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Why Does Your Man Call You Babe?

Man Call You Babe

Have you been dating someone for a long time and then he starts to call you babe out of nowhere. You might wonder what this means. Instead of just assuming it means nothing, you start struggling with the idea that he doesn’t care about you or that his feelings for you are something less than you thought.

The truth is, this is something that should make you happy and it should show you that you are important in both his mind and his heart. When a guy calls someone babe, it means that he is attracted to them. It means that he thinks that you are cute and wants to be with you or get to know you better.

Sometimes a guy that says this can want to let you know that they think that you are sexy, and they would like to have sex with you. This is a term of endearment, and it is one of the pet names that people use when they are bonded with each other.

Even if you aren’t sure what he thinks about you or the relationship, you can see how his actions line up with what he calls you to know if he really likes you or not.

Here are some reasons that he might be calling you babe:

  • He is Attracted to You Sexually

When a man calls someone babe, he is attracted to you sexually. It can be a pet name but more than likely he wants to get to know you more and you make him feel special. If he calls you this, he probably has strong feelings for you.

You can learn to take this term as a positive or negative thing. If you think he just wants to have sex with you, notice that and see how he talks to other women.

  • Feeling Good

Another reason he might call you this is to just make you feel good about who you are. He might think he can win your heart by calling you this and he knows that ladies like to have special things said to them.

  • Flirting

A man is probably flirting with you when he calls you babe. It is one way to get your attention. Notice if he is calling all the women babe or just you. If he is just doing it to you then he is probably trying to seduce you.

He might be one that just wants a one-night stand, or he might be a nice guy. You have to notice his body language when he talks to you and how he acts towards you.

  • He Wants to Be Serious

Some guys are shy, and they will call a lady babe when they want to date them. This can be a sign that he really likes you. He might think that you will take this as a special saying, and he will feel that he is making a move towards you knowing that he likes you.

A guy will show interest in a woman, and he will be more affectionate towards them. If he realizes this is something that she likes, she will have more feelings towards him.

  • He Wants Sex

Another reason someone might call you babe is because they want to have sex with you. He is flirting and he will do anything to get you. He might even offer to take you out to dinner or bring you gifts. He will do what it takes to get you in bed with him.

This guy will want you to know that he is interested, and he will text you and he will go out of his norm to try and show you that he likes you.

  • Complements

A guy might call you babe if he is trying to complement you. Some men do this without even realizing it. If you feel like he desires, you when he calls you this then you might want to take that up and offer to go out with him.

He is interested in you, or he might just think that you are cute but more than likely this is a nice thing that he is saying to you.

  • He Likes You

Calling you babe can mean that he likes you more than just physically. It can mean that he wants to connect with you, and he wants to know you on an emotional level. He might call you babe because he wants to show you that he cares about you.

Notice his body language and how he looks at you. Does he make you feel sexy when he talks to you? Does he make you feel that you are loved? He might even start following you on social media and texting you privately to show you how much he cares.

  • He Wants to Show You Off

When a guy calls you babe, he might want his friends and everyone else to see how much he likes you. He wants them to know that you are different than other girls and that he has his eye on you. He wants to label you and make you his.

You might feel that you are with someone that is really making an effort to get to know you and after some time and he is still calling you babe, it should show you that he is serious about you. He will get approval from his friends, and it will be time to take it to another level.

  • He Loves You

Sometimes being called babe means that the person is just in love with you. They have feelings for you, and they hope that you have the same feelings for them. They want to make things real and official with you and he knows that he wants you.

He feels a love inside of himself for you that he hasn’t felt for other people. He wants to keep it simple but let you know that he really cares about you and wants to make you part of his life.

  • Teases You

There are some guys that say babe just because they are teasing you. They might not have serious feelings for you yet, but this can be a sign that he is catching feelings for you. Sometimes a guy will say this just to be cute but if you don’t like him, let him know that you don’t like to be called that.

  • He Used it Before and It Worked

Some guys will call all the women that they pick up, “babe,” and so it might just be something that seems to work for him. She might be someone that he is interested in but not to the point where he wants to date them but just have some fun.

This can become something more, but it might not and so you need to be careful.

