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Don’t Say These things When Manifesting


Some people don’t know how powerful their words are and the thing is that manifesting can happen but if you are speaking negatively all the time then you are just ruining any chances of getting what you want.

Your words work with the Law of Attraction and if you are speaking negativity into the universe then that is what you’re going to get back. The words that you say have certain vibrations and when you are speaking negatively the vibrations are low.

There are too many times in life that people let negative talk come out of their mouth and then they wonder why bad things keep happening to them. Instead of talking about what you don’t want and what you can’t have, change your talk.

Here are some things that you should stop saying if you want to manifest:

  • The Word “Don’t”

Instead of focusing on the word don’t, say something that you want and something that you are going to do. The Law of Attraction will bring things that you say into fruition. Instead of saying, don’t, say do.

  • The Word “Can’t”

Another word to avoid is the word can’t. If you are saying that you can’t do something, then you probably won’t be able to. Don’t say things that are impossible but speak the things that you can do.

  • The Words “He, She or They”

Avoid saying statements that are directed at other people. Manifest things for yourself and avoid putting others in that place. Set your goals to change yourself and not to change others. Look internally at your own energy and say your affirmations around yourself. Say things like, “Me or I” and don’t use other people in your equation.

  • The Word “Maybe”

Instead of saying maybe, say definitely. Be clear about what you want and set your intentions. Also, know what you don’t want. Don’t leave room for there to be a maybe in the equation. Say what you desire and get it.

  • The Word “Not”

This is a word that you need to avoid when manifesting. This word is a negative statement and when you focus on not having something then you will continue to not have something. If you don’t want to get something, set your affirmations and be clear. Say something like “I won’t be poor,” instead of saying, “I don’t want to be poor.”

Reframe how you think and how you say things and make sure that you are calling what you want and not what you want to avoid.

  • The Word “Will”

You will do something? It sounds like you have already given up before you even get started. Saying will is going to lessen your vibrations. Learn to say, “I am” instead of “I will.” As you direct your sayings into positive things, you will see them happen.

  • The Words “Going To”

Exactly when are you going to do it? These are words that you should avoid when you want to manifest something. This phrase is like saying it might or might not happen. You have to be positive and to believe that something is going to happen and not just wait for it.

  • The Words “I Wish”

This is another word that means that you aren’t sure what is going to happen. When you spew out insecurity then chances are you aren’t going to get what you want. You need to not doubt your manifestation if you want to see it happen for you.

  • The Word “Need”

Need is a word that means that you aren’t going to let go of what you are trying to get, and it is a word based around fear. If you are always worried about what is going to happen then you will lower your vibrations. Surrender what you are needing and get what you want.

  • The Word “Must”

This is a word that says that you are attached to something, and you need to learn to be more open to what you want and what is the best thing for you. Let go and release things into the universe that aren’t good for you.

Final Thoughts

When you are waiting for your manifestation to come to you, make sure that you are being positive and that you are keeping your vibrations high. Use things like positive affirmation cards or meditate to get your vibrations higher.

What is a Grey Aura?

Grey Aura

All living things have an aura, and this is layers of color that surround your body on the outside. This is called your auric field and there are seven layers that make it up. With these layers, you can see the personality of people and what they are feeling or thinking about. The brightness or darkness of the color of the aura works with your chakras and the colors can change due to the change of energies.

People that have the gift to read auras can tell what color your aura is or their own aura. When you can look at the aura of someone, you can read their soul and know who that person really is. So, what if you have a grey aura?

Grey Aura

People that have the color grey aura are often mysterious people. They are calm and they do things that bring this kind of calmness to others. They are sometimes considered to be boring, and this is because they don’t let excitement fill them. Instead, they choose to live a life of peace and calmness. They don’t want to be part of drama and they will find other grey auras to follow. They will not want to have a lot of attention and they do what they can to blend in with others.

The grey aura does seem to have little emotions, and this makes it hard for them to connect with people. When they do, they often detach quickly because they like to do things on their own or they like to have their own space.

Those that have a grey aura work hard and they do whatever it takes for them to go on a deeper path. They are spiritual and they will sometimes isolate themselves. They love to learn new things and one of the ways that they love to learn the most is by reading. They see this as a way to grow and to learn exciting things.

This color also is grounded, and they know what path they want to take in their life. They have their own beliefs, and they don’t let anyone tell them what they should think or what they need to believe in. They are often considered to be old souls.

Grey Hue Aura Careers

Those with a grey hue are often spiritual and they’re drawn to this kind of work. They are devoted to teachings, and they are religious. They follow a life path of helping others and they will do this through meditation and through inner peace. They will live their life alone so that they can feel supported.

Shades of Grey

Here are some of the different shades of a grey aura:

  • Light Grey

This shade of grey is an aura that has feminine energies. This means that they are calming, and that people seem to relax when around them. They stay away from negative energies or even too much energy. They like to do things that are easy, and they like to stay calm and almost hidden. They’re positive and healing people.

  • Bright Grey

A bright grey aura is one that has been working towards their enlightenment. They are full of energy, and they have worked hard to brighten their aura and to let go of karma that has held them back. They are release their attachments and they often have a lower vibration because they don’t want to get deep into dramatic things. These are people that eat healthy foods and natural foods, and they avoid chemicals and fast to grow in their spiritual self.

  • Dark Grey Aura

This color aura is a masculine color. This is one that focuses on being serious and being disciplined. They sometimes say things rudely or harshly and they are overly emotional and often depressed.

  • Charcoal Grey Aura

This color aura is one that is mysterious. They have a hard time opening op to people, and they are often private. They are people that are heard to read, and they can block out the energies of others. They will have a lighter hue when they meditate and do self-work.

  • Silver Grey

A silver-grey aura is one that is able to manifest things into their life. They are able to connect with nature and they have high vibrations. They are attracted to things that they want, and they have enough faith to get these things. They are also someone that is purified and cleansed, and they have higher vibrational energies.

  • Grey and Brown Aura

A person that is sick might have this color aura. This happens because when they are feeling ill or they have some kind of sickness, their body changes and this can cause their aura to get darker. They might be full of drama or be stuck in bad feelings because of their physical bodies.

  • Grey Aura and Chakra

No chakra is given the grey color, but this can often be connected with the sacral chakra. This is the one that is connected to sexual organs and to the kidneys. Sometimes when someone is sick or they are experiencing a lot of pain, their aura will get darker, and this is where this color can come from. You can talk to a psychic if you need to balance your energies and have healing in your life.

Why is a Grey Aura Bad?

People that have a grey aura are often people that have a hard time making decisions. They see things in front of them as good, but they let fear control them. They will let people tell them things and then they will listen even if it doesn’t benefit them. They move away when something is negative, and they let others handle the hard things.

This is also a soul that is dull and predictable, and they don’t like to have attention. They will do the same things over and over again because they know that they are good at it, and they will stick with it. They won’t change their mind if they decide something.

Grey Aura and Love

The grey aura is one that is confusing, and they usually don’t feel totally connected in a relationship. They will invest in a relationship only if they feel safe and secure. They won’t ever feel this way though unless there is total honesty and unconditional love.

Do You Have a Grey Aura?

