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Getting Money with Positive Mantras

Positive Mantras

Your thoughts are very important and powerful. When you are negative, you bring negativity into your life. When you are negative about money, it has the same affect.

Money is something that is fluid and that is ready for you to have. Just like the earth is made up of water, your mind and body are also made up of fluid. You might wonder how this affects you getting money, well here is how!

Stop Limiting Your Beliefs

When you limit your thinking and your beliefs you limit the fluid of money.

You Bring Money In

You can manifest money into your life and just like any other habit, it takes 21 days to make a habit form. You can learn to bring money in when you recite these mantras for 30 days.

Money and Beliefs

Manifesting money means that you have to believe that you can get money. You need to say these mantras at least 3 times each day.

When you say these mantras, you are balancing your chi. This is your personal space, home space, work space and more. This can bring you health and energy.

Filling Your Glass

Make sure that you clean areas that you want to get the Chi moving. You can put plants around your workplace or home to make the oxygen flow.

Put some money on the table and then put a glass of water on the corner of the money. Fill it with fresh water here and there to keep it clean.

This can be a reminder that your glass is full and that you can be positive about money. Recite the mantras at least 3 times each day. Use a new mantra each day so the universe knows you are serious.

Money Mantras for 30 Days

Here are some money mantras for 30 days:

  • Day 1: Money is always coming my way.
  • Day 2: Money attracts to me.
  • Day 3: I love getting money and getting paid.
  • Day 4: I have talents that can make me rich.
  • Day 5: I am ready to get money.
  • Day 6: I have prosperity.
  • Day 7: I can manifest naturally.
  • Day 8: I can get money now.
  • Day 9: Every time I spend money it comes back to me multiplied.
  • Day 10: I let go of my money blocks.
  • Day 11: I receive much money.
  • Day 12: I deserve abundance.
  • Day 13: I am able to make money and have opportunities.
  • Day 14: I know how to get money.
  • Day 15: Something good is about to happen for me.
  • Day 16: I am a money magnet.
  • Day 17: I am positive about money.
  • Day 18: I will have a great cash flow.
  • Day 19: I have much love and joy and good finances.
  • Day 20: I see different money sources.
  • Day 21: I get rid of things stopping me from having money.
  • Day 22: I know my worth.
  • Day 23: There’s enough money for everyone.
  • Day 24: I get money from all sources and have so much happiness.
  • Day 25: I live in financial freedom.
  • Day 26: I am confident in my money.
  • Day 27: There is enough money for all people.
  • Day 29: I honor money I have.
  • Day 30: I attract money each day.

Final Thoughts

Do this for at least 30 days and if you want to keep repeating then start over. You deserve to have the money that you need so allow the energy of the money to keep flowing through your life.

Clearing Your Karma

Clearing Your Karma

When you want to make good karma in your life you can do this by making sure that you aren’t attaching yourself to anything that is bad or that you aren’t taking bad actions. You can make sure that you are looking at things that are important in your life towards something spiritual and not something physical.

Karma can be good or bad and you can clear up your karma when you are surrendered to the universe. You can do whatever you need to be free from your karma by making sure that your heart is open to goodness and to love.

The theory of karma tells you that you need to have balance in your life. This means that there will be action and reaction and that you will go through a cycle of birth and death and rebirth. This will happen over and over again until your soul becomes free, and you reach your higher self.

What is Cleansing Karma?

Here are some ways that you can cleanse karma:

  • Karma is like burning fat. When you stop eating too many calories your body can burn fat that is stored. Your karma can be burned when you stop creating action.
  • Karma is like washing a dish. As you wash a dish, they pile up. Karma can pile up like dishes and when you do dirty things, the karma piles up that is dirty.
  • You can keep your karma clean like cleaning your car. As you have people ride in your car, you always go behind it and clean it up so that it will be better the next time. Do this with your karma by doing good actions.

Imagine the karma that you have around you and the things that you say and do to people around you. This is a source of energy, and it is something that affects your life.

Improving Karma

You can improve your karma by being mindful of what you are doing. Make sure that you are present in everything that you do. When you do something, do it the best that you can do it. As you plan on what you want to do next, make plans.