  • Being Macho

Some men will call a lady babe because they are showing off and being macho. When a pretty girl walks by, he will call her babe in front of his friends to look cool. When he does this, he has a big ego, and he won’t be nervous about who he talks to or how they will react because he is just that way.

Final Thoughts

Sometimes a guy will call you babe because he likes you and sometimes, he will call you babe because he is just being macho, or he wants to get you in bed. Whatever he calls you and when has to do with whatever your feelings are in return. If you get excited when he calls you that, you might want to pursue the relationship but if it makes you uncomfortable, stop it right away.

Don’t believe that every guy that calls you babe wants to date you and make sure that you are careful about who you give your time to. If you feel that he would make a good partner for you, give him a chance but if you don’t feel comfortable, let it go.

Developing Your Psychic Gifts

Developing Your Psychic Gifts

Everyone has some kind of psychic ability even if its just intuition. Other people have stronger gifts, but they don’t realize it, or they don’t really know how to use them. There are ways that you can figure out your gifts and you can develop them to be stronger.

Once you realize that you have a gift, developing these gifts will have a lot to do with listening to your intuition. The more you listen to it the more it will tell you things and you will trust yourself more.

You will need to train yourself to listen and to develop your gifts. Use this to help yourself and others around you. Having gifts and picking up messages around you is a natural thing but you need to be open to getting these messages. Most people start getting messages as a gut feeling and then as you develop your gifts, you will see these messages in other forms.

Don’t just accept your gifts but learn to love them and protect them. Be curious about what kinds of gifts you have and how they make you feel. Some people want to have visions or to talk to spirits and they want to be right with what they see all the time, and this is one thing that often holds them back.  You have to learn to interpret messages and to make mistakes.

There are gifts called the clair gifts and these are gifts that use your spiritual senses. These senses help you to get messages and you can get these developed in different ways. You can use these gifts to see into the spiritual world and speak to spirits. 

If you want to start by developing your gift, one thing that you can do is use crystals such as:

  • Lapis Lazuli.
  • Selenite.
  • Labradorite.
  • Amethyst.

You can also use essential oils like sandalwood and frankincense and these things can help to open up your giftings.

Clair Gifts

Do you wonder which clair gifts that you have? Here are some of them and what might happen if you have these gifts:

  • Clairvoyance

This is a gift of clear seeing. This means that you might be able to see things in the spiritual world such as spirits, symbols, signs, visions and more. Sometimes these images will come in the form of sparks and lights.

  • Clairsentience

This gift means clear feeling, and this is a gift that allows people to know what other people are feeling. This is sometimes called being an empath. These are people that can pick up the emotions and even sicknesses of others.

  • Claircognizance

Claircognizance is clear knowing. You might be someone that just seems to know something without anyone telling them. You might be able to pick up on thoughts that people have and this is also called telepathy.

  • Clairaudience

This gift is part of clear hearing. You might hear voices, or you might hear people talking. This can be direct messages from a spirit such as your spirit guides or a spirit visiting your area.

  • Clairgustance

This clair gift means to have clear taste. Some people might be able to taste things in the spiritual world. You might taste things like blood or something sweet that a spirit loved to eat.

  • Clairalience

Clairalience means clear smell. Some people will be able to smell the cologne or perfume of a spirit, or some will smell things like tobacco or smoke smells. Other people will smell bad things when there is danger around.

Be Open Minded

Always have an open mind when you start receiving messages. A spirit can come into a room and make a certain smell or a certain smell. Don’t be afraid but just talk to the spirit. You can also use your gift to communicate with your spirit guides and develop a relationship with them.

Once you learn how to handle your gift, you will be able to be in contact with the spirits and you can get information that can help you or help others. If you are going to work and the road is closed in front of you because of an accident, a spirit can tell you to go a different way. Learn to be open to these kinds of messages.

Developing Your Gifts

Once you know what gift that you have, you can learn to understand the message and how it comes to you. This can help you to develop your gift. Developing your gift takes time and it takes patience. You also have to learn to be honest with yourself and others.

You can read books, watch blogs, or find other resources online that can help you learn how to develop your gifts. Watch videos that give you good pointers from trusted psychics. Here are some other ways that you can develop your gifts.

