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Is Witchcraft More than Casting Spells?

Casting Spells

When someone thinks of a witch, they usually first think of spells. Doing spell work is one thing that take a lot of time for a witch. Rituals can be found all over the world and in any resources. People who do witchcraft often do this because they want to make changes in lives. Doing spells is one way that you can change life by doing magic. But, as important as spells are, there is more to magic than just doing spells.

Sometime people have a hard time feeling motivated to doing their magic. This can happen because they are not just casting spells but there is so much more to magic than spells. When you are a witch, you have to know that there is more to doing witchcraft than casting spells and this can help to open up the mind of those that want to get into the practice.

You should not feel bad about not doing spells because you will see as you read on that there are more things involved than just doing spells.

Doing More than Spell Work

If you would ask almost anyone what witchcraft is, most people would say magic spells. This shows that people today are often filled with the idea that most magic is based on spells. When people think about witchcraft, they automatically go to spells but that is just the beginning of it. Some witches don’t even think about practicing things other than doing spells in their magic.

One thing about a witch is that they need to be educated. They need to know that witchcraft is not just spells and it is all part of learning and growing. How are you supposed to practice magic when you don’t know what witchcraft is? Witchcraft is something that is part of life, and it is more than spell work. This is the ability to know things between your life and the spirit world. There are so many practices that we all try that we might not even realize that they are all part of crafting.

When someone looks at witchcraft, they often just stay in one branch, and they believe that they are well-rounded witches. They use some tools here or there or they use different ideas, but they don’t relate them together. This can make them feel that they don’t know anything about magic, and it can leave them feeling that they are not doing their best to practice their gifting. If you don’t pick up a tarot card for a week, then you think that this means that all of your tools are leaving you and you are forgetting how to use them. You don’t have to use each of your tools each day in order to not lose your practice.

People have expectations that they will never reach, and this is often how witches are. They think that they have to have spells each day and use their magic all the time in order to not lose it. They use tools when they want to know something, or they will do shadow work only when they are having an emotional issue, but they don’t take time to explore things. All of the tools that witches use have a different purpose and when you connect with these tools, you have them, but you don’t always need them.

No one that does construction will look at their tools and will think that they are bad at fixing things because they didn’t use their screwdriver for a week. All tools have a place and a time in magic, and they are not used all the time for all witches.

When you don’t look at the parts of your magic that are connected with who you are, you miss out on looking at the tools as important. Each tool is important, but you have to learn to connect it with what is going on in your crafting. Each tool can be used together and is available to you to make your practice functional but once again, they are not necessary all the time.

Calling it Witchcraft

You may not know that it makes a difference if you call this magic witchcraft or not, but the problem is that many witches will lose who they are. They will start to do magic and will feel connected but then later they will lose this connection. They will stop calling themselves a witch or saying that they are doing magic because they don’t feel like they practice enough. Even if you don’t do spells all the time, that doesn’t mean that you aren’t a witch. You can be a witch without doing magic each day.

If you are judging yourself on what kind of witch that you are, chances are that you will become frustrated and you might not even want to do it anymore. You need to look at resources on witchcraft and find something that make you excited. When you feel like you aren’t doing enough in your magic, look at your life and see why you are having these thoughts.

When you have a negative thought pattern on witchcraft, it will only bring you guilt and sadness with your magic. It will cause you to talk negatively to yourself and will cause you not to be compassionate with who you are. Witch crafting will begin to feel bad, and you will not want to do it anymore.

If you are always talking about how bad of a witch you are, you will never experience the connection to your magic. You will feel bad every time you do witchcraft because you will think that you are never doing it good enough. You have to learn to feel better and to not make yourself feel bad.

When you look at your magic, you can classify it and it can help you to know that your magic counts as something. When you feel like you aren’t doing enough but you are practicing your witchcraft, you will see that you are doing better than you realized. This will change how you define yourself and it will stop you from being negative and feeling like you are a bad witch. This is a cycle that you have to get over and you have to set expectations that you can actually reach.

Instead of being someone that talks about what you haven’t done, talk about what you have done. Look at the smaller things that you have done recently and allow your practice to come back to you. Feel good about who you are and what you have done and do not feel like your magic is not important. When you feel good about what you are doing, you will see that you can be interested in practicing your witchcraft with strong motivation and excitement.

The secret to being a good witch is that you are doing something that you love. You are taking your magic and not making it something that makes you feel guilty, but you are doing something that makes you feel good about your life. You are someone that will feel good and enjoy what you are doing. This should be the biggest part of your magic, the part that shows why you started it and why you love it so much.