Focus on what is happening in your life now and meditate on good things. Let your mind be calm and positive. Be open to having new experiences. Here is how:

  • Before doing something, see what kind of energy it will have.
  • Take good actions.
  • Be positive in everything you do.
  • Practice saying positive affirmations.
  • Be focused in the now.
  • Have a spiritual vision and don’t limit yourself to your past, present or future.
  • After each action, see if you feel good about it.
  • Stay centered and show grace to yourself and others.

As you do anything in your life, cleaning, bathing, feeding the pets or the family, make sure that you see it as a ritual that is good and positive in your life.

Are You an Earth Angel? Find Out!

Earth Angel

Earth angels are people that are able to look at your mental or emotional state and they want to help you. They are put on the Earth to bring peace and hope to those that live here. There are around 7 billion people on the earth and not very many of them are Earth Angels.

What makes a person an Earth Angel? Would you even know if you were around someone that was one? They are people that are here to help those that need help, and they have special traits. Find out if you are or you know an Earth Angel with this guide.

Traits of an Earth Angel

Here are some traits of an Earth Angel:

  • They know things: Thee are people that know things without someone telling them. They have feelings and they are normally right. These include empaths and Earth Angels.
  • Earth angels get overwhelmed easily. They have a hard time being around a big group.
  • They take on the emotions of others. When they walk into a room, they will feel a variety of emotions because they are picking up others emotions.
  • They don’t watch violence on television because it makes them ill and makes them sad.
  • They know when someone is telling them the truth or when they are lying. They have a hard time in relationships because they know when they are loved.
  • They pick up physical symptoms that other people have. If someone is sick, they might feel that sickness in their body.
  • They have back and digestive problems because they have strong emotions. They are often ungrounded and have stomach problems because of stress.
  • They take care of those that cannot care for themselves, or someone being picked on.
  • They have strangers that tell them their problems because they are able to help others.
  • They are tired a lot because they are always carrying the emotions that other people have.
  • Earth Angels are often addicted because they have to figure out how to get out of the pain that they are always feeling.
  • They want to see people healed and they are drawn to ways of healing and to supernatural things.
  • Earth Angels are creative, and they are able to dance, draw, act or sing.
  • They love animals and they love nature. They love to be outside, and animals are attracted to them.
    They need to be alone sometimes and to have times of quiet.
  • They get bored easily.
  • They don’t like to do things that aren’t fun for them because it causes them to have to give up what they like.
  • Earth Angels want to have people tell them the truth and they seek the truth.
  • They look to learn new things and they like to take classes.
  • They enjoy travelling and be adventurous. They like to try new things.
  • They feel that they are weighted down with negative energy.
  • Earth Angels daydream often because they are lost in their own world.
  • They want to be in routines and be in control of their own life. They like to be free but also not to be free.
  • They overeat so that they can find a way to get rid of negativity.
  • They listen to anyone and are often empaths. They will help others and people trust them with their lives.
  • They are intolerant to narcissistic behaviors. They have a hard time being around aggressive people and those that only love themselves.
  • They feel each day of the week. They are energetic on the weekends and the weekdays can cause them to feel stress and heavy.
  • Earth Angels don’t like to have antiques because they have too much power and history on them.
  • They eat foods that give them energy and they sense the energy of foods.
  • They seem moody but they aren’t and even when they aren’t sociable it’s because they are quiet due to what they are feeling.
  • They don’t receive good well because they want others to have good things.
  • They feel guilty because they don’t feel that they are worth anything. They have low self-esteem.
  • Earth Angels make people happy, and people feel excited around them. Even if they are drained, they give others energy.
  • They have a hard time telling people no and they need to set boundaries.

Don’t Let Your Heart Get Broken

Don’t Let Your Heart Get Broken

Thinking that everything is your own fault is not good. He is to blame as much as you and even if you don’t think things are going good enough or that you could be better, so could he.

Conditional love is something that comes with limits and when this is happening in your relationship, you might want to walk away from him and end it. You cannot imagine who you would be though if you didn’t love him, but the truth is, you deserve to have someone in your life that empowers you and makes you feel good. You deserve to be with someone that tells you that you are enough.

Loving someone is not enough and sometimes you have fallen for the wrong person, and it is hard to let them go because you want things to work out. You have to ask yourself if the relationship is enough as it is or if you want to be in a relationship that is different.