If you’re someone that likes to stick by themselves or someone that likes to stay hidden in the background, chances are that you might have a grey aura. This can be a different color of grey and this will depend on how you connect with others, what you are feeling and what you are thinking. If you are a faithful person, your aura might be bright but if you are negative, it could be darker.

Can Your Aura Be Grey?

Anyone can have a grey aura and the only real way that you will know what color of aura that you have is by getting an aura reading. You can talk to a psychic, and they can help you to find out what color your aura is. If you think that your aura is grey, wear something this color and meditate and you will see that you can keep your aura bright and clear. Meditation should be something that you do each day or even that you do weekly to keep your mind, body, and soul strong.

Is This Psychic Real or Fake?

Is This Psychic Real or Fake

Going to a psychic can be tricky especially if you have never read up on it or if you don’t know what to expect. Some psychics will bait people in and will ask questions that are general questions, and this is tricky and fake. Asking general questions can lead a psychic to make you feel like you have gotten a real reading, even though you haven’t. Questions that are leading or questions that are general are ones that allows a fake psychic to give a reading that seems completely real.

Of course, there are real psychics and there are people that will go out of their way to test a psychic to find out if they can trick them so that they know if the psychic is real or not. People want to find out if a psychic has real abilities, but the truth is that the best way that you can find a real psychic without having to test them is to find a psychic that is on a trusted website with trusted client testimonies.

Psychics will work in different ways just like any profession and most of them aren’t going to be the same. You will be able to look at their different gifts, where some can read into the future, others can see into the past. Some will even be able to talk into the spiritual world or to just get information without being asked.

There are things that you can do to make sure that you find a true psychic, and this can help you to not have to keep testing each one that you meet.

Make a Good Choice

Find a psychic that you want to make a connection with. If you need to find out about a loved one that has passed away, finding a medium is going to be your best choice. This kind of psychic can speak to spirits that have died. If you talk to a psychic that isn’t a medium, don’t be upset that they can’t reach your deceased loved one.

Not all psychics are going to be a medium. You would never go to a dentist if you wanted to purchase a computer. This is the same kind of situation. Find a psychic that has the specialty that you are looking for. Focus on their personality and their abilities so that you can get the most out of your reading.

How to Be Successful

Here are some ways that you can have a successful reading:

  • Tell the psychic exactly what you want. Don’t worry about the time limit.
  • Read the profile, the testimonies, reviews, and the specialties that the psychic has. Make sure that you find a reputable site.
  • Know that the psychic is there for you and don’t be afraid of what you ask them for. Be open to what they say to you. Some psychics are even counselors or therapists, and they can help you with different things.
  • Take time before you get your reading to get ready and make sure that you write down your questions prioritized.
  • Write down the answers that you get or even record your reading so you can listen to it later.
  • Set a timer if you are doing a per minute reading. This is a way that you don’t overspend and be frustrated on what you spent.
  • Using a phone or a chat service is a good way to connect with a reader but don’t call them when you are upset or when you are dealing with bad emotions. This can cause the reading to take longer just so that the psychic can calm you down to be able to read your energies.
  • Psychics are compassionate and caring, and they want to be there for you. It is harder for them to be there for you if you aren’t calm or open.
  • Set expectations of your reading that are realistic. They cannot always give you a date into the future as to when something is going to happen, and they can’t always give you the answers you are looking for. Know this before you ever go to a reading.

Final Thoughts

Psychics want to help you and the best way that they can do this is if you go to your reading with a positive mindset and an open heart. Make an appointment with a psychic that is reputable, and you can get the answers that you are seeking. If you are wondering if a psychic is real or not, go into your reading with an open heart and mind and you will see that you can get a reading that you desire.

Native American Cards Meanings

Native American Cards

People are often drawn to Native American culture and how the culture has to do with philosophy and spirituality. There is a magical thing that seems to happen when you tie nature into anything, and the traditional Native Americans knew that nature was part of who they were. In other cultures, many people will look at things in their life and they will add nature and spiritual aspects to it.

Native Americans feel that life is full of oneness and that everyone is connected in some way or other. Some life forms are considered to be more sacred than others and these are the items or things that are here to teach people. There is a Great Spirit that speaks to the Native Americans, and this is done by nature. This is why they are often known for being wildlife observers and to learn where they can find food and how they can understand the weather.

This culture knew things that were beyond the senses, and they knew when there would be peace and when there would be war and they would even refer to the animals as their “medicine.”

Oracle Cards

Because of the love of nature from the Native Americans, Jamie Sams and David Carson created an oracle card set in 1988 that was about the medicine animals that would help the Native Americans through their life journey. These are medicine cards and animal medicine cards, and they all have the same meaning.

Understanding Animal Medicine Cards

All parts of nature are considered important to the Native Americans and things like animals, insects and birds all help to teach people things about their life. They teach people how to behave and they hold power to share their wisdom. If you take time to connect with the animal medicine cards, you will see how these selected animals can help people to connect with the guidance of the animals. It is an interesting and sweet way for people to be able to see how important nature is to the world around them.

The Animal Cards that are done by Sams and Carson were created with 44 different cards that showed animals and insects. They are used as “medicine” which means that these mysterious things in life can teach people something and will be connected to everyone. These are things that were drawn from Choctaw, Aztec, Mayan, and other Native American traditions. They made the cards to show people that they can get guidance from the medicine animals and use some of their philosophies.

All of the cards have an animal, insect or bird and a Native American shield. These are medical shields and not war shields. They were created for spiritual protection, and they have different symbols on them that help to bring people life and hope.

Getting to know the cards are important and if you are someone that uses divination, these cards can help to connect to the divine. You can imagine a shield, or you can create your own on almost anything from a vision board to your journal and you can use pictures in magazines or whatever you want to amplify your desires.

The cards were made so that people could remember to connect with nature and to show Mother Earth appreciation for the connectedness of life. These cards can give strength and power to those that use them.

Using Animal Medicine Cards

These cards are a great way to start if you want to know yourself more. You can connect to the cards and with nature and you can start your life journey. If you want to have a certain skill, you can ask the medicine card to help you get that.

Just like other forms of divination, you want to make sure that you have a space set up that you can get into the cards such as an altar or a place where you won’t be bothered. Then, once you start, make sure that you do your readings often because as you repeat the cards you will have more power and you will know how to connect better.

You can do whatever you want to make the room more comfortable such as lighting candles, burning incense and finding a way to relax. Sit in a chair or on the floor on a mat or wherever you feel most comfortable.

Clear your mind and then set your intentions. Think of a question that you have to ask and hold it in your mind for a few seconds before you write it down. Once you focus totally on your question, shuffle the cards. Then, you can pull a card and look at it or you can wait for one to fall out of the deck. Either way, as long as you have your question in mind you can get insight into what you need to know and have a clear mind.

There is a book that comes with these cards, and it can give you information that you can use to understand the cards more. Once you know the answer that you need, you can move to another question. This kind of reading will help you to be more aware of what you need and more aware of your question.

The cards were designed so that they can tell stories and they are full of humor and symbols. The information that the cards have will help you to explore yourself and will help you to understand who you are more. The cards can be used in spreads, and they offer different themes that you can use. Each of the cards represent a problem or a situation that you want to address and whatever kind of wisdom you desire.

