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Get Ready to Manifest

Get Ready to Manifest

When you notice the world around you, you might wonder if it is even worth setting intentions. You might feel that you have no clear direction over anything that you want in your life and if you should even be thinking about manifesting.

Most people feel this way and sometimes when you get in this kind of slump, making a vision board is where to start. You might feel that you have no control over your life, and you can’t even think about what the year will hold for you.

This is something that everyone experiences, and it will go away. You will see that manifestation doesn’t have to stop just because you aren’t sure what you want or because of the economy or because of anything else. The universe hasn’t stopped existing and so when you are ready to begin manifesting, you need to get the right energies and see that you can do whatever you want in your life.

Tips for Manifesting

Setting goals can be confusing sometimes but you don’t always have to set goals that are going to be hard to achieve. Manifesting is something that you need to take action towards, but you can work towards these things, and you can align yourself with the right mindset.

Journal what you want in your life, and this is the stuff that you need to be manifesting. Make sure that you are thinking about what you really want in your life and not concentrating on what others think you need or think you should be doing.

What You Don’t Want

What are some things that you don’t want in your life? These are the things that you might need to change. If you drive too far to work, you might need to manifest a new home or a new career path. If you feel that you don’t make enough money, you need to manifest a higher income. Figure out what you don’t want in your life so that you can concentrate on the things that you do want.

Look At Your Daily Life

One way to get a clear mind on what to manifest is to write down what you do each day. You need to write things down that you do and then what you would like to do. Make a schedule that you would love to have from the time you wake up till the time you lay down for bed.

Make sure that you are being completely detailed and even if this is long, get it done.

What Would Bring You Joy?

Think of the things that you could change right now that would bring you joy. Think small and then think big. Maybe something small would be getting a text from someone you love and something big would be buying a new car. Write down all these things that would bring you joy.

What Isn’t Aligned?

What isn’t aligned in your life? Look at the things in your life that need the most help. Which part of your life do you feel isn’t aligned with what you want. Change your energies and plan your manifestations based on what isn’t aligned.

Don’t Let Fear Guide You

When you start manifesting, you might get nervous. Don’t let this fear guide you. You have to get what you want by making intentions. Set your intentions both high and low so that you can see them come to pass.

Even if you have prepared your life, sometimes you might still not know what you want to manifest for your future. Take time to imagine what your future holds and what you want it to be like.

If you are struggling with this, by letting the fear go, you can reach the goals that you have. Change can be scary but that is okay. Allow yourself to try new things and to set your mind on bigger ideas.

If you have a vision board, get it filled up with things that you want for the next year in your life.

What is a Psychic Vampire Attack?

Psychic Vampire Attack

If you have ever met a psychic vampire, you would know that they are people that will drain your energy. They are able to do this by taking the energy from your aura or they will use you and take advantage of your energy and emotions. These are not the same kinds of vampires that you see on television, but they are people that take advantage of your energies.

Most people have been in the position where they drained the energy of another person, rather on purpose or accidentally. The problem is that there are people that do this all the time, and they might not even realize that they are taking your energy.

A person that is in your life should have an exchange of energy that is equal to yours so that your relationship can be healthy. Those that are psychic vampires are sometimes called other things such as:

  • Energy vampires.
  • Energy suckers.
  • Drainers.
  • PSI vamps.

What Causes a Psychic Attack

A psychic attack can happen when a person gets energy from another person and the person that they are taking the energy from gets tired.

Those that suck out the energy of other people don’t often even know that they are doing it. They take the energy of others, and the victims energy needs to be regained. The person that gets their energy sucked out usually feels sick or depleted.

The people that suck out energy are not normally people that are bad or evil or those that want to hurt someone, they just don’t realize what they are doing. The actions they take can hurt those that leave their energy open to be taken and it can cause them to reap the havoc of it. These people need to learn to take care of themselves and protect themselves.

When energy isn’t exchanged in a friendly way, it is a psychic attack which leaves the victim having no energy while the psychic vampire is full of the energy of that person.

Who is a Psychic Vampire?

Psychic vampires have the same kinds of personality traits and here are some of their traits:

  • Feeling abandoned.
  • Feelings of being rejected.
  • Have to be reassured often.
  • Never feels that they can be satisfied.
  • Want to have someone nurture and care for them.
  • Little energy.
  • Tired.

Anyone can be a psychic vampire and you need to make sure that you aren’t sucking out the energy of others, yourself.

How to Know if You are Facing a Psychic Attack

Here are some symptoms that you might face if you are dealing with a psychic attack:

  • Feel like the aura isn’t strong.
  • Having no energy.
  • Tension.
  • Muscle pain.
  • Mental confusion.
  • Headache.
  • Tired.
  • Unable to sleep well.
  • Irritated.
  • Feeling sad or depressed.
  • Feeling ill or sick.