It is sometimes easier to love someone because missing them is hard and hurtful. Letting someone go is hard but loving someone that doesn’t love you back is even harder.

You might have a hard time admitting that things aren’t getting better in the relationship, but the truth is that you already know this in your heart. You know he doesn’t, and he probably will never love you like you want to be loved.

Love and Heartbreak

Do you feel that the person you are with has never loved you? If you feel that this is something that is happening in the relationship, you need to get out but if you feel that there is hope, you might want to see where things go.

Chances are though that if you feel unloved by someone that you love with everything in you, you might just be in love with a thought and living in a dream.

What Does it Mean to Be Alone?

Do you think that being alone means that you will just be sad and sitting around your home without anyone? The truth is that you can love yourself and learn to be happy without a partner. You can live on your own and be happy at the same time.

You might wonder what your heart will think about this but really, don’t you feel that you deserve to have true love?

Get rid of the person holding you back and free up some time so that you can do things that are fun and new. Stop spending all of your time begging for love and trying to fix things that will never change. Start spending time with people that want you around.

Breaking up with someone that doesn’t love you will not make you feel more alone that you do now. You will see that this will be something good for your life and you will stop living in a place where you never know if love will come or not.

Learn Your Lesson

Remember, life is all about learning lessons. Even if a relationship ends, it doesn’t mean you have failed. You need to be strong enough to leave when you figure out that the relationship will never be what you want it to be. Maybe when you leave, he will be mean to you or call you names, but that is okay. You have the right to be happy and to find someone that loves you.

The relationship that you just went through is not a loss in your life but something that you can learn a lesson from. You will realize what you want and need in a partner, and you will see that you can move past the hurt.

Don’t be afraid to leave or think that this means you will be alone for the rest of your life. There is someone out there that will love you and you should never be stuck in a relationship that is going to make you miserable or keep you in a cycle of wishing for something more.

Let go of your own doubt and stop letting other people decide if you are good enough or valuable enough. Find your own love and figure out your true with. Once you discover what you are worth, you will see that you mean more than you ever imagined.

Finding the Name of Your Spirit Guide

Spirit Guide

Your spirit guide will answer you no matter what you call them, and you can learn to figure out who they are by associating them with things such as:

  • Colors
  • Codes
  • Symbols
  • A Name

Your spirit guides are there to connect with you and when you know them by name, it is important to you and your guide to connect with them that way. This is a way that you can know:

  • Who you are connecting with.
  • Lets you put your energy into the spirit world.
  • Helps you to gain your thoughts with your guides.

Your spirit guides can communicate with you in different ways such as:

  • Giving you a gut feeling.
  • Getting you to go in a certain direction.
  • Give you feelings about situations.
  • Send you physical signs such as a song or a symbol.
  • Deliver messages to you from other people around you.

How Spirit Guides Message You

There are different ways that your spirit guides will message you such as through your clairvoyant or claircognizant gift, through other people or animals or through clairsentience or feelings in your soul.

Your guides want you to know that they are around and sometimes they will use other humans to give you messages. Spirit guides will give messages to your family or your friends and even strangers so that you can get the message.

The biggest problem is that some people aren’t open to these messages and you have to be open in order to receive the messages. Once you trust someone to give you a message, your spirit guides will use these people to send you more messages.

Working with the Spirit Guides

Here are some ways that your spirit guides can help you:

  • Make you feel powerful.
  • Give you confidence.
  • Help you to develop your spiritual gifts.
  • Helps you to be more compassionate.
  • Allow you to find love.
  • Gets you to smile more often.

When you work with your spirit guide, they will give you information and when you talk to them and call them by name, you can connect easier. You can mediate and know who is around you. Once you understand the source of the messages, the energy will guide you and help you.

Any messages that you receive will be validated by the gifts that you have, and you will have an easier time trusting your guides.

Why Call Your Spirit Guide by Name?

The spirit guides have names and when you know their name, you can reach their energies. Here are some reasons to call them by name:

  • To make a stronger connection.
  • To get guidance when needed.
  • To be able to understand the energy.

All of the guides are different, and they have different vibrations. You can pick up these energies and you can use it to be able to communicate with your guides better.