Non-Spell work Magic

There are many kinds of magic that you can look at that are not considered spell work. There are things that do not use spells to make them work. These are things that you can use when you do your own magic, and you can include them in your spiritual or even religious practices.

For example, you can take a hobby like knitting and you can use it for magic. You can do this by connecting with the planet Venus and using color magic to make it come real to you. There are other things that you can create and do such as art, writing, meditation and more that can help you to add to your practice. Be creative when you do your magic and see how it changes your thoughts and your life.


Most witches will do divination works such as working with oracle or tarot cards. Most witches do not see this as a separate part to witchcraft and when they don’t think that they are working on their magic, if they are asked about using tarot cards or other tools, most of them will say that they have recently used them. Just because they don’t think this as a form of magic doesn’t mean it isn’t.

Doing spell work every day might make you think that you are being more witchy, but the truth is that spells are in one kind of magic category and tarot cards are in another, but they are all real magic no matter how you turn it.

Divination is a kind of magic and when you realize this, you will see that it isn’t just spells that keep you doing your witch work but all the things that you do in your life that are making a difference. Divination is a big tool in witchcraft.

Spirit Workings

Another thing that is considered magic is spirit work. This is not any less than doing spells and one of the problems is that people don’t often consider spirit work witchcraft. The problem is that people that are sensitive to spirits will not have to use different tools to communicate with spirits because they can just talk to them. Even though talking to a spirit might not seem like magic, it very much is. Spirit encounters are not the norm in life and when you are doing this, this is something that is part of your magic.

When you work with a spirit, you are doing witchcraft and this is rather you are working with a spirit, a deity, ancestors, animals or more.

Working in the Garden

Even though it might not seem like it at all, working in the garden can be part of your magic. When you are able to connect with nature and you are able to understand plants and things around you, this is part of your magic and being a witch. This also works if you are connected to certain trees, the grass, if you love going into the water or going hiking so that you can be in nature, all of this has to do with magic.

When you are taking time to work with nature and to be part of mother earth, you are engaging in a magical situation. This is part of your witchcraft that is helping you to learn and helping you to form a bond with nature and with other spirits. When you have to use a tree or the ocean to help you do a spell, you will have spent much of your time already communicating with these things and it can help you because you have this relationship, and it can make your magic work better.

Shadow Work

Witches often talk about shadow work, but they never say that they are doing magic when they do this. The truth is that shadow work takes time and it take energy. Part of your shadow work should include journaling your feelings and when you do this, you will be doing magical work.

Shadow work is not just figuring out your emotions so that you can feel better, it is also an important tool in magic that helps you to deal with your subconscious thoughts and find out what is stopping your magic from working effectively. When you have resistance from your inner being, this can cause your spells to never work or to even backfire on you.

One area of magic such as money magic is one of the kinds of magic that people often resist in their subconscious thinking because they don’t believe that they deserve money, or they are secretly greedy with what they have. Sometimes bad people want to do money magic to use their money for evil and this is all going to fail for them because they are not connected to the right things. Even some people that do not do shadow work and they do money magic spells will often get money and turn into bad people because they didn’t do the magic of shadow work first.

Using shadow work to work on yourself before doing any kind of spells is magic rather it looks like it or not. Remember that when there is less resistance the spell can work better, and you will spend less time fighting to make a spell work.

Meditation and Energy

Another magic that is often ignored or not considered magic is meditation and energy work. This is often not considered magic because it is also a kind of grounding or understanding. This is a spiritual discipline, but it is something that can help you to improve in your magic.

If you are meditating and grounding yourself, you are doing this to improve your energy and to set intentions and this can open up your psychic giftings and help you to increase your magic and to be able to use magic to make things better and this is all part of being a witch.

If you use energy work to feel better in your daily life, then you need to use this as witchcraft and make sure that you are using your energy work to charge crystals and to get energy to do more spells. You can even use this to cleanse or cast circles.

Even though some things that you do seem unimportant, and they don’t seem like they could possibly be tied to magic, this is not true. Even the average person is using magic and might not even be aware of it. Look at your life and see what your day-to-day activities look like. Find out if you are doing magic and you are not aware of it. See the things that you are doing each day that are part of your magical growth and you will see that you are doing more magic than you even dreamed about.

How to Get Rid of Bad Energy in Your Home

How to Get Rid of Bad Energy in Your Home

Everyone gets down in their feelings here and there but if you feel that every time you walk into your home that you feel sad or depressed, chances are that you need to cleanse the energy of your home. Here are some ways to boost the energy in your home and feel better.

Air it Out

Take time to open up all the windows and let them stay open for at least half an hour. Do this even if its cold outside. Fresh air can get rid of negative energy in your home. While your home is airing out, shake your blankets and pillows out.