Be Brave

If you are afraid, you might not get the messages that you need. A spirit that senses that you are afraid might not come to you because they don’t want to scare you. You have to reach your higher self and be open to get the messages that spirits want to give you.

Some people can even channel spirits by using their gift and this is a way that the spirits can speak through them. Make sure that you are protecting yourself from evil spirits if you try this.

Protect Your Energies

You always want to protect your energy and your space. You can receive messages that can help you to know your psychic gifts, but you need to make sure that you are safe. Protect your aura and the energy around you and always listen to your intuition because it won’t steer you wrong.

When there are red flags that come to you in your energy, don’t ignore this and change the decisions that you are making. Your gut feeling will give you hints and will tell you if you are doing something that isn’t safe. 

If you are someone that is already doing magic spells, make sure that you are protecting your barriers. Keep yourself safe and always make sure that you are protecting you and those around you. Focus on keeping your environment safe from psychic attacks. Ask your guardian angels to protect you.

Prepare Your Area

Clear out any negative energy from your home or your workspace.  Get furniture that has high energy and read about how you can protect your home which can keep you healthy.

You can sage your area so that it can get rid of negative energy but if you hate the way that sage burning smells, try to use other herbs or try other protective techniques. Some people will use a sage spray while others will use crystals and other methods.

Some people put salt around their home, and you can use regular salt. You can also put herbs in the salt and put this around your home or your area.

Protect Your Energies

Everyone has mood shifts here and there and if you are feeling negative, sad, jealous, or other thing then this can affect your energies and your gifting. Find a way to be more positive and try to stay calm. 

Meditating can help to calm you and can help you to feel better in your mood. This can increase your psychic gift and help you to develop yourself.  Some people will call on Michael, the Archangel, or the spirit guides to help them keep their energies strong.

You can ask your angels, spirit guides, ancestors, or others to help to develop your psychic gift. You can also use Black Obsidian to keep your energy strong and to protect yourself and your area.


One thing that you can do to develop your gifts is to write a journal. You can write out what you feel and what you are thinking. Another good idea is to write down things that you have experienced in the psychic world. 

Here are some things you might want to write in your journal:

  • Messages from the spirit world.
  • Birthdays, holidays.
  • Questions you want to have answers to.
  • Signs or symbols that you don’t understand.
  • Premonitions and if they came true.
  • Dreams.

The more you work with your psychic gifts the more you will be able to trust your intuition to guide you. This can help you to understand your gifts and to be able to develop your gifts better.

Create Rituals

There are some rituals that you can do that can help you to practice your gifts even from your own home. Here are some rituals you can try:

  • Smudge your area.
  • Light a candle.
  • Talk to your guardian angels or spirit guides.
  • Set your intentions.
  • Breathe and focus on it.
  • Let peace flow through you.
  • Notice sighs or smells.
  • Look for insights and messages.
  • Be thankful.
  • Blow out the candle.
  • Clear negative energy from your space.

You can find books about developing your gifts online and you can purchase them to help you to know what to do.

Final Thoughts

Developing your gifts can be fun and exciting especially when you start getting messages coming to you. This might be different than what you expect but as long as your energies and space is protected, you should keep giving it a try.

Learn to be sensitive to the spiritual world around you and be open to messages as you reach for your higher self.

What Do Aura Colors Mean?


The aura is something that is strong and reaches into your energy field. There are colors that will surround you and these are the colors that surround every living thing including animals, plants, and people.

When you feel stressed or uncomfortable, it will happen because your space is getting invaded by other people, and this can trigger your aura to change. You will feel a force in a room full of people that can be both positive and negative.

Seeing Your Aura

There are some people that can see the aura with their eyes because they are able to see things in the energy field. This can be a faint glow or something that is seen brightly. If you are someone that has tried and you haven’t been able to see your aura yet, try having someone stand in front of a white wall and squint and relax until you see it. Keep practicing and you will get it.

You can practice this by yourself by using a mirror or you can get a friend to practice with you. The best thing to do is to make sure that the room is dim and not too bright.