How to Protect Yourself from a Psychic Vampire

There are ways that you can protect yourself from a psychic vampire but if you are someone that is highly sensitive, you need to make sure that you aren’t being harmed by energy vampires. Here are some ways that you can protect yourself:

  • Be aware of the people that are taking your energy.
  • Stay away from those that steal your energies.
  • Ask for a white light to cover you.
  • Imagine a bubble surrounding your auric field.
  • Use amulets that are protective to keep your energy safe.

Why Do You See 1313 Angel Numbers?

1313 Angel Numbers

Do you have angel numbers that show up around you? The numbers are there from angels so that you can get a sign. The number 13 is an angel number and sometimes it comes up as a total of $13.13 or it can come up on a billboard.

Angels will send you messages that come in the form of repetitive numbers. This shows that the angels are there to guide you. What does the angel number 1313 mean?

What Does Angel Number 1313 Mean?

This number can mean that your angels are there to support you and that there is going to be some kind of growth in your life. This can also mean new beginnings and adventures are on their way to you.

You can focus on your spiritual self, and you will see that your skills will be stronger as you connect with your angel numbers around you. As great things start to happen to you, set your goals and see your dreams come true.

Knowing Angel Numbers

If you want to really understand what angel numbers are, you can use numerology to help you. This is a type of number that is represented by certain things or personalities. Each number has its own vibration.

1313 in Numerology

The number 1 will come twice in the angel number 1313, and this can mean that this number is stronger. The number 1 means fresh starts and to see new things happening. This can mean that your intuition is stronger.

The number 3 also shows up two times and it can mean growing, being creative and open to communication. This is a number that shows you how to connect in your own self.

Why Do You See 1313?

Since you understand what the number 1313 means, you can break it down and figure out why you are seeing this number, specifically. As the number 1 shows up twice, you will see that it can mean that it is time to start things new. You need to start things again and take a chance if you are wondering what to do.

Life will have many different challenges along the way and as you see the number 1313, it can mean that something new is coming. This can be new things such as:

  • New career path.
  • New relationship.
  • New home.
  • New goals.
  • New life path.

Getting Abundance

Angel number 1313 can mean that you are going to be successful. This can be changes that are hard, but you will eventually come out on top. If you are feeling stuck in your life, this number can mean that new adventures are coming your way. This can be something financial or something spiritual that happens.

Whatever happens in your life, make sure that you are finding goodness in it.

Helping Others

As change happens, you will see that your angels want to help you and they want you to help those around you that are less fortunate than you are. As you help others, you will be more successful and good things will come to your life.

Everyone has gone through hard things and when you find yourself in a hard spot, remember that good things are coming. When you find yourself in a good place, remember the hard times, too. This allows you to be empathetic towards others so that you can help them by caring and being positive with them.

Being kind and loving is powerful and it is part of being the best person that you can be. Do this to others when you can.

Be Creative

Numerology and the number 3 shows creativity. When you see this number come up twice, it can mean that you are going to be able to be creative and to come up with things that are important to express yourself.

When you were a child, you were probably very creative but as you grow up, you might have felt less creative. You can still create, so do it. Your angels will reconnect with you as you become more creative and express yourself.

Find a hobby that you love such as crocheting or painting. Find something new that you enjoy doing and have fun with it. You might have to be creative in order to keep your ideas exciting.

Develop Your Spiritual Self

Angel numbers 1313 means that you are going to go through new things such as growth. You can use this growth to help you learn to communicate better with the world around you. If you see this number, the angels are telling you to develop your life and to trust the world around you.

Your spiritual level is up to you, and this is a time that you can learn to use different tools such as Tarot cards or try things like automatic writing. Work on growing and becoming more spiritual. Create a stronger relationship with the universe.

Trust that the universe is going to guide you and let the positive energies surrounding you. Notice what your intuition is trying to show you.

Show Off Your Talents

The angel number 1313 can show your talents. It can show that you are creative and successful. When you see this number, trust that your skills and talents are strong. There are great things that you can do when you are passionate about life.

Work hard and make sure that you pay attention to your skills. Reach your real potential and trust who you are. Don’t doubt yourself and let your positivity take you far in your life.

Reach Into the Distance

1313 shows you how to communicate and how to grow. When you see this number all over the place, chances are that you will be able to connect with someone that you have lost touch with. This might not be something that is a physical distance, but it might be someone that you need to just call and tell them that you miss them.

Distance can also be something emotional. If you have a friend that has hurt you, forgive them. You might have cut off someone in your family, told them that you love them and reached out to them. Reach out and heal the hurts of those around you and even your own hurts. Angels want you to talk to them and this is the biggest way that you can reconnect with those around you.

Love with 1313

The numbers 1313 is a sign that your love life can change. This can show you that you are independent and that you are about to enter into new relationships in your life. You need to trust yourself and figure out what you want. You are strong and brave and don’t forget that.