Spreading Animal Medicine Cards

There are nine different animals that are the totem animals that you can learn more about:

  • Medicine Wheel: This is the wheel of life, and it honors everything a person does.
  • Medicine Shield: This can be used in a layout if you are starting something new or if you need to understand a chapter in your life or need growth.
  • Pathway: This is a spread that can help you to see your life path better.
  • Sun Lodge Spread: Shows how people see you.
  • Moon Lodge Spread: Lets you look at your unconscious mind.
  • Butterfly Spread: This will show the outcome of a group project.
  • Father Sky or Mother Earth Spread: This is a way that you can bring balance and not be confused about things.

Meaning of the Cards

Animal Medicine Card What the Card Represents Upright Meaning Reversed Meaning
Ant Having patience Believing in the universe. Feeling impatient or in a hurry.
Armadillo Be patient. Trust things around you. Finding strength even if you’re vulnerable.
Antelope Set boundaries. Know your boundaries. What are you not getting done?
Badger Aggressive. Anger and self-healing. Where do you direct your anger?
Bat Rebirth. Hide your anger. Why do you feel stuck?
Bear Looking deep within. Let there be stillness. Having an inner knowing or being disconnected.
Beaver Building. Use teamwork for goals. What is hidden?
Buffalo Praying. Looking for gratitude and changes. Are you blocking your abundance from coming.
Butterfly Transforming Seeing things change. Are you resisting change from coming?
Coyote Trickery. Let stillness come. Are you not paying attention to things around you?
Crow Law. Use teamwork to help you get places. Are you being rebellious?
Deer Gentle. Be grateful and humble. Are you not doing things because of fear?
Dolphin Manna. See yourself transform. Are you lacking energy healing?
Dragonfly Illusions. Learn to laugh. Do you have an illusion?
Dog Loyalty. Say what you mean and then do it. Are you your own best friend?
Eagle Speaking to the spiritual world. Love people unconditionally. Have you forgotten your power?
Elk Stamina. Deep breathe and take care of your body. Do you feel stressed?
Fox Camouflage. Be your best. Do you feel invisible?
Frog Sacredness. Get support when you need it. Are you being negative?
Grouse Messenger. Learn and observe others. Do you lack confidence?
Hawk Strength and power. Get rid of negative energy. Are you not observing things?
Horse Joy. Know your own power. Do you abuse your power?
Hummingbird Dreams. Notice what the universe is telling you. Is your heart closed?
Lizard Secrets. Remember who you are. Do you have inner problems that are causing you to have nightmares?
Lynx Leader. Enjoy life, take time to relax. Do you feel that your confidence is broken?
Mountain Lion Have self-esteem. Use your imagination to get away from life. Are you having a problem with authority?
Moose Don’t be in scrutiny. Know your higher self. What is causing your ego drive?
Opossum Diversion. Embrace your life and stand for what you believe. Do you feel like you’re going in circles?
Owl Deceptive. Love your progress. What drama is distracting you?
Otter Feminine energies. Don’t miss the bigger picture. Is fear of rejecting holding you back?
Porcupine Innocence. Be smart and strategic. Do you need to lighten up?
Rabbit Fear. Be observant and wise. What scares you?
Raven Be magical. Have fun and be playful. Have you lost faith that miracles can happen?
Skunk Reputation. Hold on to your inner child. Where has your energy went?
Snake Transmutation. Face the fears that you have. Why are you resistant to changes?
Squirrel Find medicine. Allow your life to have mysteries. What is making you anxious?
Spider Weave. Have self-awareness. Why do you feel criticized?
Swan Have grace for others. Notice shifts in your life. What is distracting you?
Turkey Give things away. Make plans. Why are you being stingy?
Turtle Mother Earth or nature. Believe in the one that created you. Do you feel like a victim?
Weasel Sneaky. Listen to your intuition. What are you not being accountable for?
Whale Someone that keeps records. Know that you are a gift to those around you. Do you need to clear clutter out of your mind?
Wolf Teacher Having wisdom from others. Do you want to have new ideas?


Meaning of the Cards

Once you use the animal medicine cards you can see that there are opportunities that allow you to be around other people. Notice the behavior of animals around you wherever you are. If you get surprised by something in nature, notice what the message is that it is giving you.

You can also find other books and things online that you can read that can give you a dictionary of the different animals, reptiles, birds, insects and more. This can guide you whenever you see some of these things.

Go deeper into your work and use bird medicine and feather magic to read the signs into nature. When you work with the different calls of animals, you can see that there are things that you can do to connect with nature. Nature is honoring things and when you make a connection with nature you can honor yourself and others.

Spirit Animal

If you wonder what your spirit animal is, there are ways that you can find this out. Pay attention to animals that come around you a lot or animals that you see in your dreams. Sometimes people will just have an affinity for a certain kind of animal, and this can be their spirit animals.

Spirit animals have strong qualities, and these are the same qualities that people sometimes have with their spirit or totem animal. Look at the different birds, animals and insects and see your world change around you.

Always pay attention to the symbols of animals in advertisement, on television, when people around you talk or even in your dreams. When you see that the universe is trying to show you who your spirit animal is, engage with it and see that your life can be amazing.

What is a Blue Aura?

Blue Aura

An aura is the energy that surrounds people and all living things. Auras have different colors, and the colors can help people to understand their personality and their feelings. Any color aura can be a response to what is going on in your body and in your spirit. If your aura is cleansed, it can make you strong, but an uncleansed aura can make you sickly.

There are things that can change the color of your aura including things like attachments from your past, the energies around you and more. People can speak to an energy healer or a psychic and find out what is harming their aura and their overall wellbeing.

Meaning of a Blue Aura

Someone that has a blue aura is most likely sensitive and calm. The color of the aura can come in different shades of aura and even a blue aura can be like the color of the sky or the color of the ocean and just like those things, this can mean a difference in what is going on around you.

The color blue is a calming color and when it is talked about, it is often talked about as a relaxing or peaceful color. This is a cool color, and it can use the calm elements around it to help surround people with compassion and intuition.

Auras are part of the electromagnetic field, and this can mean that you have a strong spiritual self. It can mean that you are able to connect with your inner being and it can tell you about your mood and your feelings.

Understanding a Blue Aura

A blue aura can help you to understand your personality more. The different shades of blue has a lot to do with your energy and your chakras. Chakras are the energy center that are inside of your body, and these are your life force. There are seven main chakras, and they go from the bottom of the spine to the top of the head. These are energies that help to control your mind, body, and spirit.

Blue auras are closer to the color black than they are the color white. Where white presents purity, black can represent a darkness. The color that dominate in your aura is the one that normally dominate in your chakra. If you have blue as your dominate color, then you are probably able to communicate well because your dominate chakra is probably your throat chakra, associated with the color blue.

Blue Aura and Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is the fifth chakra in the body, and it is found in the throat. This is associated with the color blue. If you have a balanced throat chakra, chances are that you are honest, able to express yourself, communicate and to talk to people well.

Personality and a Blue Chakra

People that have a blue chakra are normally said to be:

  • Honest.
  • True.
  • People with a voice. 
  • Deep thinkers.
  • Sensitive.
  • Kind.
  • Compassionate.
  • Able to communicate.
  • Truthful.
  • Empowered.

Shades of Blue Auras

All colors have different shades and tones just like the auras do. No one person has the same aura colors as someone else and before you can u understand your aura, you need to understand the shade of blue that your aura is.