Burn incense while you are in your home. Find something like nag champa to clean your home and it can make your area calm and happy. This can boost your energy and is great when you are meditating.

Get Rid of Things Broken

If you have things sitting around that are broken, throw them away. Broken things can cause negative energy to add up. Get rid of these things out of your home and feel better.

Essential Oils

Use some essential oils such as lemon or orange. This can make you think of things such as summertime and can make you feel happier.


Take time to declutter your room and your closet. This can help you to move forward and to have joy in your mind, body, and soul.


Use some sage and smudge your home. Doing this can get rid of any negative energy. Do this in a clockwise manner and it can fill all areas of your home.


You can use crystals to suck up the negative energy. This can get rid of negative feelings and replace them with positive feelings. Put crystals by your electronics.


Put a bell in your room and ring it when you go through the door. This is sound healing and can heal your energies.

Yellow Paint

Take time to change your paint and paint something in your home yellow. This color will make your rooms look bigger and will give you peace and joy.


Put salt in the corners of your room. Let the salt sit for 2 days and then vacuum or sweep it up.

Clean Things

Take time to clean all of the surfaces and to get rid of things that don’t belong in certain spaces. Put things away so that you can get rid of any negative energies.

Sharp Corners

Get rid of sharp corners as much as you can in your home. Get things that are circular such as vases and jars and get rid of tables with corners and boxes.


You can add positive energy by adding mirrors to your home. This will help to open up the room and cleanse your area from negativity.

Neutral Colors

Use neutral colors if you want your area to be more inviting and less negative. Dark colors make things look smaller and bright colors make things look bigger.

Entrance Way

Make sure that you have your entrance way full of good energy. Make sure that you add lemon juice to make it smell good and use vinegar or salt to make sure your area is clean of negative energy. Put a doormat in the front of your door so negative energy cannot come in.

How to Meditate to Bring Emotional Healing

Emotional Healing

Both meditation and being mindful are helpful for your emotions and for your life to be better. You can meditate and be mindful and make sure that you can do things to get rid of sadness, depression, and other emotional holds. This can also give you skills that you can use to help you fight against negative emotions.

There are things called rapid response techniques that is used with meditation. Learning these things are easy and once you learn them; you can be in charge of your emotions. You can change your state of mind and make sure that you are getting rid of stress, anxiety, and worry. Meditation techniques work with mindfulness because it helps you to get out of emotional holds. This allows your brain to move you forward and to be clear and calm. Using rapid response tools will help you to keep in charge of your emotions.

Having awareness is one thing that can keep you strong and can help you to deal with overwhelming emotions. Mindfulness is something that can help you to focus on things in your life that will bring you healing.

In our life today, people always want to have a quick fix to make things better. We try to change things in the moment to make things better, but we cannot rush in to change things like our emotions. We have to have deep healing and learn to first recognize what emotions are holding us back. Our emotions do have a purpose and we have to learn to use them in our life. We can do this when we use mindfulness and put our emotions in perspective. We do not let our emotions control us, but we control our emotions.

It is possible to use meditation to help you to have a better life. You can take your journey and you can be mindful of what emotions you have and these things:

  • What your emotions make you feel.
  • What you are doing when your emotions feel overwhelming.
  • How you can pay attention to things that trigger your emotions.
  • How you can be mindful of how you respond to your emotional state.
  • How you can know and acknowledge when your emotions feel out of control.
  • How to be able to be mindful of the things around you that are causing you to fall into a deep emotional state.


Once you are able to understand and to be mindful of your emotions, you can learn to be in control of them.

Mindfulness and emotional healing go hand in hand. You cannot have emotional healing if you are not being mindful of what you are thinking, what you are feeling and what is going on around you that is causing you to feel these things.

If you are stuck and you need help, you can talk to an expert that can help you on your emotional journey and help you to become unstuck in your life.

Keep pushing forward and you will see that you can reach great success.

Finding the Right Questions to Ask a Psychic During a Reading

Finding the Right Questions to Ask a Psychic During a Reading

People that choose to get a psychic’s advice often wonder what the best questions to ask them are. This is not a simple answer because people go to psychics for different reasons and so the problems that you have might be different than what other people are facing.

If you have love problems, problems with your family, your career, your finances, or something else, the questions will all be different. You need to make sure that the questions that you have relate to what is going on in your life.

Whatever has made you want to see a psychic, even though the questions will be different, there are some rules of thumb that you can follow to make sure that you are asking the questions the right way.

One of the best things to do is to make sure that your questions are not yes or no questions but that they are open ended. You can ask the five W’s which are “who, what, where when and why.” These questions are open ended and will cause your psychic to have to answer you an answer that is not just a yes or no.