If you are in a relationship now, find out if you are in the right relationship. Are you giving up your goals to be there for your partner? Make sure that you are with someone that is supporting and loving you.

Being single can be a time to tell your heart that it is time to find love. You might find new ideas and you might find people that you can date.

It is important to be open minded to love and to listen to what your heart is telling you. You might find love in places that you never expected to find it.

Twin Flame Number 1313

The twin flame number can be 1313. This can mean that you are going to meet your twin flame or that you are going to be able to communicate with them. This can also mean that you are going through hard times with your twin flame at the moment.

Your angels are trying to show you that this is a time to be creative in your communication and don’t keep saying the same things over and over but change how you talk to them. Spend time together working on your spiritual self and bettering yourself.

If you don’t know your twin flame, the number 1313 can mean that you are going to meet them soon. Keep your heart and mind open until you have your special meeting.

Have You Seen This Number?

The number 1313 can be a very special number in your life. Your angels want you to know how important that your life is. They want you to know that you are creative and that you are smart. They want you to know that you can be positive, and you can make the world a better place.

Cutting Energy Cords

Cutting Energy Cords

Life is always changing and so are you. This means that it is time to get rid of things that no longer helps you. Once you let these things go, you see that you have possibility to better your life.

Cutting cords is a ritual that has been done in both spiritual and secular rituals. Cutting cords helps you to get back your energy from things that are holding on to your energy while you make boundaries that are good for you.

How to Cut Cords

As you go into relationships with people, you will see that you become connected to them through an energy cord. This isn’t just a lover, but it can be a friend or a family member. Having these cords isn’t always bad and it helps you to have a connection with someone.

As you connect with people, you are able to share their energy. You share energy because everything in you and around you is full of energy. You will interact with them with all of your senses, and this means that you are interacting with your energy.

As you change and grow, you have to let go of cords that aren’t helping you anymore. When you do this, you create a place of possibility for your life.

Letting Them Go

You might think letting go is a bad thing but that’s not true. As you grow and change, you no longer need to connect with things that don’t let you move forward.

As you have this energy, you need to take action to get rid of anything that his holding you back. As life changes, you will see that there are relationships that are no longer good for you. When you have these, you need to let them go in the spirit, physical and even their energies.

Cutting these energy cords can help you to move forward in your life and to free you from being connected to something unhealthy.

Taking Your Energy

Energy cords take your energy and if the relationship is causing you pain or draining your own energy, you need to cut that cord. You need to do this so that you can take care of your own energies. You can do this, and it will create a new place for you.

You can imagine the energy cord being cut and this will allow the energy to be broken off from you. You can even imagine your own energy going into a tube that is flowing back to you without flowing with someone else.

Energy can be very helpful and when you are corded to someone, this can be helpful. But when you start to feel tired and that your energy is being spent, this can cause you to be unbalanced and that means you have been connected for too long. As you give your energy away to others, you might run out of your own energy.

Relationships that last a long time have strong energy cords. Then there are ones that you are connected to that you might not even realize, and this is taking your energy slowly.

Signs of Energy Cords

Here are some signs that you might have unhealthy energy cords:

  • You have little energy.
  • You feel tired or depressed for no reason.
  • You feel stuck.
  • Obsessive thinking.
  • Speaking about people in a judgmental way.
  • Low immune system.
  • Addictive behaviors.

Cutting and Releasing Energy Cords

You need to understand that you can cut and release your energy cords. Here are some ways that you can do that in a healthy way:

  • Take a salt bath: This can cleanse your energy and make you balanced.
  • Smudging: This can clear your energies in your home and on your body.
  • Journaling: Write down your feelings about the people you are connected to.
  • Visualizations: Imagine that you are cutting the energy cord with someone that no longer serves you. If you feel drained, you need to do this. Take a moment to let your feelings out and to let your energy revive.
  • Speak blessings over yourself and the person you are letting go by saying, “all the cords I have are cut and they will never be able to return again. I release these binds and ask for the highest good.”

After you have spoken your blessings and your cord cutting, you can see that your energy needs time to grow. Imagine that you are being protected by a white light and that the light is setting boundaries around you.

As the boundaries form, let them stay with you from now until eternity, protecting you from unwanted energy flow and unwanted energy cords.

Using Sea Salt to Get Rid of Negativity

Using Sea Salt

Most people have heard of negative energy and while some learn to just cope with it, others want to figure out how to get rid of it.

Do you feel negative and feel that this energy is always following you? You can remove negative energy out of your life and from your aura by using sea salt. Sea salt is something that can cleanse you and can remove negativity and replace it with positive energy.

Using Sea Salt to Cleanse

You can use sea salt to cleanse your energy. You can get rid of thoughts and emotions that are blocking you from being better. Water helps to get rid of negative energy and when you cleanse your aura, you can get rid of negativity that is holding on to your energy field.