Relax and keep your eyes to see the energy around your body. You can look at your hand and see this sometimes. Keep trying until you see it. Sometimes the aura will change colors when you think different things or based on your emotions.

People can sometimes see an aura right away and sometimes people have to practice. Once you see it you will be more understanding of the different layers of the energy that surrounds people. This has seven different layers, but most are only able to see the first three layers. These have to do with the chakras.

There are different colors, and the colors have different meanings. You can talk to a psychic and get advice if you need to know more about your aura and you can’t see it. What color do you think your aura is?

Each Aura Color

There are different colors of the aura, and they have different meanings. Keep reading to find out what the colors mean:

  • Black

This aura color usually means that you are shielded from things that could hurt you, but it can also mean that there is no balance in your life. This can mean you are keeping secrets or that there is some kind of abuse in your life. Adults who have a black ring on the outside might have this if they were abused earlier in life and they need to heal the memories of it.

  • Blue

A blue aura can be different colors of blue and can mean that someone is gifted. It can be someone that is intuitive or someone that has a strong heart and is a ray of sunshine. A darker blue can mean that a person is lonely or that they are honest and good. Other shades of blue can mean that a person is depressed or that they are domineering.

  • Brown

This is a color that means that you need to grow. It can be seen with other color combinations and can mean someone is developing in their mind and their intuition. This color can mean a lack of energy or that the person has become stagnant.

  • Gold

This color is one that means being in tune with your spiritual self. A darker gold can mean that you haven’t reached your higher levels yet.

  • Yellow

Yellow can mean that you like to think things through and are analytical. It can also mean that you are balanced and that you are smart.

  • Green

Green is an aura color that you are a sympathizing person. It can mean that you are a healer and that you are dependable. It can also mean negative things like greed, envy, jealousy and that your heart is blocked.

  • Gray

Gray is a color that can mean you are a creative or secretive person. It can also mean problems in the physical health.

  • Orange

Having a bright orange aura can mean that you are growing in your gifts, but a dull orange can mean that you aren’t sure how to handle any growth or that you are prideful.

  • Pink

Pink can mean someone that is honest and quiet. It can mean a creative person or an immature person.

  • Purple

Purple can mean that you have strong intuition or that you are strong willed. It can mean someone is passionate or over bearing.

  • Red

This color means passion and can have strong emotions of both love and hate. It has a lot of energy and works with the root chakra. It can mean that someone is not grounded, and they are out of control.

Final Thoughts

Colors are important when looking at the aura. The colors can indicate different things about a person’s mind, body, and soul. Learn to read auras and trust your intuition when it comes to figuring out what an aura looks like and means.

Divination of Future Tellers

Divination of Future Tellers

No psychic is going to be the same and they will use all different kinds of tools of divination to tell about the past, present, and future. People want to know what the future holds for them and because of this, there have been different methods that have been discovered that allows people to answer questions in the spiritual world. Here are some of the most used tools:

• Crystal balls.
• Palm reading.
• Tarot cards.
• Tea leaves.
• Bones.
• Runes.
• Pendulums.
• Playing cards.


Divination isn’t an exact science and the person that is making the prediction is using the energy that they see to make this prediction. Sometimes fortune telling is misread because it is giving the possibilities that can happen in the future and not an exact answer.

If someone makes a prediction in the Philippines, it is called “manghuhula” which means “guessing.” This can mean that the fortune teller is just getting what will happen and sometimes they will get it right and sometimes they won’t.

There are different kinds of predictions that happen such as astrological predictions. These are where they take Chinese Astrology, stars, charts, cycles of the moon and more and they give predictions. The animal that is based on your birth is one of the signs of the Chinese zodiac.

Western zodiac is one that more people know about, and this uses the different zodiacs such as Pisces, Aries, Gemini and more. The people that use astrology to make predictions will have to use math and research before they can give a right answer.

Who Are Fortune Tellers?

Here are some FAQ’s about fortune tellers:

  • A palm reader is someone that helps to read the lines on palms and on the hands to give a reading.
  • Scrying is a way that someone can look into something clear or reflective, go into a trance and can see visions and images.
  • Psychics are more than telling the future and they are able to read the energy of the past, present, and future. These are people that can give you advice and can listen to what you are going through. They are spiritual leaders, healers, and more.
  • Some readers will use oracle cards or tarot cards, and these can help to tell about your situation, or they can tell about the future.