Is your aura closer to a teal blue or it is more of a navy color? There are some shades that will be more vibrant than others and some will be darker or dull. When an aura is bright, it can mean positivity and when it is dark it can mean negativity or problems.

Here are some of the shades of a blue aura color:

  • Turquoise

This is a blue shade that is close to green. This kind of aura can mean that you have a strong immune system and that you are someone that is good at healing others. You are someone that is probably sensitive and has love for others. Your mind is able to get rid of negative emotions easily and this can help other people to feel calm. As long as you continue being kind and caring to others, you will have a positive effect when people see you.

  • Royal Blue

Royal blue is considered the purest of the shades. This is also sometimes called a true blue because it is associated with your sensitivity. This shade of blue can mean that you have clairvoyant gifts and that you are able to reach your higher spiritual being. Most likely you are someone that is giving, has strong empathy and intuition. You love to try new things and you aren’t afraid.

  • Sky Blue

This is a light-colored blue and it can mean that you have positive energies. It can mean that you are at peace, and you have a strong and calm personality. It also means that you are likely good at communicating, that you are honest and that you are great at speaking your mind in a loving way.

  • Muddy Blue

A muddy blue colored aura can mean that your energy is blocked. It can mean that you are insecure and that you have a hard time talking to others. This can also mean that you have a hard time listening to your intuition and that you’re afraid to say what you mean.

  • Blue Purple

Do you have an aura that is a mix of blue and dark purple? This can mean that you are intuitive, and you are connected with your third eye chakra. This also can mean that you have strong intuition and that you are calm and able to communicate your feelings well.

Relationships and a Blue Aura

A blue aura can mean that you are honest and that you are truthful. It likely means that you communicate well in your relationships, and you are loyal. You have good friends and good partners because of your loyalty and your commitment to them.

People that have this colored aura are calm and make great friends. They communicate well and they can talk without arguing. Being around someone with this aura is a peaceful time and a good experience.

People that have blue auras need to be around people that are emotionally available to them because they will make them feel safe and secure.

Work and a Blue Aura

Those that have a blue aura are able to have jobs that allow them to be creative. They are drawn to work that includes things like education, art, performing arts or a job that allows them to create things.

These people have high values and are easy to trust and are honest and so they make great employees who are very devoted.

Getting an Aura Reading

Are you curious about what color your aura is? Do you wonder if you are great at communicating or if your aura is sending out positive vibrations? If you want to know about this, you can talk to a psychic that can give you an aura reading.

The shade of your aura can work with your chakras and help you to know your personality traits, your health, your feelings and more. If you have a light or a dark blue aura, you will understand how this shade of blue affects your life and the decisions that you make.

Look online and find someone that can give you a true and honest psychic reading and find out what color your aura is.

Getting Your Chakras Activated

Chakras Activated

Chakras are the energy centers that are in your body. There are seven of them and they work with the different nerves, organs, and other things in your body, and they run from the bottom of the spine to the top of your head. Each chakra works with a gland in your body, and it helps to keep the energies moving correctly.

Knowing and understanding how the chakras function is important when you want to stay healthy. Some people have never even heard of a chakra and if you understand them then you can see how these things help you to be strong and they help your aura and everything else in your body. These chakras can be taken care of with simple measures.

Unbalanced Chakras

When a chakra in your body is unbalanced, it can cause your overall wellbeing to be down. This can happen when you deal with toxic relationships, when you eat unhealthy food, have bad sleep habits, don’t exercise and when you pick up bad habits.

You can balance your chakras so that you can live a healthy life in your mind body and soul and as you are mindful about your chakras, you can bring healing to your body.

Getting Your Chakras Activated

Here is how to activate your chakras:

  • Muladhara or Root Chakra

This is the chakra that is found at the bottom of the spine. This chakra helps you to be confident and helps you to be feel safe and secure. If you feel stress or fear, this can mean your root chakra is unbalanced. Here is how to activate the root chakra:

  • Sit cross legged on the floor and put your index and thumb touching.
  • Focus on your breathing.
  • Chant “LAM.”
  • Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra

This chakra is found below the navel and works with the reproductive glands, kidney, bladder and helps you to have satisfaction, sexual desires and to feel strong in your emotions. If unbalanced, you might feel out of control in your emotions or unsatisfied. Here is how to activate the sacral chakra:

  • Sit with your back straight on your knees and put your hands palm up in your lap.
  • Chant, “VAM.”
  • Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra

This is a chakra that is found at the belly button. It is where your self-confidence comes from. If unbalanced, you will have problems with your emotions, face depression or can have liver problems. Here is how to activate your solar plexus chakra:

  • Sit with your back straight and on your knees and keep your hands on your stomach.
  • Let your fingers of your hands join and cross the thumb while keeping the fingers straight.
  • Chant, “RAM.”
  • Anahata or Heart Chakra

The chakra that is found in the middle of your chest is your heart chakra. This is where you have unconditional love and forgiveness. If blocked, your heart chakra might cause you to feel unforgiving or anxious. Here is how to activate your heart chakra:

  • Cross your legs and touch the index fingers with the thumb on both hands.
  • Chant, “YAM.”
  • Vishuddha or Throat Chakra

This chakra is found in the throat, and it is where you have communication and where you speak the truth. If unbalanced, it can cause you to not be able to express what you are thinking or to feel weak. Here is how to activate the throat chakra:

  • Sit with your back straight on your knees and keep your eyes closed.
  • Chant, “HAM.”
  • Anja or Third Eye Chakra

This chakra is found between your eyebrows in the middle of your forehead. When balanced, you can see visions and reach your intuition. If unbalanced, you might feel egotistical or fearful. Here is how to activate the third eye chakra:

  • Sit with your legs crossed and your back straight.
  • Chant, “OM.”
  • Sahasrara or Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is found at the top of your head and is where you reach your higher self. If balanced, you can reach your spiritual self but if unbalanced you will feel dull and destructive. Here is how to activate the crown chakra:

  • Sit with your back straight and your legs crossed.
  • Chant, “OM.”

You can take a holistic approach to make sure that your chakras are balanced so that you can be strong and healthy in your mind, body, and soul.

Using a Pendulum for Fortune Telling

Pendulum for Fortune Telling

Pendulums are a way that you can get fast answers. This is also a tool that you can use that is inexpensive to buy or to make. Pendulums are considered a tool of divination and they can be used to tell the future.

Divination is often looked at as a way to get information about something that you have a question about. Before you use a pendulum, there are things to know.

Dowsing Pendulums

A dowsing pendulum is something that is attached to the bottom of a chain or a string such as a rock or something else that will be heavy and allow the chain to swing. The pendulum can help you to understand your spiritual and physical life.

Using a Pendulum

Messages to the pendulum can come through the unconscious mind and some believe that they come by the spirits. This can be tied to mind and when you have questions that you might or might not realize, you can get the answers.

Using a pendulum is very easy and if you practice it and you learn to use it correctly, you can get the answers you need. Here is how to start using a pendulum:

Picking Your Pendulum

You can decide whatever kind of materials that you want to use for your pendulum. Some will choose to use a stone or something else that is heavy such as a charm, but others will be specific in choosing the crystal that will swing from the pendulum. You also have to decide what kind of string that you want to use such as thread, string or even a chain.