How to Find the Name

Here is a way that you can find the name of your guide:

  • Let your mind wonder.
  • Deep breathe.
  • Don’t think about anything except breathing.
  • Concentrate on thinking about a name.
  • Stop thinking and deep breathe.
  • Ask out loud or in your head, “What is your name, Spirit guide.”
  • You might hear a name or see a symbol.

If you have a symbol that comes to your mind, receive whatever it is. It doesn’t have to be something that seems common, but it can be. When a symbol comes to your mind, associate it with a word and that can be the name of your guide.

Pay attention to the characteristics of your guide. Your guide might have told their name to someone that knows you and they might share it with you.

Final Thoughts

Here is a recap of the article:

  • Spirit guides have different characteristics.
  • They have traits that you can identify them with.
  • You can understand their energy if you trust them.
  • Guides want to communicate with you.
  • You can call your guide other things until you get their name.

You might get their name in your dreams, or you might feel a strong connection to a color. You can meditate and center yourself in order to connect with your guides. Whatever name you have for your spirit guide, use it in order to connect with them at a deeper level.

What is the Third Eye Chakra

Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra is found in the middle of the forehead and is also called the Ajna. It is a place where the imagination and your wisdom come from. This is where you are able to make decisions and to be strong about what you want out of your life.

Blue is the color that is associated with the third eye chakra. It helps to balance your life and allows you to trust yourself and to find guidance.  It is associated with the ether element and the sound eeem. This helps to make the pituitary and the pineal gland strong.

When the third eye chakra is balanced, it will help you to be:

  • Strong.
  • Have strong intuition.
  • Be psychic.
  • Be optimistic.
  • Be imaginative and perceptive.
  • To be more aware.
  • To have a good memory.
  • To remember your dreams.

When the third eye chakra is unbalanced, it will cause you to be:

  • Obsessed with your visions.
  • Paranoid.
  • To hallucinate.
  • To space out and daydream.
  • To have a hard time concentrating.
  • To have nightmares.
  • Unable to set goals.
  • Not able to imagine things.
  • Having a hard time seeing into the future.
  • To be in denial.

An unbalanced third eye can also cause things such as:

  • Personality disorders.
  • Problems seeing.
  • Neurological problems.
  • Seizures.
  • To have headaches.
  • To have migraines.

There are some crystals that can help to balance the third eye chakra such as:

  • Lapis Lazuli.
  • Selenite.
  • Tourmaline.
  • Amethyst.
  • Clear quartz.

There are some essential oils that can help to balance the third eye chakra such as:

  • Lemongrass.
  • Sage.
  • Rosemary.
  • Patchouli.
  • Black tourmaline.

The best foods to keep your third eye chakra strong include:

  • Lemongrass.
  • Sage.
  • Rosemary.
  • Patchouli.
  • Sweet potatoes.

Here are some positive affirmations you can say to make the third eye balanced:

  • I am strong.
  • I have a healthy brain.
  • I am spiritual.
  • I have many spiritual gifts.
  • I believe in my intuition.
  • I listen to my inner voice.

It is important to make sure that your third eye and all of your other chakras are balanced. Try some different yoga poses, stay positive and keep your mind open to new possibilities as you live the best life that you can live.

Being Free with Your Awakening and Change


Are you seeking to be awakened? Have you worked hard, and you have accomplished the tasks at hand, and you know there is something more? Maybe you are even one of those people that have been able to share their experience and help other people find their real purpose.

We live in a world where people are limited and held back by life, but we all want and have the same purpose of wanting to be free of things that hold us back or confuse us. We want to have love and to seek out truth and reality, to accomplish more and more.

Nature and Life

We have all struggled and fight with things that limit us. Many of us have fought with our own ego in a way that causes us to have beliefs that lack understanding.

These beliefs have often caused us to miss out on things that are good for us and cause us to be separated which can lead to fear and to suffering. These beliefs have caused many to not see the world for what it truly is.

When we do not know what is going on and we do not understand who we are or the real reality, we often miss out on goodness. We become full of illusions because of the fall of man, and we see that we are in some kind of bondage.

The truth is that humanity is free, and we have been living in a place in our heart and mind that has caused us to miss out on this freedom. We have created a false manifestation in the world, and we have been confused in our minds.