A yes or no answer will give you the answer, but it is not going to give you the insight that you need to the questions. The psychic will not be able to fix what is going on in your life, but they can at least give you some kind of hope for your future.

Common Questions for Psychics

Here are some common questions that people ask psychics:

  • What will my finances look like in a year?
  • Will I get the promotion that I applied for?
  • What should I know about my partner?
  • Will my ex come back to me?
  • What does my social circle look like?
  • When will I get pregnant?
  • When will I get married?
  • When will I meet my soulmate?
  • When will I find the perfect job?

Love Questions for the Psychic

People want to know things about love in detail and so here are some questions that you can ask your psychic:

  • Will my partner be in love with me forever?
  • Will I marry the person I am with?
  • Will me and my partner have children together?
  • Where and how can I find my soulmate?

Once you get the questions and the answers that you are seeking, your psychic can use the energies that you give them to know about your love life.

Questions About an Ex

People often wonder about their ex and if they are going to come back into their life. They might want to know if their ex has moved on and is happy.

If you were in a relationship for a long time with someone, you might have a hard time getting over them.

Breaking up can cause you to be heartbroken or angry and you might even miss them despite all the hurt they have caused you.

Here are some questions that people ask psychics about their ex:

  • Am I going to get back with my ex?
  • Did my ex meet a new partner?
  • Why did the relationship with my ex end?
  • What should I learn from my ex and that relationship?
  • How can I move forward without my heart being broken?
  • How can I get my ex out of my thoughts?
  • When will I meet my partner?

Health Questions

Here are some health questions that people will often ask to their psychic. This can come if you are worried about things in your body or mind:

  • How can I live my healthiest life?
  • What changes should I make to be healthy?
  • Do I need to do something different in my diet?
  • What blockages are holding me back from losing weight?
  • Do I need to avoid anything?

Family Questions

These are questions that people will ask about their families. Your family will help to make you stronger, or they can break you. When you worry about challenges in your family, seeing a psychic might help you.

Chances are you have lost someone that you love, and you might be having a hard time moving on from that. Your psychic can help you to move forward in your life. Here are some things you can ask them:

  • What does the future with my family look like?
  • How can I fix problems in my family?
  • What does the world want me to see about my loved ones?
  • How can I have peace at home?
  • What can I do to help my family after the divorce?
  • How can I fix a broken family relationship?
  • How can I fix my family after the divorce?
  • How can I make my in-laws love me more?

Career Questions

If you are in a job or you are looking to find another job, you might want to ask your psychic these questions:

  • Should I find a new job?
  • What can I do to make my boss and co-workers happier?
  • How can I have a better job situation?
  • What can I do to make my job better?
  • Should I start my own business?
  • Will I get the promotion I applied for?

Future Questions

People often have questions about their futures and many times people will go to the psychic to find out more about their future. Here are some questions you can ask about your future:

  • Are my kids going to go to college?
  • What is in my lineage?
  • What does my spirit tell you about what the future looks like?
  • Do I have lucky numbers?
  • Will I face tragedy?
  • Will I have better finances?
  • Am I going to win the lottery?
  • Am I going to get sick?

Friend Questions

Friends are very important to have in your life and if you are seeking security and a happy life, you might want to ask your psychic these questions:

  • What people are really my friends?
  • Should I have a certain kind of friend in my life?
  • Will my friends leave me?
  • How can I make my friends happy?
  • How can I help my friends?
  • How can I know if my friends are being loyal?

When You Don’t Know What to Ask

Some people go to psychics, and they don’t know what to ask. This can make the session harder, but you do not need to worry about that.

What do you want to know about your love, life, or relationships? Is there anything you want to know about your past? Figure out the things you are trying to find out about your life and ask questions based on those things.

Finding the Perfect Psychic

Getting a psychic reading will be a personal experience for you and you need to make sure that you are finding the right psychic. Find one that will be experienced and one that has good online ratings. Make sure that you find one that is not a fraud.

Ask yourself if your reading answered your questions and if you were satisfied. You can look online at reviews and past customers before you choose a reader.

Whoever you choose to do your reading, make sure that you are given the guidance that you are seeking. Before your reading, try to prepare a list of questions and always be open minded when you do your reading to have the best experiences.

Tips to Rid Yourself of Negative Energy

Tips to Rid Yourself of Negative Energy

Consider the following: you have gotten a piece of good news that has been much awaited and you immediately share it on social media. It does not matter what your news happens to be, but you are happy and wanting to share it. However, the good news may suddenly feel like something negative, like the world has taken a wrong time. It may make you remember the way your mother taught you to avoid negative energy, but not fully understand why you have this feeling.