When salt is added to water, it can cleanse the energy better.

Kinds of Sea Salt

There are different kinds of sea salt such as Himalayan Sea salt. This has many minerals and can help you in a stronger way. Other kinds include Japanese Big-Flake salt which cleanses negativity fast.

Using Sea Salt to Cleanse

Here is how to use sea salt to cleanse your energy:

  • Add sea salt to your bath to clear negative energies.
  • Soak in warm salt water while you are bathing, and it will get rid of negativity out of your aura.
  • Soak your feet in sea salt water.
  • Soaking for 10 minutes will make you feel fresh and cleansed.
  • Cleanse your area with sea salt by mopping and washing things with the salt. It will help to bring positivity to your life.
  • Spray the corners of your home or office with sea salt.
  • Use sea salt after having a get together.
  • When you visit the beach, let the sea water fill you and ground you.

Why is Using Sea Salt Good?

Here are some reasons to use sea salt:

  • It will detox your body.
  • Removes toxins from your body.
  • Cleanses and increases your health.
  • Increases circulation.
  • Cleanses your soul.
  • Helps you feel refreshed.

Sea Salt Products to Use

There are candles and other sea salt products that you can use to help you feel better. Using salt candles or lights can help to ionize your area and cleanse the air that you are breathing.

You can also use sea salt to bless your house and cleanse your new home so that you can get rid of negative energy. When doing this, use white sage, sea salt, a white candle, and a feather.

Final Thoughts

Sea salt can make a difference in your home. If you are feeling depressed or feel that your energy is out of control, use sea salt to feel better. This can balance your life and make you feel healthy and happy.

Cleanse your space with sea salt and try to say positive mantras while doing this. This is one way that you can cleanse your area and your soul. Do this whenever you feel that negative energy is entering your area.

Use Aromatherapy to Balance Energies


We live in a world where people are in a hurry for everything to get done and this causes them to miss out on the good things in life. Many people have different jobs and they have to find balance in order to keep up with their jobs, relationships, hobbies and even having self-care time.

This is one of the most reasons that we need to make sure that we pay attention to our energies. It is important that you keep your chakras strong and that you make sure that your body is protected and safe. You need to pay attention to the foods that you eat and how you connect with the universe.

There are seven main chakras in your body including the root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra and crown chakra. All of the chakras have their own vibrations and they work with a certain color and place in the body.

Knowing the Chakras

If your energies aren’t balanced, it can cause different symptoms such as being tired or not being able to get things done. You might also have problems in your finances, low self-esteem or even be in relationships that are toxic.

You need to pay attention to your senses and what you need in order make sure that your energies are strong.

Root Chakra

This is the root chakra and is also known as the Muladhara. This is found at the bottom of the spine and is a chakra that works with your feet, legs, colon, adrenal glands and more. It is a place of security and stability and it represents the needs that you have of shelter, food and water. It is part of the things you will experience good things.

If the root chakra is out of balance, it will cause you to be greedy, fearful, or even to feel stressed. The root chakra can cause there to be problems in your finances if you aren’t balanced.

Eat things that are good and earthy and make sure that you are doing what it takes to keep your chakra strong so that you can get rid of tiredness and stress.

Sacral Chakra

This chakra is also known as the Svadhisthana and is found below the belly button. This is where your emotions lie and where your creativity comes form. This is part of the reproductive system and the water element and is a place where your relationships and feminine energy can be strong.

This is a place of pleasure and sexual desire. You can try different oils such as Ylang Ylang in order to make sure that your sacral chakra is strong. This can make you have a better mood and to feel better in your life.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus or the Manipura chakra is the place where you find your confidence and who you are. This is found in the upper part of your stomach and helps to control the digestion. This also helps with your will power.

When this chakra is not balanced, it can cause you to be manipulative or abusive and it can make you feel that you have no life direction or that you are helpless. When balanced though, you can reach your goals and have higher self-esteem.

Use oils or scents such as citrus or bergamot to help to balance your energies and you can even make this into a spray to put around your home.

Heart Chakra

The heart chakra or the Anahata is found in the center of your chest. This is a place where you can have unconditional love and forgiveness.  This also helps to serve the heart and the lungs.

When this chakra is unbalanced, it can make you feel jealous, to not forgive and to isolate yourself because of hurt or fear. When balanced though, it works to keep the upper and lower chakras in check and can help you to experience better things in your spiritual self.

Don’t let your heart be limited and try to use jasmine or rose oil when you bath or when you do your self-love rituals.

Throat Chakra

Vishuddha or the throat chakra is found in your throat. This is a place where you can have communication and where you can express yourself honestly. This is associated with the jaw, thyroid and the mouth and can make your shoulders and your neck strong.