Those that work hard are able to see that change is coming and that we can look at the humanity of who we are and see that we can be awakened and changed.

What is Transformation?

Transformation is leaving the world of thoughtlessness and beginning to think positively. To awaken our mind and to get out of our period of sleeping. We must remember that there is a new world, and that the old world is behind us.

There will be times when things are hard and when there is confusion and things seem like they will never get better, but these are the times that we can change and become awakened. When we choose the right path in life, we can awaken ourselves and we can change into who we are meant to be. We can see reality for what it is and see that we are enough.

There will be people that do not ever find this, and the truth is that they too will return home at some point but that the journey that they are taking will not be nearly as exciting as those that are awakened to new thoughts and into wisdom.

Remember your real nature in life and remember that following your ego will get you nowhere but following light and wisdom is the way to bring hope and change into this world.

Ignorance to Awakening

We all start by being ignorant and we follow darkness. We limit ourselves and allow the world to enslave us and follow evil things. We find that being ugly to others and being selfish is something we have often done, but there can be a change.

Once we see we need this change we can follow the light with wisdom while we see that we are really free from bad things. We can see the real beauty in life and that we can help others and live in victory.

As we live our life on earth, we will experience different paths and different lives. As we evolve and incarnate, we will see that our soul will continue to grow. Even if we face struggles and challenges now, there are better things coming and we can master life.

Our Purpose

We can reach our real purpose. We can become created in a masterful way where we can see our own reality in freedom and to face life without being afraid.

As our real life opens up, we will see that we are part of reality and that we have life and love that is always unconditional and part of everything that we are.

Bad Days and How Self-Care Helps

Self-Care Helps

Have you noticed that you are feeling bad lately and you are letting your emotions control you? Do you find that you are overwhelmed and stressed out for most of your days?

Bad days will come and go and the most important thing to remember is that you are allowed to have bad days. You are allowed to have negative feelings and to have strong emotions. If this happens, you can find people that you can talk to or you can take up some hobbies that give you peace.

Even though you cannot stop bad days form coming, you can learn to prepare when bad days come so that you can make it through your days without much pain and suffering.


Self-care is something that can help you to make it through your bad days. If you love self-care, there are different ways that you can encourage yourself and others, to have motivation and to strengthen yourself.

Talk About It

Self-care is something that people often think that they have to do alone. The truth is that you can reach out to people and find a support system that will help you when you feel down.

It is important to love yourself and to have people that love you. Ask for help when you need it and let people support you when you are stressed out. Find people that will support you and if you have to seek a therapist, do it.

Learn to vent your feelings and share what you are going through. Tell your friends and therapist about your negative feelings.

Express Your Feelings and Emotions

If you are angry or if you are sad, do not push those emotions away. Even if you feel that this is toxic to you or you feel that you should just suck it up and be happy, the truth is, when you choose not to face these emotions, you will see that you will not feel better.

Your emotions are there to help you to deal with things. It is okay to have emotions and when you stop them or hide them, you are not going to be able to move past what you are feeling.

Some psychologists believe that when you hide your emotions, it will cause stress on your body and will make you have a lower self-esteem.

By choosing to hide your feelings and not working through them, you increase your risk of going into depression. Know your feelings and allow them to be there. Cry if you need to and talk through your pain.


Get a journal and a pen and write down what you are feeling. Doing this can help you to look at life from a different experience.

Looking at the situation can help you to move forward and can help you to get rid of stress and anxiety.

Fun Activities

Self-care can be about getting a massage, going to get your nails down or doing whatever it takes to slow down and relax. Learn to destress and to take care of what you are doing and feeling.

Enjoy a day out or do a television binge at home. Do what it takes to recharge yourself.


Cooking is one thing that can make people feel calm and can help you to feel loved and good. But when you cook for yourself that doesn’t always give you the same feelings.

Show yourself love by finding a recipe and making it. Make it something hard. You can choose something comforting or something that is new or exciting. There are no possibilities that you should ignore.

Doing creative things such as cooking a meal can help you to feel creative and comforted. Choose a good recipe and make it and enjoy it.

Be Easy

Be easy on yourself and take the rest that you need. Connect with yourself and do not expect too much out of others.