You do not necessarily need to be a monk to sense subtle vibration changes around you. When you pay attention, you will more easily recognize and learn the symptoms. These may include things like feeling restless and not being able to sleep. You may also feel depressed and anxious or even out of control. This can lead to absorbing the negativity from the thoughts of others very quickly. The negative energy can be toxic to the entirety of your system. It is important to identify the cause and source of the negativity and detach yourself, but this is not always easy. This is especially true if it is someone you are close to in life. If someone specific is causing the negativity, take it slow and begin by spending less time with them. Establish and maintain boundaries so you no longer get pushed into situations that you do not really want to be in and that cause more negativity.

With this individual or several individuals being kept at bay with boundaries, it is necessary to calm yourself down and relax. One of the quickest ways to calm down is to meditate. Find a quiet place, close your eyes, observe each thought as it passes, but do not label it, and take several deep breathes to relax and feel the weight of the world lifted from you. If meditation is not for you, jogging or walking can also lift your spirits and drive away negativity. When you feel like doing nothing, it is even more important to do something to help you rid yourself of negativity. You also need to clear your space. Clear your closets, clean your tabletops and counters, and rid yourself of clutter you do not need. This will help clear your mind as well.

As you take all these steps, make mental notes about how often you complain on any given day. You may be doing so often without realizing it. The more you whine and complain, the more you focus on the negative thing you are complaining about. Start focusing on the solution instead of complaining which does no good. You can even take the extra step of smudging or salting to get rid of negative vibes in your space. Try pouring salt in the four corners of a room and letting it set for 48 hours when it should be cleaned up and thrown out. If salt does not work for you, try smudging with a sage stick to run out negative energy. Incense can have similar effects if a smudge stick is not available. If possible, while you do this, keep the windows open so air and sunlight can get in and negative energy can exit. Adding plants can also help as long as they are vital and thriving. Negativity does not have to be part of your life permanently. Learn to let it go.

Discover Your Ideal Tarot Reader Today

Discover Your Ideal Tarot Reader Today

Tarot card readings is a helpful tool to get us through life’s crossroads.  However, to get the best reading possible, you need to find the best tarot advisor.  Your ideal tarot reader will help you ask the most pressing questions and help you craft a feasible action plans to help you achieve your goals.

Who is a Tarot Advisor?

Tarot advisors are psychics that specialize in reading tarot cards.  During a session, tarot advisors will draw between three to twelve cards out of the standard 78-card deck and lay the cards drawn in a spread.  Harnessing their intuition, they interpret the spread to receive divine answers about questions pertaining to aspects of your life and future.

You can find your ideal advisor by reading online reviews or calling satisfied clients.  This feedback can help you shape what questions you want to ask and the best way for you to receive the answers you crave.

Who is an “Ideal” Tarot Advisor?

  • Someone who knows how to interpret card meanings: A good advisor must be able to do more than just read a card definition from the deck booklet.  They must sense unique meanings and imagery for each card in various placements as well as how a card relates to multiple aspects.
  • Knows more than three spreads: Preferred readers should know which spread to pair with a category of question.  This includes how detailed they should get with the reading and the amount of both time as well as cards necessary.
  • Can effectively analyze the cards: Just by looking at all the cards and their positions, they should begin to interpret an answer to the question.  This means being able to stitch together the meanings and provide unique examples that deeply resonate with the client.
  • You have an instant connection: Pay attention to your very first interaction.  How did it make you feel?  If you went to a physical location how did the space feel when you walked in?  How were you greeted?  With any conversation do you feel comfortable and well understood?  Does this reader feel comfortable answering follow-up questions?  Your ideal advisor will create a seamless and warm report from start to finish.

What is the best time to get a tarot reading?

  • You feel comfortable exploring the unknown: You feel ready to explore all the options possible in this current situation of yours.  You know the future isn’t set in stone and see getting a reading as providing your guidance to make the best possible choices.
  • You’re in tune with your spirituality: You are drawn to the spiritual world and sense a tarot advisor can help you during this crossroads.
  • You have had success with other previous spiritual advisors: If those other forms of spirituality and divination have been positive, now is great time to try tarot!
  • You have a specific intention for this reading: For a tarot reading to be successful you need to have a firm goal.  By being focused on what you hope to gain from this reading, your advisor can best tap into the proper aspects of your life and maximize your time together.

Mistakes People Make When Manifesting

Mistakes People Make When Manifesting

Are you constantly trying to manifest things to your life, and you have so many faults and mistakes that it makes you feel that you cannot reach your goals?

There are ways that you can attract goodness to your life, and you can start getting what you want.