You can make your own pendulum, or you can purchase one in a store or online. If you purchase one try and feel a connection to one that you choose.

Cleansing the Pendulum

After you choose the materials, make sure that you have your pendulum cleansed. If you are using a crystal, cleanse the crystal by running it under water, putting it in sunlight or salt or putting it in the moonlight. This can clear the energy before you use it.

Connect with the Pendulum

It is important that you connect your energy with the pendulum before you use it. Here is how to make that happen:

  • Make sure you are grounded.
  • Ask your spirit guides to help you and give you answers.
  • Ask your pendulum yes, no, and maybe questions that you know the answers to and see how the pendulum moves. Wait for each of the answers. If the yes answer swings back and forth, write that down.
  • Do these steps each time before you use your pendulum.


Next, ask your pendulum questions that you are seeking the answers to. You need to make sure that you have your arm stable so that you don’t move the pendulum. Keep your fingers loose and hold it gentle but don’t drop it.

Ask a question and see how the pendulum moves. If you have questions on relationships, ask yes or no questions and see how the pendulum answers you. You can use this anytime or anywhere when you need answers.

When to Use Your Pendulum

There are some times that you should or shouldn’t use your pendulum, here are some tips:

  • Don’t use the pendulum when you are angry, stressed, or unbalanced. You need to be calm and at peace when you ask questions.
  • Don’t use your pendulum over getting medical advice.
  • Always have an open heart and an open mind when you ask questions.
  • If you need answers that are deeper than yes, no, or maybe, try to use another tool of divination such as tarot cards.
  • Don’t use the pendulum as the only way to make decisions.

Asking Permission

You should ask your pendulum these questions before you begin dowsing:

  • Ask for permission to ask a question.
  • If you get a no, don’t ask the question anyways and put it on hold until a later time.
  • Avoid using should questions because this can be a judgement call instead of a real question.

Managing Your Negative Emotions

Managing Your Negative Emotions

Life can be tired and when you have to always work and be busy you might find yourself becoming overwhelmed or stressed. Stress can lead to other problems and other negative emotions. There are things that you can do to help you through your negative emotions.

If you are aligned with your spiritual man, you will see that you can deal with problems that you are facing in your mind, body, and soul. There are so many ways that you can deal with stress, depression, anxiety, and other negative emotions.

Managing Emotions in a Spiritual Way

Here are some ways that you can manage your emotions in a spiritual way:

  • Visual Trip

Instead of taking a trip to someplace, take time to quietly visit a place in your minds eye. Find a place without distraction and close your eyes. Let your mind wonder to a place that you would love to visit and once you get there, notice how your emotions change. 

It has been proven that you don’t have to actually be doing something to feel good about it, but you can visualize a place and it can help to boost your immune system and decrease your stress level.

  • Tap Dancing

Try to do some kind of dance such as tap dancing or any kind of dancing. This can help you with stress and help you to reduce pain in your body.

  • Emotional Freedom Technique

This is another kind of tapping and this is when you tap certain meridian points in your body while you talk through whatever emotions you are feeling.

  • Intuition

Notice your intuition and you can even write down what it tells you. Let your intuition show you what you need to do. As you learn to trust your intuition, write down how it has helped you. Notice if this takes away your fear and doubt and replaces it with good emotions.

  • Talk

Talk to other people but more importantly talk to yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself what you like about who you are. Talk to yourself like you would your best friend. Even if you can only see flaws, make something up and build yourself up the way that you deserve.

  • Spirit Practice

Find a way to start a schedule on how to reach your higher spiritual self. Here are some things that you can do:

  • Get out of bed.
  • Meditate.
  • Make your bed.
  • Eat something healthy.
  • Do yoga or some kind of movement.
  • Go to work or work on things that inspire you.
  • Eat something healthy for lunch.
  • Take time to meditate again.
  • Make calls to people you like to talk to.
  • Do something that makes you laugh.
  • Eat something healthy for dinner.
  • Journal.
  • Say something uplifting to yourself.
  • Meditate.
  • Go to bed.
  • Meditation

Meditating is one way that you can handle your emotions. Try to meditate for at least 5 minutes each day. This helps you to stay grounded and will help you to not be spacey. 

You can focus on your breathing, try a mantra, or do visualization to help you stay centered. This can help to get rid of stress and anxiety out of your body. Meditating helps to bring you power and helps you to expand your conscious thinking.

As you breathe, let the sensations flow through your body. Make sure that you do meditation each day so that you can become more disciplined, and you can practice doing it longer.

  • Be Mindful

When negative thoughts start coming to you, be mindful of your feelings and why you are having them. Start deep breathing so that you can slow down, and you can meditate to get your mood in check.

Inhale and exhale and let your mind relax and release any negativity that is in your inner self.

  • Divine Revelation

This is a kind of meditation where you can call on your spiritual guides to help you. This can help you to get into a deep meditative state and can help to give you peace and to relax. Ask questions to your guides and ask them to help you to let go of your stress.

Then, do nothing. This means to stay calm and to let the answers come to you from your guides. This can come as words, a vision or even as a feeling.

  • Resolve Issues

Learn to respect who you are and to not judge yourself poorly. Identify with the problems that you are facing and have compassion for yourself. Observe what is going on and then let it go. Accept that things happen but that the universe is there to help you through things.

Don’t set fixed goals but let grace fill you. As you meditate, you can also embrace things like reiki, homeopathy, etheric body treatment and other things that influence your mind, body, and soul.

  • Inner Work

Minimize your pain and minimize the hurt and the stress that you feel. Mediate when you get up and notice things in your life that you know need to be healed. Meditate so that you can be calm, and you can center yourself.

When you do this, you can work with your spiritual team to help you to get the answers that you need. Sometimes exercising and getting sun will also help you to do this inner work.

  • Dreamwork

Dreamwork can help you if you have gone through trauma or have PTSD. Some people that have nightmares also try this. Let your dreams show you what you are feeling and lead you in a certain direction.

You can go into your dreams and manage your stress. When you get up in the morning, write down your dreams and make sure that you are being detailed. Notice if you have any strong emotions that you remember. Identify the experiences in your dream and see if they relate to your past, present or future.

  • Loving Kindness Meditation

This is meditation where you are kind to yourself and others. You can fill anything that feels empty in your life by letting your mind wander to love that you feel for yourself and others. This will fill your body and you will see that it can help increase your fight against stress.

  • Tarot Practice

You can use tarot cards to help you to deal with stress. While you are drinking your morning coffee, get out a deck of tarot cards. Take a deep breath and choose a card. If you are feeling sad or depressed, find out how you can be rooted and how you can feel better in the future. Only pick a single card and make sure that your questions are easy.

When you get an image or feeling in your head, write it down and see what kind of advice the cards are giving you. Tarot cards can help you to meditate, and they are great to help you to look deeper at your emotions and your mental state.

Tarot card readings help you to look deep inside and find out what is happening with your emotions and what you can do to feel better. Some people will pull one card, but other people will do a spread.

A four-card spread can represent stability in numerology and it can also mean balance and being organized. If you feel anxious in your emotions, you can use a four-card spread to help you to feel secure. Practicing these spreads can help you to relax. 