When you rest, you can work through hard emotions and negative thoughts that you are having. Learn to be mindful about how you are feeling and if you need to rest, do it.

Look at Yourself

Look at yourself and the days that you are having. Figure out how you can support yourself and how you can love yourself more. Be compassionate even when you are feeling bad.

Discover how you can support yourself and how you can feel better.

Deep Breathe

Taking a few deep breathes can make you feel better. Concentrate on how you are feeling and relax, get rid of tension, and let your anxiety go.

Do this for a few minutes each day or whenever you feel bad, and you can see that you will feel better right away.


Everyone has bad days, and everyone has challenges. You need to love yourself and to have love from others around you.

There are many ways that you can support who you are and work through times that are hard in your life. Do this so that you can have good self-care and so that you can love yourself more and more.

How to Fall in Love Without Losing You

Fall in Love Without Losing You

There are healthy relationships and there are unhealthy relationships that end in codependency and other situations.

Falling in love and losing yourself is something that is painful and if you have lost yourself in love before and have been codependent, you will see that you need to learn to protect yourself if you start a new relationship.

If you are prone to codependent behavior, it can cause you to lose who you are. It can make you feel that you have to give everything up for your partner, including your friends and your family or stopping hobbies that you loved.

Losing who you are in a relationship will cause you to lose friends and will cause you to miss out on things you are passionate about. It can make you not even know who you are.

When the relationship comes to an end, you can go back to who you are, but you will feel the pain of the time that you have lost.

The opportunity to fall in love should be a happy thing but if you are prone to negative things in your life, it can be something you worry about. You might even wonder if you can love without losing who you are.

Going through heartbreak can cause you to open your heart after healing to something new. It can make you fearful, of course, but it can show you that you can love without losing who you are.

After you figure out who you are and how to love and keep yourself, life can be amazing.

Losing Yourself

It is even said in science that when you first fall in love, your body is filled with things such as dopamine that causes your brain to react to these hormones in a wild way. It causes there to be chemistry and to want to be with your partner.

If you are in a good relationship, your partner and you will become balanced and you will be able to be together but separate at the same time. You will see that you get away from things such as:

  • Codependency which means you rely too much on your partner. This leads to bad relationships and makes you not be able to take care of yourself. It allows others to control you.
  • Anxious attachments which mean that you are always worried about them leaving and you fear rejection.
  • Highly Sensitive People which means getting lost in your emotions and having to be with someone to be happy.
  • Limerence which is involuntarily wanting to be with someone and having things such as obsessive convulsive behaviors.

All of these things can cause you to have bad relationships and cause you to lose who you are in your life.

Once you realize that you can lose yourself in your relationship, you have to figure out what habits are unhealthy and learn to challenge yourself to love yourself and to not let fear be in control. You have to be in your intimacy without fear and there are ways that you can do this. Doing this in the early stages of your relationship will help you to be strong and to know who you are.

Identify Who You Are

Being lost means that you are lost in yourself and not just alone. It means that you feel darkness and that you do not know who you have even become.

It is like you lose touch with your body and your emotions and you become less strong, and you are not able to even develop a way to talk about your feelings.


You must learn to ground yourself and to return to your body. You can do different things that can help you to focus on yourself.

Doing grounding exercises at any time can be helpful, in your car, at dinner or wherever you are.

To do this, take a deep breath and pay attention to the air. Feel your body pressure change and be aware of your body and your feet and your hands. Know that you are there.

Do not be occupied with your partner and just recenter your thoughts and your feelings. Return to yourself.

Collect Important Things

Early in love you might want to make your relationship stronger. You will see that your connections will change in your life and that you need to have healthy balance.

Looking at different things in your life can bring you to satisfaction and make you feel grounded and happy.

Identify and Challenge Your Ideas

Your ideas are positive and when you go through the honeymoon phase of your relationship then things are good but when this end, the relationship can be hard. You have to focus on the positive things then.

Feeling positive about your partner is not a bad thing, you just have to not forget who you are. You will never be a perfect person, and neither will your partner.

If you believe that your partner is perfect or almost perfect, then you will stop trying to measure yourself to them and this will help you to feel more powerful.

When your partner is held high, you think things such as:

  • They are flawless.
  • They are too amazing.
  • You don’t know why they are with you.