When this chakra is unbalanced, it can make you dishonest and to not be able to connect with other people. It can also make it hard for you to listen when someone is speaking. When it is balanced though, it can open you up and help you to be more creative. Try to use a dab of peppermint oil or lavender to keep this chakra strong.

Third Eye Chakra

This is the chakra that is found in the middle of your forehead. This is a place where your intuition is open and where you can see into the spiritual world. This works with your pineal gland and can help you to access wisdom and deep meanings.

When the third eye or the Ajna is blocked, it can cause you to not be able to open up or to see things in the spirit world. It can also cause you to see too much. When balanced though, it can help you to know more and to be stronger. Use frankincense by burning incense or by lighting a chakra candle to keep yourself balanced.

Crown Chakra

This chakra is found at the top of your head. It is also called the Sahasrara, and it helps you to reach your higher consciousness. This chakra is connected with the pituitary glands and the hypothalamus.

When blocked, it can cause you to be critical of yourself and others and it can also make it where you have obsessions. When balanced though, you can reach things in your life and stay grounded. Use cedarwood to help keep you grounded and strong.

When They Are on Your Mind

When They Are on Your Mind

Chances are that when someone is on your mind then you are probably on theirs, as well. Many people believe in this theory but the truth is that this cannot really be proven. The subconscious mind is something that is powerful and some people believe that telepathy can work between people.

If your mind is connected with someone then chances are that when you think about them then they might be thinking about you.

Psychic Signs They Think of You

There are signs that are given from the universe and this can allow you to know when someone is thinking about you or not.


When you feel a shock when you touch someone then you can know that this person might be thinking about you. Also, keeping someone in your mind is a big sign that you might be connected. Feeling a shock can mean that you have sexual tension and this is what causes there to be high energies and vibrations.

Take time to talk to this person and tell them how you feel. You can talk in an honest way and then you can see what happens next.

Strong Mood Swings

A strong mood swing can mean that someone is on your mind. You might feel like the happiest person ever and then a few minutes later feel angry or sad.  When these things happen for no reason, it can cause you to feel drained.

Mood changes can mean that someone is thinking about you. This can happen because of the connection that you have with this person. If they feel sad, chances are that you might start feeling sad too.

Coincidences and Synchronicities

People often think that when you think of a relationship or you can’t get someone out of your mind then they are probably thinking about you, too. You might not be able to stop thinking about them and you might love them.

You might text this person or call them and you might feel that you are always missing them.  When this happens, chances are that you will run into this person and then you will see if they are thinking about you, too.


A white feather can be a sign from the universe that someone is thinking about you. Even though a person that you love might be dead, they can send you a white feather to let you know that they are thinking about you.

Repetitive Numbers

Repetitive numbers can mean that someone is thinking about you. This can be angel numbers like 111 or 3333. These numbers can come in songs, in billboards, on menu’s or other things.  These numbers can be warnings or they can be telling you that you are on the right path. Next time you buy something, pay attention to the total, and see if it is $3.33 or $5.55 and if it is part of your angel numbers.


Sometimes you will dream of someone that is always on your mind. But, when you are on their mind, chances are that you will dream of them then too. When you think about someone a lot, you might dream of them and think that it is just happening but this is normally not a coincidence.

Seeing Their Name

If you keep seeing a persons name in the media, it might be a sign that they are thinking about you. You might see that the universe is trying to show you that the person is important for your life.

Talking to a Psychic

Talking to a psychic can help you to find out if someone is talking or thinking about you. If you find things confusing in your life, talking to a psychic can help you to know what is going on around you.

Physical Signs They Are Thinking of You

There are physical signs that someone is thinking about you such as:

  • Having goosebumps: You might feel that you are having goosebumps or butterflies. This can mean that someone is thinking about you.
  • Hiccupping: Hiccups can mean that someone is thinking about you randomly. Make sure that you don’t have a medical condition.
  • Eyes twitching: Twitching eyes can mean that someone is thinking good thoughts about you. But if you are a man, a tingling left eye can mean something bad is being thought but a tingling right eye can mean it is something good.
  • Burning: If you have burning in your head, it can mean you are flushed or it can mean that someone is stuck in your mind.
  • Phantom feelings: These feelings happen when nothing is there. This can be a telepathic reaction to what your person is feeling.
  • Sneezing: When you sneeze out of control and you don’t know why, it can be a true sign that someone misses you and they are thinking about you right at the moment.

Is Someone Thinking of You?

You can tell if someone is thinking about you by the signs around you. This can be telepathy and it can mean that your twin flame or your soulmate is thinking about you or getting close to meet you. When you care about someone and you have a strong connection with them, you might have these things happening in your mind, body or emotions.

The universe will send you signs, and you need to pay attention to them. Look at the signs before you and see if you can analyze them. You need to pay attention and let the signs show.

Why You Can’t Stop Thinking of Them

You might not be able to get someone out of your mind because you miss them or because you needed to finish something with them. This can be an ex, a friend, family member or even someone that has died. You need to have some kind of closure in your life.