Desperation and Desire

Some people are living by the Law of Attraction and others just try to run and chase after their dreams. When you want to manifest things to your life, you have to stop being so desperate. Stop chasing your dreams to the point where you are chasing them away.

The law of the universe says that you attract what you put into the universe. This means if you are being uncontrollable or if you are being desperate, chances are that you are allowing negative emotions to go out and that is what you are getting back.

You have to control your emotions and learn to be aware of what you are feeling. Do you feel desperate when you want something, and you want it now? Or are you allowing divine timing to be in control?

If you are letting your emotions control you, you are not letting things go. Here are some things you need to do:

  • Learn to let things go.
  • Practice deep breathing exercises.
  • Always be present in what is happening now.
  • Read good books and listen to podcasts on mindset and the Law of Attraction.

We have all been in a place where we are desperate for something and where we want to force things to happen. When you find that you are feeling these things, try to practice one of the things listed above and get your mind in order.

Ignoring Universal Signs

When you want to attract things to yourself and when you have inner desires, the universe will start talking to you.

The universe will give you signs to confirm that you have your goals and your life aligned.

Some people make the mistake of not paying attention to the signs they are given or not even knowing that they are getting signs.

When you ignore the signs that the universe gives you and you don’t see your confirmation, it can cause you to move further away from what you want.

Here are some signs that you might see and be missing:

  • Repeating numbers.
  • Inspiration coming to you.
  • Seeing your desires before you.
  • Feeling excited about life.
  • More energy.

These signs will come to you out of nowhere and you need to pay attention to them. If you see a sign, figure out what it means for you and act on it.

Write down all of the signs that you see so that you can go back and look at any patterns that they might be showing you. This will help you to understand your desires and your goals.


One of the biggest mistakes that people make are being impatient. This causes you to have a false thinking and it makes you not able to manifest things to your life.

There are many desires that you can manifest right now but sometimes you have to wait. You cannot always get what you want at the snap of your fingers.

Stop watching the time and expecting the universe to act when you want it to. Understand these things:

  • There is no time in the universe.
  • Use scripting as a practice.
  • Learn to let go of negative things.

When you get your desires, you will see that they were at the right time. There is no shortcut in getting what you want and a lot of it is about the journey.

Lowering Vibrations

Are you keeping your vibrations up each day? If you are not practicing self-care, manifesting will be harder for you.

Your vibrational frequency is part of manifesting and when this is low, you are not going to attract positive things in your life.

You have to raise your vibrations as much as you can. You can do this by paying attention to what is going on in your life and controlling your feelings.

If you are feeling negative a lot, this is lowering your vibrations and causing you more harm than good.

Here are some ways to raise your vibrations:

  • Take a salt bath.
  • Eat healthy foods.
  • Workout each day.
  • Go out in nature.
  • Be thankful.
  • Be loving and kind.

Keeping your vibrations high will help you to be positive and to manifest positive things in your life.

Some people ignore their problems, and they forget to keep their vibrations raised. You need to always be aware of your vibrations and what is happening.

Not Taking Action

You must take action in your life to get your desires. Once you set goals, you need to attract things to your life.

Some people avoid doing this or they don’t believe that they have to do anything to make things come to them and that is not true.

We live in a physical world, and we have to take physical action to manifest things in our life. Using different manifestation techniques can help you to have more inspiration and to feel more motivated to get what you want.

Try visualizing what you want and see what happens. Let your inner self come alive and manifest what you need.

Wrong People

You need to have positive people and influences in your life. Stop setting yourself up for failure by being around people that aren’t good for you.

The wrong people can take away your energy and cause your vibrations to get lower. Some people will make fun of others, be rude, gossip and more and these people are not good for your life.

The more you learn about who you are, the more you should try to better yourself and sometimes this means letting go of toxic or negative people. Find people that are positive and kind.

This will change what you want in your life and even if you feel selfish for caring for yourself, do it. Do not be around people that steal your joy and that are not inspiring you to live a better life.

This will help you to raise your energies and to get what you desire.


You need to be aware of your vibrations and what is going on in your life. Pay attention to the mistakes that you are making and try to better yourself so that you can get what you want.

You are on the right path, and you need to push to make sure that you can reach your goals and your dreams.

Using the Law of Attraction for Your Life

Attraction for Your Life

The Law of Attraction has been the talk of different movies, documentaries, and other things. Every time you look deep into the Law of Attraction, it makes you think that you can get help getting what you want in your life.

Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is that you attract whatever you put into the universe. You attract happiness when you send happiness. Sadness attracts more sadness to your life. Each of your feelings have a certain energy behind them and the vibrations change depending on what you send out into the universe.