Always start by shuffling your deck and then laying out four cards in the shape of a diamond. Start at the top of the spread and then move in a clockwise motion as you read the cards. Here is what they mean:

  • Card 1: Northern card: Represents what is causing your anxiety and what the root cause is.
  • Card 2: Eastern card: Represents the future and where you want to go.
  • Card 3: Southern card: Represents how you can become centered.
  • Card 4: Western card: Represents how to let go of the past.

The cards can help you to understand how your life is moving and it can help you to see how to move into a happy place. Take time to understand your thoughts and emotions so that you can feel centered as you use the tarot cards to guide and calm you.

  • Heated Mat

There are heated mats that are made of different kinds of crystals and some people will buy heated mats and they will lay on them. This can help to clear your mind and help you to make your body feel better. 

When you feel depressed, you will be able to use this, and you can even add tarot reading to this so that you can learn to love yourself more and to make better choices. Notice in your reading if your depression is highlighted and how you can take steps to better your life and to better your future.

Some people feel stressed when getting a tarot card reading but others will use it to get guidance that they need so that they can get the outcome that they want. You can also try guided meditation or journaling on top of it.

The more you practice tarot card reading the more you can use it for your inner work. Hold things in your hand while you do a reading so that you can have a tangible object to think upon. This can help you to respect yourself and to have self-love and self-care.

  • Ask Yourself

Ask yourself things like this:

  • Why am I anxious?
  • Why am I afraid?
  • What do I trust in?

Learn to know that troubles and hardships come but that they will pass.

  • Natural Laws

There are some people that will use natural laws to help them feel better. Here are some ways that you can use natural laws to combat stress and depression:

  • Eat healthy foods.
  • Exercise.
  • Find good social connections.
  • Try to release stress.
  • Use spiritual exercises.
  • Release the ego.
  • Trust the universe.
  • Work.
  • Develop good sleep habits.
  • Be dependent on others.
  • Be Thankful

Be thankful even when times are hard, and this will help you to feel better when you are stressed or anxious. No matter what you are going through, being grateful can calm your mind and uplift your mood. Be thankful for the things that you have and for the things that are going to come to your life. 

  • Self-Reiki

Using self-reiki along with meditation can help to calm your mind and help to take away negativity from your life. Use these tools along with visualization and light candles while you say positive affirmations.

You can use different colored candles to help you to get guidance on whatever you are seeking.   Use the flame to help you to get into a meditative state so that you can focus your mind on what is healthy and good.

  • Spiritual Beings

Ask your spiritual beings to come to you by meditating on them. Ask them to help you to let go of your troubles and to be freed from your stress and depression. Learn to empower yourself and let go of things that are causing you to be upset.

As you get rid of these negative feelings, you will get peace in your heart, and you will see that this can build up the energy in your mind, body, and spirit. Let go of toxic situations and feelings and elevate your mind while you focus on good things.

  • Let the Ego Go

You have to realize that experiences will change but that doesn’t mean that things are going to be easy. When you have a strong ego, this can keep you in a place where you are only caring about yourself and you are only thinking about, “I.” This can cause you to be anxious.

You have to learn to step outside of the ego and as you go deep inside of yourself, you can find out what is causing your depression. Remember, these things will pass, and you will be able to see who you truly are. 

  • Find Support

It is important to find people that will support you through the hard times in your life. Make a list of people that will be there to support you. Then, say positive things and prayers so that your situation will help you to have strength and hope. 

  • Get in Control

Get in control of your life. Don’t think that being uncomfortable is okay and stop being comfortable with these feelings. You have to learn to let your mind, body and soul have rest and as you learn to do certain rituals or talk to your spirit guides, you will be able to trust them to help you.

Honor your guides and show them thankfulness for what they do for you. Make an altar for your guides to come to and when your energies are heavy, light a candle, put on some soft music, and meditate. Praise yourself for doing this and then afterwards, rest. 

Call on the elements of water, air, earth, and spirits to help you and to support you and let these creative energies help you.

  • Self-Hypnosis

Try self-hypnosis to feel better and to calm your mind. This is a way to relax your mind and body so that your subconscious mind can get suggestions on how to let go of stress and anxiety.

  • Oracle Cards

Some people will use oracle cards to feel better. Shuffle the cards and ask the universe to be with you. Pull out one card or pull out three cards and then interpret the messages that the cards give you. Talk to your guides and have peace and comfort in yourself.

  • Notice the Feelings

Meditate and notice your feelings. Allow your feelings to come and as they do, let them heal. Use your intuition to guide you on how to make that happen. As the fear starts to leave, focus on what the universe is doing for you.

Know that you can’t control everything, but you can control your actions. Learn to calm yourself and be in control.

  • Chinese Medicine

Chinese medicine can help you to look inwards at your emotions. As you ground yourself and reflect on your life, you can get rid of outside noise that is bringing you stress. Notice how you feel and what you want in your life. Figure out what would make you feel loved and find something fun that you can do to make yourself feel better.

  • Pillow Screaming

Get a pillow out and scream in it as loud as you want. Do this for as long as you want until you get all of your stress out of the way.

  • Taking Note

Here are some things that you can do so that you can find peace in your emotions. Take note on how this helps you:

  • Be in the now.
  • Center and ground yourself.
  • Deep breathe. 
  • Focus on your Zen and find inner peace.
  • Respond instead of reacting.

As you are aware of your energies, you will be able to focus on what is happening now instead of dwelling in the past or trying to live in the future.

  • Radical Permission

You have to give yourself permission to have feelings, but you also have to find out how to fix them. If you are feeling stressed, ask yourself, “What is the opposite feeling of stress?” This answer could be peace or serenity. 

Everything has some kind of balance and once you accept your feelings, you can ground yourself and find out what you need to care about yourself and to have peace. 

Allow your feelings to come and give them permission. You can even ask to date your emotions so that you can become less negative. Have a conversation with your emotions and as you do, see that they will be less and less. As you communicate and welcome your feelings, you will see that you can fix them.

  • Fighting Fear

Most of the time stress and anxiety comes from being afraid of something. When this happens, it can cause tension, and this can cause you to breathe wrong. Instead of shallow breathing, you need to let your body start deep breathing. Breathing helps your brain to function and when you get scared, your brain can turn to fight or flight. This can cause you to panic or to be dreadful of what is to come.

Avoid this by breathing the right way. If you need to, meditate while you breathe and then inhale with a count of four and exhale with a count of eight. This will stimulate nerves in your brain such as the Vagus nerves. 

  • Love Animals

Some people find that spending time with their pets or with animals will help to lessen their stress and anxiety. Pets can give you companionship and can help you to see that you are loved and cared for. Spend time with your pets and see that they are fun and playful, and they are on your side.

  • Inner Balance

You have to have inner balance in a world that is full of chaos. Go out in nature and spend time smelling the air, listening to the birds, hugging a tree, sitting in your garden, or petting an animal. This can make you calm and collected.

Some people love to go on hikes and to enjoy the benefits of walking for their mind, body, and soul. As you walk, leave your worries behind you. Connect with nature in a way that makes you feel strong. Exercise is a great way to change the chemicals in your body and is a great anti-depressant.

