When They Are on Your Mind

When They Are on Your Mind

Chances are that when someone is on your mind then you are probably on theirs, as well. Many people believe in this theory but the truth is that this cannot really be proven. The subconscious mind is something that is powerful and some people believe that telepathy can work between people.

If your mind is connected with someone then chances are that when you think about them then they might be thinking about you.

Psychic Signs They Think of You

There are signs that are given from the universe and this can allow you to know when someone is thinking about you or not.


When you feel a shock when you touch someone then you can know that this person might be thinking about you. Also, keeping someone in your mind is a big sign that you might be connected. Feeling a shock can mean that you have sexual tension and this is what causes there to be high energies and vibrations.

Take time to talk to this person and tell them how you feel. You can talk in an honest way and then you can see what happens next.

Strong Mood Swings

A strong mood swing can mean that someone is on your mind. You might feel like the happiest person ever and then a few minutes later feel angry or sad.  When these things happen for no reason, it can cause you to feel drained.

Mood changes can mean that someone is thinking about you. This can happen because of the connection that you have with this person. If they feel sad, chances are that you might start feeling sad too.

Coincidences and Synchronicities

People often think that when you think of a relationship or you can’t get someone out of your mind then they are probably thinking about you, too. You might not be able to stop thinking about them and you might love them.

You might text this person or call them and you might feel that you are always missing them.  When this happens, chances are that you will run into this person and then you will see if they are thinking about you, too.


A white feather can be a sign from the universe that someone is thinking about you. Even though a person that you love might be dead, they can send you a white feather to let you know that they are thinking about you.

Repetitive Numbers

Repetitive numbers can mean that someone is thinking about you. This can be angel numbers like 111 or 3333. These numbers can come in songs, in billboards, on menu’s or other things.  These numbers can be warnings or they can be telling you that you are on the right path. Next time you buy something, pay attention to the total, and see if it is $3.33 or $5.55 and if it is part of your angel numbers.


Sometimes you will dream of someone that is always on your mind. But, when you are on their mind, chances are that you will dream of them then too. When you think about someone a lot, you might dream of them and think that it is just happening but this is normally not a coincidence.

Seeing Their Name

If you keep seeing a persons name in the media, it might be a sign that they are thinking about you. You might see that the universe is trying to show you that the person is important for your life.

Talking to a Psychic

Talking to a psychic can help you to find out if someone is talking or thinking about you. If you find things confusing in your life, talking to a psychic can help you to know what is going on around you.

Physical Signs They Are Thinking of You

There are physical signs that someone is thinking about you such as:

  • Having goosebumps: You might feel that you are having goosebumps or butterflies. This can mean that someone is thinking about you.
  • Hiccupping: Hiccups can mean that someone is thinking about you randomly. Make sure that you don’t have a medical condition.
  • Eyes twitching: Twitching eyes can mean that someone is thinking good thoughts about you. But if you are a man, a tingling left eye can mean something bad is being thought but a tingling right eye can mean it is something good.
  • Burning: If you have burning in your head, it can mean you are flushed or it can mean that someone is stuck in your mind.
  • Phantom feelings: These feelings happen when nothing is there. This can be a telepathic reaction to what your person is feeling.
  • Sneezing: When you sneeze out of control and you don’t know why, it can be a true sign that someone misses you and they are thinking about you right at the moment.

Is Someone Thinking of You?

You can tell if someone is thinking about you by the signs around you. This can be telepathy and it can mean that your twin flame or your soulmate is thinking about you or getting close to meet you. When you care about someone and you have a strong connection with them, you might have these things happening in your mind, body or emotions.

The universe will send you signs, and you need to pay attention to them. Look at the signs before you and see if you can analyze them. You need to pay attention and let the signs show.

Why You Can’t Stop Thinking of Them

You might not be able to get someone out of your mind because you miss them or because you needed to finish something with them. This can be an ex, a friend, family member or even someone that has died. You need to have some kind of closure in your life.

If the relationship ended, this could be a reason that they are on your mind. You might feel like you have a hard time moving on if you don’t get the closure that you need.

Final Thoughts

You can tell if someone is thinking about you. This can be different for everyone but if you have any of the signs above, chances are that you might realize that you have many of those signs. When this happens, pay attention to your signs, and see if your soulmate is coming close to you.

Keep in mind that things happen for a true reason and if you find these signs to be strong, someone is probably thinking of you and can’t get you off of their mind.