If the relationship ended, this could be a reason that they are on your mind. You might feel like you have a hard time moving on if you don’t get the closure that you need.

Final Thoughts

You can tell if someone is thinking about you. This can be different for everyone but if you have any of the signs above, chances are that you might realize that you have many of those signs. When this happens, pay attention to your signs, and see if your soulmate is coming close to you.

Keep in mind that things happen for a true reason and if you find these signs to be strong, someone is probably thinking of you and can’t get you off of their mind.

Using Sage to Clear Your Space

Using Sage to Clear Your Space

Sage is part of keeping your spiritual life clean and sanitized. You can learn about sage and the spaces around you. Some people will use sage or Palo Santo even on their business cards in order to attract goodness to their life. Just like you care about your physical being, you also have to take care of your spiritual and energetic being. You have to make sure that you are cleaning out negative energy and one way to do this is to burn sage. Burning sage or spraying it can help to heal  your area and it can be used as a tool to make your body healthier.

If you are in a business where a lot of people are in and out of your space, you need to make sure that you are cleansing your area often. Having this kind of energy in and out of your area can cause you to be unbalanced. It is important to focus on the places in your home and office that the most energies are exchanged.

Understanding Smudging

There is a history of smudging or burning sage. It has gone back in time and has been used to get rid of unwanted spirits.

Buying Sage

There are different kinds of sages that you can buy such as White Sage, California White Sage, or other herbs. There are good places to go and buy these herbs Such as Taos Herb which is a shop that sells these things. The best thing to avoid when buying sage is to avoid buying them from large vendors or from places like Amazon.

The Smoke and Science

Sage isn’t just used to cleanse energies it is also used to clear bacteria from your area. It can make your brain absorb things in the body and it can clear up airborne bacteria in the air. This can also disinfect things around you. When you burn sage, negative ions are released and this allows your mood to become better.

Sage can also increase your wisdom and give you a clear mind if you need it.

Open the Windows and Doors

Before you even begin burning sage, make sure that you have all of your doors open. You can make sure that the doors or the windows are open so that unwanted energies have a place to go. You never want to keep the house sealed shut when you are burning sage.

When you keep things closed up, there is a lack of oxygen and so burning sage in a small area can cause you to not be able to have the change that you need. By opening the windows and the doors you can let the energies that are negative leave your area. This will bring healing to the space around you.

If you work with clients and you have cleared your space, telling them about it might seem a little odd. Some believe that this is an activity from the spiritual world but once they hear about it, chances are that they will be interested.

Using sage means that you need to have a ventilated area so that the energy can become new. Any energy that isn’t good for you can leave through the open window and door.

How to Prepare for Burning Sage

You can move the sage stick around or you can find a feather or use a fan to spread out the smoke of the sage. Once you light it, you can make sure that the sage is hitting all the spaces around you and that the herbs are getting the job done.

Be Careful Lighting the Sage

Make sure that you are holding the sage at an angle when you light it. Let it burn for about 15 seconds and then you can blow out the flame and see the smoke start to rise. You will have embers and you need to make sure that you don’t get burnt.

If you can’t keep your sage lit, you might have it too tight. If this happens the oxygen cannot get in and it won’t stay burning. You can loosen the ribbon and you can light it again so that it has room to let oxygen through. This will help you to be able to sage your whole area without letting the embers catch anything on fire.

Picking an Alternative

If you decide that you don’t want to burn sage, you can always find a sage spray. This will work the same and it will leave your area smelling amazing. You can do this in your home, office or even if you stay at a hotel. Some sage will be in the form of an oil, and it will have crystal essences in it.

Understanding the Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is a universal law. It says that whatever you send into the atmosphere or whatever you focus on is what will come back to you. You can get whatever you want to in your life and when you believe in the Law of Attraction, this will help you.

Whatever your emotions show you, this is energy that will attract and come back to you. If you wonder if the Law of Attraction is real, the answer is yes. The Law of Attraction is something that brings things to you and you can influence what happens by how you are acting.

The universe is there to help you to understand who you are. It will not discriminate with you, but it will always attract back to you whatever you put in your mind and whatever you release into the universe. This happens to everyone.

Each moment that you have in your life is there to help you create something better. Every thought that you have will help you to reach your future goals. If you can imagine something great, you will be able to get greatness in your life.

Don’t focus on negative things or you will be bringing negative things back into your life. By thinking positive, you can get positive things to come back to you. This can help you to reach your goals and your dreams.

Laws of Attraction

There are three laws that have to do with the Laws of Attraction including:

Like Attracting Like

One of the most important parts of the Law of Attraction is that like attracts like. This means that whatever energy you put into the world will come back to you. The energy around you will shift and will attract whatever you are sending out. This can be both positive and negative.