  • Yoga

There are different things that yoga can do to help you. You can try Pranayama, Asana, and meditation. Here is how these will help:

  • Pranayama: This is a breathing exercise where it teaches you to breathe. This can help to increase your nervous system and sustain your body. Doing this breathing can slow your heart rate and calm your mind. This can also lower stress.
  • Asana: This is yoga that allows you to move in sequence. This will get rid of muscle tension and allow the blood to flow through your body. You can join a class or do this on your own.
  • Meditation: Meditating helps you to focus on what is going on in your life and allows you to be in the present. Do this each day so that you can manage your life and you can calm your mind. As you meditate, you will be self-aware of your emotions, and it can help you to get rid of stress and anxiety.
  • Dancing

Dancing can help you to feel good and it helps you to get the exercise that you need. Try any kind of dance. It can help to reduce stress and it can make you feel happy and full of joy. Dance on your own or dance with someone. Dance when you meditate or dance when you are cleaning. 

  • Take a Break

Take a break and let your mind relax. Separate yourself from the things that are causing you to have stress. Listen to some kind of uplifting music and focus your attention on the universe. If you need to cry, cry. Do whatever it takes to shift your mind and your emotions.

You can also listen to some music. Find whatever kind of music or songs that you need that can help you express what you are feeling and what you want to get to.

  • Higher Self

Realign yourself and reach into your higher self. When you feel stressed, you need to try to do things like meditate, journal, go for a walk, listen to music, move your body, slow down, rest, change gears, be your true self and release yourself from expectations.

  • Release the Mind Chatter

Mind chatter can cause you to be confused and cause you to become overwhelmed. You need to learn to slow down your mind and this can help you to cope with your emotions. Scan your body from your feet to your head and imagine light coming from the earth into your body and all the way up to the top of your head.

Let the white light fill every part of your body and let love come into you. Doing this will show you that you are part of the universe, and you can have peace instead of fear.

  • Evolve the Brain

You can change your mindset by being positive and by being thankful. Think of things that make you feel good. Have positive thoughts and learn to get rid of negative feeling and emotions. Realize that you can train your brain to have more positive thoughts and you can get rid of negativity that is holding you back.

  • Raise Your Vibrations

Here are some ways to raise your vibrations:

  • Move your body: Do yoga, dancing, stretching, or walking.
  • Go for a walk-in nature: See the things that you notice, pay attention to the colors around you.
  • Talk to your angels: Ask your angels to help you and journal what they tell you. Meditate before you write anything down.
  • Make a warm drink: Make something warm to drink and then listen to the soft sounds around you.
  • Play: Find something that you can play on your own or play a board game with friends.
  • Smudging

Smudging is a great way that you can get rid of negative energy out of your home, office or even your car. Try using sage or Palo Santo. Light it and let the smoke fill your home.

You can also take a salt bath. Fill the tub with hot water and add Epsom salt to the bath. This can help to cleanse your body and as the water goes down the drain, let the negativity go with it. You can also add essential oils or crystals to your water that are calming such as:

  • Black tourmaline.
  • Onyx.
  • Smoky quartz.
  • Lepidolite.
  • Tiger’s eye.
  • Blue calcite.

When using crystals, you can hold them in your hand while you are meditating or doing reiki, or you can put them under your pillow when you sleep.

  • Crystal Energy

Using crystals can help to ground you and help you to have positive energies. Here are some of the best crystals:

  • Quartz crystals: Brings clarity.
  • Black Onyx: Absorbs negative energy.
  • Rose Quartz: Gives yin and yang energy.
  • Amethyst: Grounds and calms.
  • Black Onyx: Gets rid of negative energy.
  • Clear Quartz: Cleanses the aura.

Always activate the crystals before you start by closing your eyes and deep breathing. This can help to release tension and it can make your crystals powerful.

What is Your Soul Urge Number?

Soul Urge Number

Numerology has been around since before 500 BC. All the numbers have their own meanings and even the patterns of the universe can tell you about who you are. Besides knowing your zodiac sign, you can learn to be more aware of who other people are when you understand numerology more.

Soul Number

Numerology usually ends in a two-digit number that is added together and becomes a single number. This is part of the Pythagorean numerology and the numbers 1-9 all have their own meanings. There are special numbers called the Heart Desire or the Soul Urge numbers, and these are numbers that help you to understand your heart more.

The Soul Urge Number is one that can give you a different perspective when it comes to friendships, business, and any place that you interact with others.

Knowing Your Soul Urge Number

Every letter is represented by a number and the Soul Urge number is calculated by adding up the different vowels of your name that is given to you at birth. This is the name that is on your birth certificate and not an adopted or married name. This has to be your legal name and includes the first, middle and last name. The only vowels that count are a, e, i, o and u. Here is how they are calculated:

  • A, J, S = 1.
  • B, K, T = 2.
  • C, L, U = 3.
  • D, M, V = 4.
  • E, N, W = 5.
  • F, O, X = 6.
  • G, P, Y = 7.
  • H, Q, Z = 8.
  • I, R = 9.

If your name is Joe Mack, your numbers would be 6+5 = 11 and 1+1=2 and then for Mack it would be 1 and add them together 2+1=3. Your Soul Urge number would be 3.

Why Understand Your Soul Urge Number?

This is an important number because it tells you what your desires and what your dreams are. You can figure out your personality in your personal life and in your business life. Here is what the numbers mean:


  • Intelligent, reliable.
  • Ambitious.
  • Wants to have freedom and be flexible.
  • Egotistical.
  • Has good leadership traits.
  • One negative thing is this number often struggles with impatience and being overly opinionated.

The Soul Urge number 1 is a good leader but can be someone that is out of control.


  • Peaceful.
  • Professional.
  • Sensitive.
  • Cooperative.
  • Someone that has your back.
  • Helps and supports others.
  • Team player.
  • Peacemaker.
  • One negative trait is that this person has doubt and is often someone that has mood swings. They also can be people pleasers and be overly needy.

This number is about someone that needs to have balance because their heart is sensitive. They make great matches with Pisces, Libras, and Cancers. They are good at relationships and are often calm.


  • Talented.
  • Team player.
  • Creative.
  • Sociable.
  • Naturally creative.
  • Has good sense of humor.
  • One negative thing is that they are often depressed and unsatisfied.

This number is good for someone that needs to find something they are passionate about and then do it. Being disciplined will help this kind of personality.


  • Practical.
  • Stable.
  • Hard worker.
  • Dependable and obedient.
  • Clean.
  • Loves to exercise.
  • One negative thing is that this person is a perfectionist.

This is someone that can be great at business but when they are out of their comfort zone they are probably needing to be balanced.


  • Great at multitasking.
  • Loves new things and new ideas.
  • Likes to meet new people.
  • Wants to explore.
  • Loyal.
  • Trusting.
  • One negative trait is that they believe that the grass is greener on the other side.

The best people that fit with this number are Scorpios, Aries, and Sag. These are people that want to be intimate with others and are great at communicating. Their openness can get them taken advantage of.


  • Good at being caretakers.
  • Creative.
  • Love nature.
  • Compassionate.
  • Responsible.
  • Put family first.
  • Negative traits are that they can be eager and need to have control.

Capricorns, Taurus, and Leo are the most compatible with this number. You need to be compassionate and have good energy.


  • Independent.
  • Knowledgeable.
  • Deep thinkers.
  • Mood swings.
  • Spiritual.
  • Some negative traits are that they get lost in their thoughts and feel misunderstood.