Each new thought that you have has a feeling with it. If you are thinking creative thoughts, you will feel good about that. Looking at this and understanding different principles tells you that your thoughts and your feelings make you act a certain way. When you change the way that you think about things, you can change the things that happen to you. This is basically the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction never stops working. When you have certain feelings, you bring joy and happiness to your life even when things are sad or hard.

How Does Law of Attraction Work?

The Law of Attraction makes things in your life happen based on your thoughts and your emotions. You will have feelings that are full of energy and the emotions will match your feelings. When you have a feeling that matches your emotions, you will get to experience them in different ways.

If you wan something different to happen in your life, you have to increase your vibrations and your reality.

For example, if you want a new home, you can use the Law of Attraction to feel better. The ability to express what you are feeling about having something new can only be seen in your own mind.

It is very helpful that you think and feel positive things. You have taught yourself the things in life that you have learned, and you can use your thoughts or feelings to see how you respond to things.

Guiding Emotions

If something is overwhelming you and you don’t know how you can get a grip on all of your thoughts and emotions, do not worry about this. It is going to be impossible to control all of your thoughts because you think over a thousand thoughts each day. You have to learn to be aware of what you are feeling and then work from there.

Thoughts will trigger your emotions such as if you think of a happy event that you were at and then you feel happy right away. Other good things will come to your mind and then you will feel joyful all day long.

Maybe you start thinking about the goals that you want to reach in your life, and you start thinking about them and you have good feelings towards these things that you desire. Eventually, you will see things come to you and events that start making you able to reach your goals.

Look at your life and find out what kind of lifestyle you have. There have to be things in your life that you want to change so that you can do better.

Thoughts to Manifest

The Law of Attraction is part of psychology and positive thinking. This helps you to manifest things. The difference between just thinking positively and the Law of Attraction is that you focus on your thoughts because you want to bring something into your life. When you believe, these things are coming to you, you can be aware of the joy that came with your thoughts being positive.

Changing Your Thinking

Maybe you don’t understand how you can change your feelings because it is hard to control what you are feeling. There are different things in life that bring both joy and happiness and you have to understand that your thoughts have a lot to do with what you get.

When you have things in your life that are hard and you become stuck, you have to get rid of negativity in your life. You have to have the power to figure out how to change your thoughts and to focus on positive things even when things are hard.

Do not feel like a victim and learn to think of the way of thinking and how you can change it in a way to reframe your mind. You can start doing this by identifying what you are feeling and why. Decide your feelings and how you can change them.

One way that you can look at things that are bad and have positive emotions is learned to appreciate the things that are good in your life. When things are hard and bad, you can think positively and be in control of your life.

Here are some great tips:

Thankful Journal

Write down things you are thankful for. Doing this can help you to have a positive mindset. Be thankful for what you have and where you are at in your life, even if you want to change things.

Write down 20 things that you are thankful for and then read over them. Do this each day and your journal can have your thoughts.

If you are always wondering how you are going to make things happen in your life, learn to practice letting your heart be thankful. Do not let your ego control you and make you feel a certain way. Let your heart be in control of your positive feelings.

Let the Universe Help

Be positive in your life and know that the universe is on your side. Let the universe guide you to what you want to do in your life.

Be the best that you can be and be conscious of the things you want to manifest in your life. Be kind to yourself and others. The feelings that come in your mind are yours and you have to learn to control them to be kind and loving to yourself and others.

Controlling things in your life can help you and if you journal your thankfulness, you will be able to manifest positive things into your life.

If you have a bad job or a bad relationship or you want to change your job, figure out how you can change your emotions to use the Law of Attraction. Even when things are bad happen to you, know that the universe is on your side.

There are things that come to you that happen to teach you a lesson. Sometimes they are hard, but you have to work through them.


Focus on things that you are doing and thinking. If you feel negative, figure out why. Exercise changing your thought pattern and concentrating on things that are good in your life.

Manifest positive things in your life because just like you can manifest good things, you can also manifest depression and stress. Stop focusing on the bad things or what could have been and learn to focus on moving forward.

Think about things you want to pay attention to and stop saying “I hope” and say, “I am” to make things happen.

Read books that are positive for your life and can help you to have more positive thinking. These things can help you to get rid of negativity and to change your thought pattern and your mindset.

The universe is there for you and you can keep your mind positive and loving. Are you being your own best friend or are you being an enemy to yourself? The things that you choose to experience can bring you joy, or it can bring you hardships.

Manifesting things to your life are not easy and it takes a lot of time and effort on your part. Once you understand the Law of Attraction, you can start working towards the goals that you have, and you can reach them. This will help you to be focused and will give you a clear desire.