You can look at books, call a psychic, find one online or find a group that can help to give you predictions about your life and the future.  This is something that has been around now since ancient times and is even more popular than ever before.

How to Handle Not Being Liked

Handle Not Being Liked

People like to be around other people, but you aren’t going to always be around people that like you. This might be someone that you work with, or it might be someone in your group. To keep peace in your relationships, you need to realize that not everyone will like you.

When Rejection Strikes

We are sociable beings, and it is okay to be upset when someone doesn’t like you. This can make you feel vulnerable or weird. This can be a friend, family member or someone that you are interested in. It is good to see that being rejected isn’t an unhealthy thing. Sometimes you need to see this as a celebration because you aren’t having to please everyone.

Rejection means that you just need to readjust your thoughts and your feelings about that person and set boundaries so that you don’t have to deal with them.

Feeling Upset

You are allowed to have feelings when someone rejects you or doesn’t like you. Everything in life has balance. Someone here will like you while someone there might not. The way that you respond to rejection might tell a lot about your self esteem and how you feel about yourself.

Rejection is a normal thing and when this happens, learn to love yourself more and understand where your feelings are coming from.

Don’t Take the Full Blame

Making a relationship work goes two ways. If someone doesn’t like you, you aren’t the only one that can fix this. Rejection happens and you will have it happen again at some point in your life. Don’t get caught up in blaming yourself for not being who someone wants you to be. Keep being yourself and know that sometimes relationships are just hard.

Find People That Do Like You

If you feel that there are people that want to reject you, stay away from those people, and find people in your life that actually want to spend time with you. These are the people that you should give your time to.

Final Thoughts

Being around people that reject you can be hard. Don’t take this personal. Even if you are in an uncomfortable situation where there is someone that doesn’t like you or someone that is rejecting you, think of all the people that do like you and don’t reject you.

Move forward in your life and in your relationships and find people that are going to care for you, for who you are and what you believe in. There are good people in the world, find those people and find peace and happiness.

Getting Rid of Negative Energies

Negative Energies

It is as important to have positive energy in your home as it is in your body. You know when you go into a room, and you feel negative energy, or you feel that something bad has happened before you were there. This could have been a fight or something else going on. You will get these bad vibes and it can make you feel negative.

Negative energy can be left behind in your home. If the wrong energy is in your home, it can cause you to feel sick such as:

• Headaches.
• Tiredness.
• Sadness.
• Unable to sleep.
• Feeling impatient.
• Having a hard time relaxing.

You can have peace in your home by using the four elements of water, fire, air, and earth. Here are some ways that you can get rid of negative energy in your home:


Sage is something that you can burn, and it will give an odor that can get rid of negativity. As you light the sage, you can see that the smoke can fill the area. Make sure that you put the smoke in every corner and every area of the home to get out all of the negative energy.

Open the doors and the windows and pay attention to the places where negative energy can hide such as closets or dark places.

Florida Water

This is water that is used in South American countries, and it can bring positive energy into your home. This water has strong energies, and it is powerful to cleanse away any negative energy. Put the water in a bottle and spray it in the room and clean your area. You can also use it to cleanse your crystals.

Crystal Cleansing

This is a way that you can get rid of any negativity. Use crystals around your home to make sure that there is strong energy. Some crystals like amethyst can help to protect your home and to make sure that it is purified. Plus, these are pretty to display.


Candles are a great way to get negativity out of your home. Put them in the room and light them in a clockwise motion. Leave them on when you are relaxing but always blow them out when you leave or go to bed.


Some people love incense because it can light and leave a scent in your home. Move through the house with the incense and let the scent fill your room as it purifies your area.

Final Thoughts

You can use any of these methods to get rid of negativity out of your home.

When Your Relationship is Controlling

Relationship is Controlling

There are some women that choose men that have bad habits and sometimes men that women choose will develop bad habits over time. People that you just meet might swoon you into believing that they are perfect but then they bring only hurt, heartache, abuse or they are controlling.