You will see that you are attracted to certain people and that the situations are based around the same feelings that you are having. The choices that you make in your life are there to reflect your reality.

You will be able to manifest things into your life as you think about things and set intentions. You need to make sure that you are careful with what you are thinking and what you are doing.

Nature and a Vacuum

Aristotle talked about how “nature abhors a vacuum.” This means that nature is there to make your life better. Even though you cannot see air, you can know that it is there, and you can feel it. There are no areas that are empty and the space around you will attract whatever energy you put into it.

Get rid of things that you don’t want in your life and then replace them with good things. The best way to do this is to make sure that you remove anything that is blocking you from having a good thought. Declutter your thoughts and your life.

Now is Perfect

Your present is what is going on based on the decisions that you have made. The past is part of the past and you have every opportunity to make your future better. Live in the now and let now be perfect for you.

Using the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is there and is working all the time. You are reacting to whatever you bring into your life both positive and negative.

You should have good things and you need to act like you are worthy of having them. You need to learn to set goals that you can reach and make plans to make that happen. Don’t put yourself in situations where you will be negative and you will see that the universe will send you synchronicities. You will get just what you want and just what you deserve.

If your beliefs are limited, then you will not see that you deserve good things. Having a negative attitude will not get you the timing and the situations that you need to give you what you want. You will get whatever you want and deserve with the Law of Attraction.

Making the Law of Attraction Work

You have to realize that the Law of Attraction is always working. Everything you are thinking and doing affects this. Here are some ways that you can use the Law of Attraction in your life:

  • Know what you want and manifest it.
  • Imagine what your future will look like.
  • Be thankful for what you have.
  • Be positive and stay away from negative situations.
  • Journal each day.
  • Be thankful and journal about it.
  • Meditate.

You can use the Law of Attraction by putting effort into your day. Do this and let the positivity flow through your life.


One of the best ways to use the Law of Attraction is to visualize what you want. This is one way to manifest things quickly. This helps you to set goals and to stay on the right path.

Decide what you want and choose a way to get there. Put a picture in your mind that will help you to feel strong emotions. Make sure that these emotions are good and that they are there to help you. You can even make a vision board.

Be Thankful

Be thankful for what you have. If you need help with this, then write a thankful journal. This can help you to see things that you might overlook in your life.

By practicing thankfulness each day, you will see that you can get what you want. There is no right or wrong way to journal and you can do this by writing down things that make you feel good. The Law of Attraction will help you to focus on things that you are grateful for.

Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations can help you to change your thinking from something negative to something positive. Affirmations are just statements that are short that you say. Here are some that you can say each day:

  • I am confident in how I speak.
  • My bank account is great.
  • I am beautiful.
  • I deserve love.

Act Like It Happened

You need to act like what you wanted has already happened. If you want something that you don’t have, act like you have already gotten it. You need to be creative in how you think on these things and use your intentions to help you know that you deserve good things.

Accept What Is

Get rid of negative thinking and beliefs that are holding you back. Accept how your life is but decide to manifest things that you want along the way. Trust that the universe will help you and know that whatever happened in the past will stay there.

The Law of Attraction is for You

The Law of Attraction is for you, and you are creating whatever your life is. You can see that there are millions of possibilities and that you can reach all of the goals that you are setting.

Using the Law of Attraction is easy, and you can turn your ideas into something amazing. Use the Law of Attraction to make changes in your life and to set goals. Here are some of the things that you might want to change by using the Law of Attraction:

  • Relationships: You can manifest love in your relationship by attracting love in your life. You can do this towards a certain person, or you can use it to find your soulmate.
  • Money: Financial freedom is something you can use the Law of Attraction to get. Change your thoughts on how you see money and make sure that you aren’t embracing negative patterns with money. Be thankful for the money that you have.
  • Mental and Physical Being: You can use the Law of Attraction to make sure that you are having good health and a good body. You can do this by making sure that your mindset is positive.
  • Happiness: You can bring happiness into your life by being positive and by allowing growth to come into your life.
  • Getting fit: Use the Law of Attraction to get fit. Think of yourself in a positive light and allow yourself to get fit and to manifest good health.
  • Success: You can be successful by visualizing the dreams that you have.

Final Thoughts

Use the Law of Attraction in your life to bring peace, goodness, and happiness. Remember, the more positive you are the more good things you will attract into your life. The Law of Attraction is on your side and will guide you through your goals and your dreams.

Understanding Aura Colors

Aura Colors

Metaphysical believers and practitioners believe aura colors are created or caused by vibrations. Every molecule in the universe translates itself into some type of pattern which emanates from the body as vibrations. The human eye can be taught to see these vibrations as colors. Just as we are unable to hear physical sound waves, aura colors are only visible to a few, but the human eye is slowly gaining this ability according to some.