If you have idealization, you need to keep your partner’s flaws close to you and know that they mess up just like you do. When your self-image feels threatened, you need to remember that they are not perfect.

Future to Now

In the early stages of love, you have to stop trying to push things to the future. Live your love in the now and make sure that you are having your best times.

Fast forwards can cause you to miss out on developing a connection with your partner. If you do this, it is a warning that you are not realistic in your expectations.

In a new relationship, you have the information that you need to make sure you know your partner but if you find that you are becoming codependent, you need to make sure that you are not trying to speed things up too fast.

Stop trying to move forward to fast and live in the now. Do not try to make things happen such as having children or getting married.

Just concentrate on this week and what you will do today. If you become obsessive, stop, and get it back together.

Slow Down

Take time to get your partner and go slower than you are normally used to. If you are used to be codependent, do not be this way and take time.

If your expectations are growing, you need to make sure that you and your partner spend time together and you get to know their friends and families.

By going slow, you can develop a connection and you can build your relationship on what is happening now.

Rushing will cause you to miss out on good things and will end up causing fights. If you rush the relationship, it might not work out. Moving slowly will help you to understand your partner more.

Meeting Needs

Learn to meet your needs and to get things done. Do not miss out on your own life and chores and your work. Do not miss out on sleep and other things that you need.

You have things that you need, and you cannot let your relationship take these things away from you.

Make sure you get these things:

  • 8 hours of sleep each night.
  • A shower or bath each day.
  • Good meals.
  • Cleaning the house.
  • Going to the grocery store.
  • Meetings if needed.

Scheduled Plans

Do not give up on plans that you have in your life. If you have plans, do not reschedule them for your partner. Learn to focus your energy on yourself and this will not hurt a good relationship.

Partner Support

Always talk to your partner and make sure that you admit when things are failing. If you are responsible for keeping your own identity, you do not have to be responsible for your partner.

Set boundaries and make sure that you keep your own time and space. Take things slow and make sure that you are ready for the relationship.

Ask your partner to help you and make sure that you keep your hobbies and you do what makes you happy.

Do not let your relationship hurt you or cause you to miss out on things that you love.

Trust It

Learn to trust your journey and no matter what worked before, make sure that you do something new. Have actions and make sure that you make changes that you need to stay away from codependency.

Do not be insecure or anxious and make sure that you keep a strong sense of self. Have fun and live a happy life with your partner and with yourself.

How to Make a Specific Person Love You Back

How to Make a Specific Person Love You Back

If there is a specific person that you want to manifest in your life you need to know that you can do this, but you have to make sure that their vibrational frequency matches yours.

You need to know that the best thing that you can do in order to manifest someone in your life is to make your goal to raise your vibrations and not to win over someone.

You aren’t going to manifest a specific person unless you learn to manifest a certain desire in your heart.

When your vibrations are strong and you match them with your desires, you can meet a person in the relationship that you want. You can then love your relationship and meet the specific person that you are manifesting.

Increasing Your Vibrations

You can increase your vibrations by starting with focusing and meditating. Figure out what you want from the person that you want to be with and find out what is causing you to be worried or to be afraid.

If you don’t feel good about this person, you will never match your vibrations to theirs and you will block your desires. You will actually lower your vibrations until you get rid of fear and worry.

Think good things about the other person even when things aren’t going how you want them to. Let their vibrations match yours.

Don’t worry if they like you ack or not but worry about raising your vibrations and by being the best that you can be. Know what you want in your relationship and start thinking about what you want and who you are.

Focus on feeling the best that you can feel and get rid of other things that are negative. This allows your energy to flow and you to get your hearts desires.

Stop trying to always get your way and learn to be happy and to get what you want in your future. You need to focus on who you are and what you want your life to loo like when you are alone, and the rest will come to you.

Manifesting Love

Here are some ways that you can manifest love in your life:

  • Be positive
  • Get rid of negative thinking.
  • Be mindful of what you talk about.
  • Set your house to be ready for your partner.
  • Increase your vibrations.
  • Find out what you are fearful of.
  • Get rid of emotions holding you back.


Make sure that you are being positive and that you are getting rid of negative emotions if you want to manifest a person or a relationship in your life.