get your attention.

Sickness or Pain

Pain is not something that always happens to get attention but if you have uncommon sickness or illnesses in your life, this can be a sign to you.

Figure out what kind of pain you are having and find out if there is some kind of meaning that you aren’t listening to or paying attention to.


Have you ever had a song stuck in your head that you don’t even remember the last time you have heard it? This can be the universe trying to give you a message.


The weather can give you an important message and if things seem to be changing around you, this can be a big sign for you.

Its not always just the weather but pay attention to the signs and things around you that you see in nature.

If you want there to be a certain weather like you are missing snow, this can mean that you need to cleanse your life and to move forward from some kind of event.


Do you ever run into someone that you are surprised you saw? If so, this can be a meaning for you. Maybe you are thinking about changing jobs and then you run into someone in the career choice you want to do.

This can happen to you so that you know that the universe agrees with your choice.


Your emotions can say a lot about you and if you are feeling fear or worry, this could be something the universe is trying to show you.

New Words or Phrases

If you are out and you are trying to understand what people are saying because the words or phrases are something you have not heard before, this can mean that the universe is trying to give you a sign that you need to pay attention to.

Smelling Things

Some people are able to smell things that are related to certain events or past things in their life. If this is happening to you, this can leave you with an image that stays for a while.

When you have strange smells, the universe wants you to listen and pay attention.


Your intuition is part of your conscious mind and it helps you to tune into what the universe is trying to tell you. Pay attention to what you are hearing and keep an open mind.

Your giftings allow you to have gut feelings so that you can make good decisions. Pay attention to what your soul is trying to tell you.

Knowing a Karmic Catalyst

Karmic Catalyst

A person that allows you to have a karmic soul experience and teachers you a lesson is called a karmic catalyst. This is a person that helps you to go through your enlightenment.

A karmic catalyst can come into your life at any time and they can help you with your journey. This can be your twin flame or some other type of connection that can help you to make your life better.

We all understand soulmates, but a soulmate can come or go and there can be many of these along your journey. While everyone has a soulmate or many, the karmic catalyst is different than the soulmate connection because they have a high-quality connection with you and not just a relationship.

Catalyst Soulmate

When you meet your catalyst soulmate, you will feel that you have so much in common and right when you meet them, it will be like you have known them forever. You will make plans with them and make sure that you are able to get together so that you can get knowledge and strength from them.

You may feel that you are even obsessed with this person. This can be a time where you have a Runner and Chaser situation, and these can come in any kind of soulmate situation. This can be hard, and the connection might end or feel obsessive for a while, and this is a sign of the catalyst soulmate.

Symptoms of a Catalyst Soulmate

Here are some symptoms of the catalyst soulmate:

  • You go through the runner/chaser cycle. This is where the runner will leave, and you will want to have them back so you will chase them. This uses energy and can be a long chase but will end in the union. You will always wait but things will get better.
  • This can be a time of awakening and your soulmate will help you to get there faster. They will help to assist you and to show you things that you might have missed along the way.
  • Signs will come to you and you will be shocked at the messages that the universe gives you. During your awakening, things around you will start to add up and line up and you will need to pay attention to what you are seeing. Make sure you keep traveling on the road and let things get right for you.
  • This will be a time where you will have a strong connection and you will be connected with this person forever. This will be a connection in your crown chakra, and you will possibly experience the Kundalini Awakening. You will learn lessons along the way and exchange energy with them.
  • You will be able to know that this person is important and will have an impact in your life. They will connect with you and your life will move forward. Evolution is essential.
  • There will be doubts about your soulmate relationship, but you will see that this is because they are part of your soul and they are meant to be in your life.
  • Your twin flame relationship will be awakened, and you will know if you have found a real twin flame or if this is just an idea. You will know that you fit together, and you are meant to be together.
  • There will be at time where you will feel absent from them and you will have pain and fear because of it. This will be a connection that you want to be positive, but it will have a void where you feel sad and obsessed.

Catalyst Soulmate Definition

A catalyst soulmate is someone that will help you to go through your enlightenment. It will be an intense relationship and they will connect with you and be positive in your life. This connection can also have pain and stress, but it will be a time where you will embrace it and learn from it.

Karmic Soulmate

A karmic soulmate is someone that will be a friend, family member or lover and they will come because of your past karma. They will be there to teach you lessons and it will be both positive and negative feelings. You will have these karmic connections because they will teach you to become your better self.

Karmic Catalyst Soulmate

A karmic catalyst soulmate will be there to connect with you for your soul awakening and to teach you importance of having strong connections.


Karmic catalysts can be both good times and bad times. They can be so strong that it can leave a mark on your soul and it can cause you hurt or happiness. They are meant so that you can reach your destiny.

The ones that are painful can cause your soul to be stronger and to learn a lesson that you have to learn in order to become your better self.

When you find out that you are in this kind of connection, you need to know that you have to learn your lessons and let your destiny be fulfilled. Do not try to get rid of these connections because they are there to help you to learn and make better decisions. You cannot complete your awakening without them.

Some karmic catalysts will be fun and peaceful, going through your enlightenment can be hard and this can lead to painful relationships. This helps you to open up your soul and to learn to accept things in your life. You will see that the pain that you feel will be for the best and you will be able to trust yourself and move on to your better being.

How to Manifest Your Dreams

How to Manifest Your Dreams

Whatever your dreams may be, true love, wellness, or abundance in some area, manifesting such things can be a struggle for many people. That is why this list of ways to manifest your dreams is needed. The tips below will get you started on the right path to making your dreams come true.