Whatever you focus on is what you will attract to your life. Your feelings will help you to focus on good things and when you are feeling stressed or upset, remember that you need to change your thought patterns and deal with these emotions. Your goals will need you to focus on the energy that you have and will help you to link with your emotions. Focus on good things and pay attention to ways that you can better your life and manifest things that you want.

Getting Rid of Karmic Cords from Your Life

Getting Rid of Karmic Cords from Your Life

Everyone has struggled with karmic cords here and there in their life, but you need to look and see if your karmic cords are causing you to have negative behavior and causing you to be destructive.

Looking inside at the patterns in your life can show you if you have things that are happening that you need to cut out of your life.

Karmic cords are invisible cords that attach to people and things and then the energy attaches to you. This can be an emotional or a mental thing and can come from having sex with someone or the way that you vow things or make promises.

There are cords that are both good and bad and if you have bad cords you want to get rid of them.

Bad Karmic Cords

Bad karmic cords will keep your vibrations low. It will cause you to keep going through cycles of pain and hurt and relationships that are full of drama.

There will be places that you go that you know are not good for you and emotions that you are caught up in, including pain from your past.

When you have these cords, you need to cut them so that you can go forward in your life and in your relationships. When you do this, it can increase your vibrations and help you to get rid of patterns of behavior that cause you hurt and pain.

Cutting karmic cords doesn’t mean that you will break up with your partner. This is a time where you can learn to communicate with them and get rid of baggage that is holding you back. This can be hurtful to your relationships.

If you think that you have karmic cords, there are ways that you can cut these so that you can be strong and healthy in your life.

Cutting Karmic Cords

Here are ways that you can cut your karmic cords:

  • Imagine that you have a pair of scissors in the spirit world.
  • Know that you have karmic cords that are bad for you.
  • Know what you need to release.
  • Imagine that you are cutting the cord that is giving you bad situations in your life.
  • Do a simple ritual and repeat that you are cutting the cord for good.
  • Allow the healing to take place.
  • Be patient.
  • Know that your space will realign as you let time move you forward.
  • Thank your spirit guides for giving you freedom.

Once you cut your karmic cords, you can move forward in your life. You can finally find the relationships, career, and life that you want and that you deserve.

Attracting Money Using Your Spirituality

Attracting Money Using Your Spirituality

Are you someone that wants to be able to attract money to your life and you enjoy this kind of your spirituality?

When you want to attract money, there are different ways that the western and eastern cultures do this but sometimes they are the same. Some people will have different tricks that help them to manifest money to their life.

There are different methods that people can use and even though you might have to have some things to help you along the way, you will not have to spend much money to be able to boost your manifestation skills.

Respect the Gods

Some people know that you need to respect the gods. You can do this by making sure that you are thanking them for helping you to manifest money to yourself.

Do this each morning and let the blessings come to you.

Find Your Soul Purpose

There are different ways that you could make money but why not try to find ways that make you feel good? Find things that you can do that give you a good mood and attitude. Do not let your vibrational frequency go down because you pick a bad job.

Find things that you want to do and be successful. People that are wealthy have jobs that they like and if you don’t like your job, chances are that you will never get what you want out of it.

Treat Your Money Good

People need to learn to treat their money good if they want to attract more of it. Here are some ways to do that:

  • Get a nice wallet.
  • Find the color that will help you manifest what you want.
  • Don’t keep receipts or unused things in your wallet.
  • Always keep extra money.
  • Be respectful to your money and fold it nicely.

Feng Shui Colors to Use for Your Wallet

  • Yellow: If you want to save money.
  • Green: if you want to increase your income.
  • Pink: if you want to meet more wealthy people.
  • Black: If you want to stop spending money unnecessarily.
  • Cream: If you want to invest.
  • Brown: To keep the money coming.
  • White: To not have expenses that are not necessary or bad luck.

Carrying money in a wallet might seem unfashionable to you but it is the best way to get good results.

Image on Phone

Put a gold picture on your phone to attract more money. Changing the image on your phone screen can help you to bring money into your life and help you to attract wealthy people to give you money.

It can be a gold bar, buddha or a lucky dragon as long as it is gold.

Crystal Grid

You can make a crystal grid with certain stones and certain patterns. This can help you to manifest money to your life.

Crystals are good to help make the process of things go faster such as love, success, and money.

Some Stones to Use:

  • Pyrite
  • Green Aventurine
  • Blue Kyanite
  • Crystal Quartz

This can help you to attract money. You can also use turquoise instead of other stones because it is powerful.

Other stones to use include:

  • Tiger’s Eye
  • Jade
  • Emerald
  • Rutilated Quartz
  • Ruby

More Ways to Attract Money

There are many different methods that you can use to attract money. Find ones that are beneficial to you and help you reach your goals and dreams.