Relationships are sometimes used to control someone and not just for love. What do you do if you find that your partner is trying to control you and that they have a controlling personality? How can you get out of this kind of relationship and still be strong.

Controlling Relationship Behaviors

Controlling behaviors happen when people manipulate you in order to get the thing that they want instead of allowing you to make your own choices. Instead of loving you and wanting you to do what is best for you, they use you and they demand things from you which can even borderline abuse.

Dependent Relationship

When a woman or a man is overly dependent, this can happen out of fear or selfishness. Some people are so afraid of being alone that they cause problems in the relationship without often realizing it. They are looking to find someone to give them the emotional love and hope that they want, and this happens by wanting them by their side constantly.

Small children are sometimes overly dependent on their parents but as they grow older, they become more independent. It is not normal when the person that you are with will not let you spend time away from them without being upset or without causing problems. If this happens, you might need to get some kind of therapy or counseling.

People are sometimes selfish, and everyone can be selfish here and there. Sometimes we expect someone to only be with us and we don’t realize that we are being selfish. The person that you are with should rely on you, but they need to have time on their own or else this can ruin your relationship. It never benefits a person to want to be around someone all the time without giving them a break.

Some people will be lazy, and this can make them overbear. They sometimes will want their partner to do everything for them such as clean up after them, feed them, do the housework, bring money into the home and more. Sometimes a woman will marry a man because she expects him to give her whatever she wants. This can be laziness and it can cause people to forget to compromise.

Are You Being Used?

One of the best ways that you can know if someone is using you is if you only hear from them when they want something from you. When someone doesn’t text you or call you unless they need something, then they are probably using you. You aren’t obligated to this kind of person.

Demanding is Controlling

Demanding someone to do something for you is controlling you. You might have a boss that needs to have a party for their wife, and they demand that you work all weekend so that they can have the time off to celebrate. But, if you have plans for the weekend, you might not want to do this.

Demanding people think that they have the right to expect things from you and when you say no, they might get angry, or they might not understand who you think that you are. They think that they deserve to have whatever they want.

Give and Take

Relationships should be given and take. If you have a friend that has a home where their air conditioner breaks, they might want you to let them come and stay with you until the air gets fixed. You might choose to help them and let them stay with you for a few days.

The problem is that sometimes people will ask you for things, but they won’t ever go out of their way to help you if you are in a dire need or they don’t ever show you how much they appreciate you.

Think of the things that you have done for others and think of the things that they have done in return for you. You don’t have to give everything to someone that doesn’t do anything for you.

Abusive Relationships

One kind of abuse is control. When someone takes away your option to make choices, they are doing this to manipulate you. Some abusers won’t allow the people that they are trying to control to do anything that they want or to make any kind of decision on their own. They might even control you down to what time you go to bed, what you drink at dinner or what clothes that you wear.

Sometimes they won’t get violent with you if you don’t do what they want but they will guilt you and they will belittle everything that you say so that you feel bad about who you are.

Messing Up

We often do things to allow people to control us without even realizing it. Even though we should be in charge of what we do, the mistakes that we make can make it easy for people to control you.

Showing Too Much Love

When you have too much love for someone, it can make it possible for them to control and use you. When they know that you love them that much, they will see that they can give you as little or as much love as they want, and it won’t cause the relationship to end. This is one way that they can control you.

Always Being There

Another mistake that people often make is to be there too much for someone. You shouldn’t always be available for someone that isn’t there for you. When they call you, do you always run to give them what they want? But do they give you the time that you want from them?

You need to set up boundaries to make sure that they are respecting you and that they are treating you the way that you treat them. This isn’t being rude or selfish, this is caring and loving yourself.

Feeling Sorry for Others

Feeling sorry for someone is one way that you can give them the choice to control you. If you feel bad for someone not having enough or if you feel bad for someone for how they are treated, you might do things for them to try and make them feel better about themselves.

When someone is going through hard times or suffering, it isn’t bad to help them, but you need to make sure that people aren’t using you when you are being kind to them.