Have Fun with Intentions

This one may sound super simple, but it is actually helpful and fun. Try writing out a list of what you want, see simple. Take a pen and paper to write out to the universe what you want. Use different colors, draw a map or picture if you want. Have fun with the list. This is often the first and most powerful step in the entire process of manifestation.

If It is Not Immediate, Do Not Give Up

When people begin manifesting, but do not see immediate and big results, they often give up. Do not be a quitter and just let your dream go because it did not manifest immediately. Manifesting is about learning to guide your energy and emotions, but then accept what the universe will deliver into actual reality. Everything has a divine timing and though we may want it now, now may not be the right time. Hang in there until the universe feels it is for the best.

Strengthen Intuition

Learn to pay attention. The more you can pay attention to dreams, signs, coincidences, and synchronicities, the more the universe is trying to garner your attention. We all have intuition that we need to learn to tap into. Learn to play with the energy in the universe as it is fun and interesting.

Enjoy the Journey

The most enjoyable part of manifesting, is the journey. Part of the journey is learning to act as if all your dreams have already been manifested. Be excited, laugh, talk, and be thankful about what is in process for your life. It may not yet have appeared, but if you are willing to believe it, it can and will. Seek joy as often as possible because it is a currency of consciousness that can help you manifest.

Celebrate Every Day as if it is a Mission

Celebrate every milestone, big or small, as they come each day. Whether something has already happened and you can be grateful or you simply feel in your heart that good things are on the horizon, celebrate it. You can have a person daily party as a way to manifest your dreams at greater levels.

If you want to manifest things like opportunities, abundance, true love, wellness, joy, and creativity, almost anything your heart desires, start with a plan.

Understanding a Psychic Reading

Understanding a Psychic Reading

Many people are curious about psychics and many of them have the idea of being skeptical.  They feel that psychics tell lies and that the spirits are there but that they are not able to really feel or hear them.

There are some things that are wrong about psychics and what a reading can actually do or what it is all about.  You can use a reading for personal growth and there are things you should keep in mind before getting a reading.

Don’t Worry About Time

You need to make sure that you are not worried about time.  There are psychics that will give a timeline to people and they are not always correct.  You should never ask when something is going to happen.  If a psychic makes this prediction on their own, this is one thing, but know that timelines can be wrong at least half the time.  It is rare that a psychic would give a timeline because the universe is different than the physical timeline.

Don’t Try to Control It

Make sure that you are not trying to control what is going on with the reading.  You need to focus on what they are telling you and let the universe do its work.  If you ask about the future and what it will look like, you are using a map to offer guidance through the reading, and you are not helping the psychic out at all.

You have a thousand different soulmates and different paths that you can take that can be successful, but you have to open your heart and mind when you are wanting to get a reading.  Focus on what you are hearing instead of what you want to hear.

Ask Questions

Asking a psychic question is a good thing.  You should always go with questions written down so that you can have a focus when you do your session.  You need to know what you want to discuss when you go so that you do not get off track.  Asking “what do you see in my future,” is a very open-ended question and you need to ask more specific things.

Remember that You have Intuition

Everyone is born with some intuition and most of the people do not try to use their psychic powers.  We do learn to listen to our gut feeling sometimes.  Remember, use this when you do a reading, so you know if you are being led right.

Know Your Psychic

If you meet someone and you like how they do your reading, get to know them.  Having a connection with them can open up your spirit world to them and allow them to connect better with you.  Get to know more about them and what they are focused on.


Enjoy getting a reading and do not worry about it not being perfect, remember that the future can change based on what happens in your life.  Since everyone lives on free will, just hearing your future can cause it to take a different path.

Developing Your Intuition When You Feel Stuck

Developing Your Intuition When You Feel Stuck

If you are feeling stuck and you want to reach your goals, chances are you know inside that things are not going right, and you are stuck.

Maybe you have been experiencing something that causes you to have different feelings and to feel crazy but maybe you have asked yourself, “is my path predetermined,” or “can I create my own destiny?”

If you have asked these things, you need to understand that life could be predetermined to an extent, but chances are that you can take steps to live your life the way that you want.

You can use things to manifest love to your life and to attract things to you and the tools help you to change the way that you are thinking and to give you what you want.

This can also lead you to believe that you can shape your own destiny even if you feel out of controls sometimes.

When you look at the tools that the universe offers you, you can see who you are, and you can learn to take your energy and make it possible. You might even feel stuck or sad for a moment but when you are in that state, you can change it and move forward.

How does your intuition help you with your destiny? Your intuition is something you are born with and I it something that you can develop and increase. You can meditate and strengthen your intuition and you can even get stronger as you get older.

One great thing about developing your intuition is that it gives you the ability to listen and to communicate. This might happen when you are listening, talking, journaling or even watching television.

The inner guide that you have is your intuition and it allows you to listen to what the universe is telling you and to be aware of what is going on in your life.

You are connected with your own self and when you meditate, you are able to increase your intuition and be intimate with yourself.

You will see that over time, you will be able to be more self-aware and be able to know what you need and what you are missing.

When you are self-aware, you are living the power of truth and you are able to figure out what you want and who you are meant to be.

If you want to create a future for yourself, you can work towards increasing your abilities and being stronger in yourself.

Do things that can help you such as get into nature, open up your heart with exercise, be creative, take a dance class or paint something.

When you are able to incorporate things in your life, you are able to relax and see that you need to slow down and disconnect with things around you and be about yourself for a while.

It is possible for you to accept this journey and for you to find who you are and to change your life for the better. Increase what you want and what is about you and learn how to make sure that you are living a meaningful and fulfilled life.

Never give up on who you are and what you want and keep moving forward in your giftings.