You need to let people see the real you and you are probably someone that wants to solve problems.


  • Wealthy.
  • Powerful.
  • Goal oriented.
  • Love to be alone.
  • Balanced.
  • Generous.
  • Ups and downs.
  • Some negative traits are that they have a hard time with leaders.

This number is one that can teach you, but they can get stuck when they get angry or are resentful. They need to learn to have integrity and to be strong int heir mind and personality. 


  • Natural leader.
  • Selfless.
  • Peacemaker.
  • Motivated by love.
  • Hates drama.
  • A negative trait is that they can be stubborn.

Geminis, Virgo and Aquarius are drawn to this number. They are dedicated and full of harmony. They often have an independent spirit but can also be clingy. They get burnt out easily.

Final Thoughts

A Soul Urge number is one that can help you to know your own feelings and the feelings of others. Find out what your Soul Urge number is and be aware of your life desires.

Setting Boundaries While Dating


Do you have a boyfriend that is very sociable? Chances are that if you do then this is probably one of the things that attracted you to him. If that’s the case though, you have to understand that he probably is going to have a lot of friends, including some that are female.

Your boyfriend will likely want to continue having his friends in his life because he probably likes to be around people that care for him. It is important that you don’t end up getting jealous over the people that he hangs out with.

Having Boundaries

It can be normal for you and your partner to both have friends of the opposite sex. This can definitely be friendship and nothing more. Make sure that you have boundaries for these kinds of relationships though so that there is no problem later down the line.

Secret Conversations

It’s important that you set some boundaries including talking with each other but not secretly. Everyone talks but the best thing that you can do is not to have private talks, whispering or conversations that seem secret.

If these kinds of talks are happening, chances are that they will eventually cause a fight and if this is happening often, you need to put a stop to it. Don’t feel bad for telling your partner that you feel that this is wrong and let him realize that it is affecting your relationship.

Hidden Jokes

Another rule is having hidden jokes. People that are best friends often have jokes that only they understand but once you have a partner, this can make things uncomfortable. The best thing that you can do is to tell the joke to your partner so that when it comes up, it isn’t something that they share with just their friend but that they can all share together.

Dating Times

You can go out as a group as much as you want but when it is time for your partner to take you out on a date, there is no reason that your partners best friend should be tagging along. Have times where you spend time together with just the two of you and have respect in this way.

Texting and Calling

Having a best friend will mean that you like to call and text each other but this shouldn’t be interrupting time with your partner, or it shouldn’t be something that is happening at all hours of the day and night.

Don’t let your boyfriend ignore you because his best friend is calling and set boundaries so that there isn’t hurt that creeps up into the relationship.


Your boyfriend might tell his best friend everything about his life but there has to be a line drawn when it comes to your relationship together. He should not be telling his best friend about your relationship problems or about things that are private.

There are some things that should be shared just between the couple in order for the relationship to be healthy.

Taking Trips Together

Chances are that your boyfriend will want to take trips here and there and there were probably times that he would go with his best friend. Now that he is with you now, these things probably need to come to a stop.

His friend shouldn’t be traveling with him if you aren’t there because you and him are together now and that means that you travel with him. Of course, if you decide not to go, he should still be able to go with his friend as long as there is trust in the relationship.

Social Media

Social media is always something that is public. People see it and comment on what you post. Everything that is shared is seen by everyone. If you have a boyfriend that posts things make sure that he isn’t posting pictures of him and his best friend where you aren’t included.

This can cause people to get the wrong idea of the relationship and make it something that you feel like you have to explain.

Physical Behavior

Friends will often touch, hug, and do things that aren’t romantic at all, but it doesn’t mean that your partner is going to feel that way. There has to be a boundary between your boyfriend and his female friends so that there is little to no physical contact. They can hug and kiss on the cheek when they are greeting each other but it shouldn’t be going further than that.

Any guy that would go further than that is probably not respecting you and even if you know that they are only friends, this can make you feel bad.

Talking About You

Your boyfriends best friend might feel upset because you have taken him out of her life. Even if this is the case, she should never be talking about you to your boyfriend. This should be a boundary that you and your partner both create so that there is no disrespect in the relationship.

When You Are the Priority

Another thing that your boyfriends best friend should respect is that you are going to be the priority in his life now. You should be number one and this should be something that is talked about and is your boyfriends choice.

Just because you become his priority, it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love his friends still and want to hang out with them. This is one of the many boundaries that should be respected by you, your boyfriend, his friends, and your friends.

Breaking Boundaries

If you have a boyfriend and you both share a healthy relationship with each other, you probably never even have to worry about setting boundaries. But if there are things that are happening with him and his friends and it hurts your feelings, then boundaries need to be set.

Sometimes when things are happening, it might even mean that your boyfriend actually likes their best friend more than just a friend way.

She Hates You

If you feel that your boyfriends best friend hates you and she doesn’t have a real reason, chances are that she likes him. This can cause many problems in your relationship. She might even try to make you and him break up so that she can free him for herself.

He might not take her seriously at first but after she keeps trying, he might start changing his mind and this can ruin your relationship.


Another sign that they might have stronger feelings is if they are constantly flirting with each other. You might see that she is always staring at him or vice versa. She might touch his leg when she laughs, or she might show you with her body language that she likes him. This can help you to see the truth.

You Know the Game

You might have faced this problem before with an ex-boyfriend or someone else in your life. If you see the same signs over and over again, get out of the relationship right away or at least set boundaries. If he doesn’t keep the boundaries, move on.

Confiding in Each Other

Some friends confide in each other a lot but if you feel that this is too much confiding, it can mean that they are more than just friends. You should be the person that your boyfriend confides in the most and trusts the most. If you aren’t, this is a bad sign.


Maybe he is always on the phone with his best friend, and he is smiling and laughing when he talks to them. Does this make you feel bad? What kind of attention do you want him to give you that he is giving her?

He probably finds her funny because it’s his best friend but if he finds her more interesting than you then you need to pay attention.

He Embarrasses You

The behavior that your boyfriend does shouldn’t embarrass you when it comes to being in the public. If your boyfriend is acting crazy with his other friends and he is embarrassing you by giggling, whispering in each other’s ears or other things, this can make you doubt that they are just friends.

Talking Bad About You

Your boyfriend and his best friend should never talk bad about you or about their partner, either. If they are always trash talking their boyfriend, then chances are they are trash talking you as well. Your boyfriends best friend could be doing this so that she can make him think less of you and to get closer to him.

Social Media Posting

Posting fun pictures on social media can be great but if your boyfriend and his best friend are posting more pictures of themselves than they are with you, chances are there is more than just friendship happening.

Your boyfriend shouldn’t be posting more posts about his best friend than he is about you. Notice how many times he does this and how many times he likes his best friends posts.

He Blames You

You might have noticed some strange things about your boyfriend and his best friend and if you confront them and he says that it’s all in your head, this can be a bad sign. He should try and understand you without overreacting when you share your feelings.

Trusting Your Intuition

If your intuition is telling you that something isn’t right, pay attention to it. Your intuition is there to guide you and to show you when you need to make different decisions. You should have a partner that respects and loves you and if you find that he is spending more time with her and talking to her more than you, he probably doesn’t love you as much as you thought he did.