A controlling person can use guilt to make you do things for them. They will take advantage of you, and they will get what they want by bringing up pasts mistakes or by making you feel bad. Everyone makes mistakes and there are regrets that you cannot avoid sometimes, but you have to learn to focus on being a better person.

Signs of A Controlling Person

Sometimes you can look at the zodiac signs and you can find out if someone is going to be more controlling than another sign. Here are the signs and their controlling behavior:


Pisces are people that are known to not be controlling but sometimes they will use their empath abilities to be in control of people. Pisces are often accused of being people that aren’t stable and sometimes they are.


Sagittarius’ are people that can be controlling but most of the time they are just charming. They will use their charm to get people to do things for them. This will allow them to be able to enjoy their life while someone else takes care of them.


Scorpios are people that can be controlling but if they do act like they are controlling then they will believe that they are being good to you and not mistreating you.

Not all Scorpios are going to be controlling or manipulative but sometimes they will do things that they believe are right even if they aren’t.


Aries are sometimes controlling but they are really just a sign that likes to redirect things. They will be demanding sometimes though and want people to do what they want. Sometimes they can be demanding and scream to get what they want.

Leaving a Relationship that is Controlling

When someone is trying to control you, the best thing that you can do is to see that you deserve something better. You need to see that even if they love you, they are hurting you when they try to control you. You cannot keep allowing them to treat you the way that they want to, and you have to decide that you want out and get out.


People can set boundaries, and this can help the relationship be better. Boundaries allow people to see that their behavior isn’t right, and it allows you to be in control of what you do in your own life. Sometimes a person won’t realize that they are hurting you and when you set boundaries, you can solve the problems right away.

People that aren’t your friends or family might also try to be controlling and it might be harder to set boundaries. If you have co-workers or bosses that want to control you, setting boundaries might not work but you don’t have to allow them to mistreat you. Tell this person to stop controlling you.

Take a Break

You might need to take a break from someone to get them to stop their controlling behavior. This can mean that if you are dating someone, you step out of their life temporarily or you choose to walk away. No one has the right to control you. This doesn’t matter what kind of relationship that they have with you. This can be your friend, lover, parent, co-worker, or any relationship.

You don’t owe anyone a place in your heart or your life when they want to treat you poorly. There are many other people in the world that you can be friends with and people that can be part of your life. Don’t let anyone cause you harm or hurt you.

Be in Control

You need to be in control of your own life. You can buy your own stuff; you can do your own job and you can do your own things. Even if you feel that you need someone, learn to do your own thing so that you don’t have depend on them.

Don’t let a boyfriend manipulate you or a friend demand things from you that you don’t want to do. You are in charge of your own life.

Heal and Grow

After you get out of a controlling relationship, it is time to heal and grow. You can say goodbye and you can get past your hurt. It is time for you to grow and to learn more about who you are and what you want in your life.

Whenever you are ready, you can step back out into the dating world. Make a future for yourself and go out and find people in your life that are going to be good to you and that want to give to you the same in return that you give to them.

No one ever deserves to be treated badly and no one has a right to be in control of you. You can get out. You might not be able to make people act the way that you want them to act, but you can step out of the relationship and find a relationship that is going to give you what you want and need.

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What Happens as a Lightworker?


There are people in the world that are on a mission to bring light into the world. They carry this light in their souls and they are healers who help to heal things around them. Some of them will be in different caring roles such as teachers, psychic healers, or other compassionate jobs.

A lightworker will come into the world and they sometimes have problems finding the light inside of them. They forget to look at their purpose and they forget that they have a mission. They journey their path in order to help to find light and to help others to have the light as well. It can be hard for a lightworker to stay on their mission.

Lightworker Missions

Lightworkers have different missions, but their main goal is to help other people to find the light. Lightworkers help to balance energy and they help to bring love and replace fear with goodness. They can manifest things with their thoughts, and they are able to heal others. They are people that make the world around them feel safe and secure.

Lightworkers are people that are sensitive to the energies of others and even if they are dealing with hard things in their life, they will still help others. Here are some things that happen when you are a lightworker:

Not Fitting In

You will see that you don’t fit into the world like other people do. You will feel that you are abnormal, and you will want to return to your home that might be in some other place. You are spiritually different, and you don’t partake in any kind of religion.