The aura color wheel consists of the seven colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. If you are trying to see someone’s aura color for the first time, stand them in front of a white wall or background without excess light and concentrate on a single spot on the person’s face for at least 60 seconds. The center of the forehead is a good concentration point. Without taking your eyes off the forehead, scan the edges of the head, arms, and shoulders. If the white areas around this is brighter, then you are witnessing an aura. This may not happen the first time you try, but be patient and keep trying as you practice your concentration.

Some people may also be able to feel auras. To do this, stand face to face with the person whose aura you are feeling and place the palms of your hands about 6-8 inches from the top of the person’s head. Keep your distance while moving your hands down the body and all around. As you work, you will eventually recognize fluffy effects as you work your way down. It will feel like touching a feather light pillow, but it is electromagnetic energy. If you feel the energy, but cannot see it, then you may wonder how to find its color. The short test below will help.

For each question, choose the letter that is closest to you. Only choose one answer.

1) Which of the following is closest to describing your personality?

  1. Forceful/Energetic
  2. Considerate/Thoughtful
  3. Friendly/Healthy
  4. Sociable
  5. Helpful/Caring
  6. Humble/Spiritual
  7. Sympathetic/Tender

2) Which statement best fits you?

  1. I easily anger
  2. I enjoy physical activity
  3. I dislike rules
  4. I communicate with ease
  5. I love helping others
  6. I daydream
  7. I enjoy learning new things

3) I would describe myself as…

  1. A loner
  2. A risk taker
  3. Spontaneous
  4. A nature lover
  5. A good listener
  6. A visionary
  7. Extremely sensitive

4) Overall, you consider yourself…

  1. Realistic
  2. Confident
  3. Optimistic
  4. Outgoing
  5. Intuitive
  6. Curious
  7. Idealistic

5) Others consider you…

  1. Well grounded
  2. Brave
  3. Creative
  4. Love centered
  5. Highly spiritual
  6. Imaginative
  7. Independent

6) Which of these is your favorite?

  1. Flowers
  2. Chocolate
  3. Shoes
  4. Jewelry
  5. Home furnishings
  6. Makeup
  7. Candlelight dinner

7) You consider yourself…

  1. Tenacious
  2. Strongly motivated
  3. Focused on a plan of action
  4. Having benevolent character
  5. Having well developed instincts
  6. Modest
  7. One who remembers dreams

8) What is your most common element when not feeling well?

  1. Anxiety/Nerves
  2. Body aches
  3. Stomach
  4. Short of breath
  5. Sore throat
  6. Watery/Dry eyes
  7. Headache

9) In the workplace you are…

  1. A hardworking team player
  2. Prefer a challenge
  3. Prefer working with your hands
  4. Strive for perfection on tasks
  5. Feel guilty when saying no
  6. Feel appearance should take precedence
  7. Often end up as a leader

10) An overall statement about yourself would be …

  1. I am often blunt, but just because I value honesty
  2. I love adventure, even if it is a bit dangerous
  3. Activities like dancing and exercise are fun and my favorites
  4. I love being intellectually stimulated and prefer organization
  5. Material possessions are not priority
  6. I feel like a fish out of water in most large groups
  7. I am majorly concerned about the environment

If the majority of your answers were “A”—Your aura is mostly red.

If the majority of your answers were “B”—Your aura is mostly orange.

If the majority of your answers were “C”—Your aura is mostly yellow.

If the majority of your answers were “D”—Your aura is mostly green.

If the majority of your answers were “E”—Your aura is mostly blue.

If the majority of your answers were “F”—Your aura is mostly indigo.

If the majority of your answers were “G”—Your aura is mostly violet.

If your answers are evenly divided then your auric color fluctuates or are combined. If none of these seem to fit, go to your closet, and see what colors you have the most of and enjoy wearing. If you typically wear black or tan, what color are your accessories? This usually associates with your aura color.

Color Meanings

Now that you know your aura color, we can share some meanings for each color.

  • Red – Strong willed, straightforward, forceful, energetic, team player, hard worker, realistic, competitive, impulsive, overwhelmed by change, may have health issues around anxiety
  • Orange – Adventurous, courageous, considerate, thoughtful, lacking in self-discipline, may have health issues around the kidneys or reproductive organs
  • Yellow – Playful, laid back, optimistic, friendly, easily hurt, timid, may have health issues around the spleen
  • Green – Love others, social, love nature and animals, perfectionist, organizer, trustworthy, may have issues with the lungs
  • Blue – Caring, helpful, peacemaker, freethinker, steadfast, intuitive, spiritual, may have health issues around the thyroid or throat
  • Indigo – Daydreamer, imaginative, calm, modest, unassuming, introvert, sometimes lacks self-esteem, may have health issues with the eyes
  • Violet – Idealistic, wise, sensitive, truth seeker, independent, authoritative, extroverted, may have psychic power, may have health issues around the nervous system and pineal gland

Now that you know, use the information to help others find their aura.