Knowing Things

Lightworkers don’t have to be told things in order to know them. They will meditate and work on themselves so that they can work on others. They will be emotional and sensitive, and they are aware of the energies around them. They can read what others are thinking without talking to them.

Lightworkers don’t have to be around people all the time and they need their alone time to recharge their energies.

People Come with Secrets

A lightworker is someone that is easy to talk to. They see that there are people that will come to them to share their secrets and their thoughts. They tell them personal stories that they don’t tell anyone else because they are easy to talk to. They don’t judge others and they help people to deal with the problems they are facing.

Facing Death

Death is something that doesn’t scare the lightworkers. They are able to face death head on and if they have ever experienced near death experiences or had a disease, they know that their journey is full of ups and downs.

They know that death isn’t final, and they accept that there is a change that they will one day face. As a lightworker, they have an open heart, and they are aware of the changes that are always happening.

It isn’t the job of the lightworker to make anyone change but they accept the choices that those around them make because it is their choice how they live. Even if they want to see the divine light around everyone, they embrace the spiritual changes around them.

Speaking to Archangel Uriel for Jobs

Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel is there to help you if you need help with your job or your career goals. This can help you to focus on what your soul purpose is and help you to figure out what you are passionate about. This can also help you to focus on the work that you do for the universe at the same time.

The kind of work that you do should serve some kind of purpose. If you are doing a job that helps others, you can call on your angel guides to help you with this job. Or, if you need to find a new job or go down a new career path, your angels can help you to be successful for this.

You can ask Uriel to help you to be better successful at your job and at the career paths that you choose to take. Uriel has a name that means “fire of God,” and so this angel is often associated with the color orange or red.

What to Use

You can use essential oils such as:

• Nutmeg.
• Cardamom.
• Bergamot.

Using these when you talk to your angel can help to get your meditation connected faster and stronger. Others like to use crystals such as:

• Herkimer Diamond.
• Azurite.
• Carnelian.

These crystals can help you to be successful in your career and help to put you in a good mood. Before you begin, make sure that you have these things to help you and that you begin your mantras and your chants. Some people will use candles when they are ready.

Asking for Career Success

Here are some things that you can say to Uriel to help you with your job success:

  • Dear Uriel, thank you for helping me to connect with jobs that are looking for people that are caring and have a good light.
  • Thank you, Uriel, for helping me to find a job that reflects on the strong feelings that I have for the wellbeing for other people.
  • Thank you for letting me find a career path that offers me protection and gives me a chance to show what I have to offer.
  • Thank you for helping me to increase my intuition and to find opportunities to help me to reach my highest self.
  • Thank you for bringing me lots of different job opportunities.
  • Thank you for guiding me and supporting me in my careers and helping me to make money that I need.
  • Thank you, Uriel, for allowing me to have the financial support through my career that I need.
  • Thank you for helping me to have a strong passion and to be motivated for a job that allows me to use my gifts.
  • Please help me to find new career opportunities that will benefit me and my family.

Asking for Business Success

Here are some ways to ask for business success:

  • Archangel Uriel pleases bless me when I start a new business and let me have growth that is needed.
  • Thank you for the signs that you have sent me to show me what I need to be successful.
  • Thank you for confirming what I need and sending me the finances and security that benefits me and the people around me.
  • Thank you for giving me the resources that I need to help my employees to feel valued.
  • Thank you for helping me to find people that are as passionate about this venture as I am.
  • Thank you for letting me find people that will help to make my jobs more successful.
  • Thank you for the signs of the coins, feathers, and numbers.

Final Thoughts

Anything that works towards a new career or business should be taken up with Archangel Uriel. This angel can help you to be successful in your new job or business. If you are someone that owns their own business, Uriel can help to guide you and help you to reach your success.

Ask your archangel to give you signs and to confirm that you are making good choices. Always have an open and pure heart when you talk to Uriel about what you want to do. Always look towards good career paths that bring value and harmony in your life.

Once you connect with Archangel Uriel, you can ask for opportunities and connections to people that will help to make your employment goals necessary. The more opportunities that you have the more growth you will see.