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Control Your Money Before It Runs Away

      Where did my money goes? How can i keep up with all bills? How can i pay everything? When can i buy that? Too much questions about money. Money and finances are always tricky subjects and one that many people like to keep private. And no wonder, there is always someone out there with more than you and less than you. It often feels like you are judged for your financial decisions, no matter what you do.

It’s this tendency towards secrecy that can get you in a financial hole so deep that you don’t know how to get out. If you haven’t asked yourself the following questions, it’s time for you to take a hard look at your budget and make revisions before it’s too late!

Where’s the money?

What’s left in your wallet at the end of the pay period? If it’s always empty and you have trouble stretching it out until the next paycheck, it’s time to examine every aspect of your budget. While you may not be able to go get another job to cover your expenses, you can take a look at spending patterns. Identify key areas that take up too much of your budget and find ways to cut back. While you may miss some of the comforts, the increase in financial security will go a long way to improving your wellbeing.

What are you hiding?

Do you find yourself throwing away shopping bags and pretending new purchases have been there all along? Have you ever opened a statement and hidden it from your significant other? Hiding purchases and financial statements, especially when you are in a relationship, are one of the reddest of red flags that you need a budget intervention.

What’s at the heart of your fight?

Are you in perpetual conflict with your significant other? Have you stopped to examine what’s really at the core of the fighting? You may find that differing approaches to finances can cause conflicts in seemingly every aspect of your relationship. Maybe it’s time for you to sit down with your partner and have the awkward conversation that addresses your financial values and obstacles that you need to overcome to achieve the goals you share together.

Are you ashamed of your financial situation?

When you begin to feel ashamed of your financial situation, it’s time to examine why you feel the way that you feel. Pay attention to whether the feeling of shame stems from comparing yourself to others who appear to have more or is it because you don’t know how to stop spending more than you truly have? Once you pinpoint the source of the shame, you will be in a better position to make positive changes in your life.

Are you ready to make changes?

You can’t change your life until you’re willing to do the work. Are you ready to take the necessary steps to achieve financial security? Don’t be afraid to take the first steps and let your smaller successes build the foundation of your financial future.

While asking yourself these questions may be painful and embarrassing at times, it’s worth it if it helps you build a brighter, more secure future.

Can A Sun Sign Predicts Your Financial Success?

    A Sun sign can says a lot about your general personality and your love life but can it also have a wide view of  your financial outlook? By gaining a better understanding of what your sun sign says about your financial practices, you can stop working against yourself and find new ways to improve your situation.


You are driven more by your competitive nature than your desire for wealth. This fact helps balance out your careless use of financial resources. However, don’t let your impulsiveness and competitive nature drive you to make hasty decisions on a get-quick-rich scam.


Your stubborn streak comes out as loyalty and steadfastness in your career. These same traits will allow you to build up substantial savings that can grow into great wealth. Be careful not to stay at a job that is no longer working for you out of feelings of loyalty.


As a general rule, you are happy to spend money on what makes you happy without too much thought. However, your practical side and cleverness will help you weather any financial setbacks. Don’t be afraid to ask for help in managing your long-term finances.


You are driven by a strong work ethic, which is good because stability and security rule your financial portfolio. You don’t feel comfortable to spend money on beautiful things until you have substantial savings. Risky investments are not wise for you and you should stick to safer financial opportunities.


Luxury and unexpected gifts are how you show love and affection. Luckily, your dedication and love of power will drive you to success in your career. With your ambition and drive for success, you will be able to fund the sparkly things that make you happy.


Your cautious nature and hard work are evident in the way that you manage your finances. You take great pride in being a provider and will work whatever job you need to take care of yourself and your family. Don’t be so cautious that you miss out on a profitable opportunity, backed by your research of course!


As a Libra, you can balance your love of luxury with making wise financial decisions. However, this love of balance may make it hard for you to make a decision regarding your investments. A trusted financial advisor may help you make wise financial decisions that you can trust.


Scorpios are known for their love of material wealth and tend to have the instincts to make money. More importantly, you know how to make your money grow over the long term. Your instinct for squirrelling money away will serve you well if and when your circumstances take a dramatic turn.


This sign tends to have a casual approach to earning money and saving money. While this makes it hard for you to find success in a career, you may have good luck when it comes to unexpected windfalls or gambling. Your quick thinking and optimism will serve you well when you experience a financial setback.


You never give up chasing after achievement and success in your career, which leads you to make a nice living for yourself. Your ambition and work ethic combine with your practical nature to ensure that you will have financial security throughout your life. Just be careful not to miss out on a good investment because you’re too scared to take the risk.


You find the best career success when you pursue a path that means something to you. It’s easier for you to remain dedicated if you believe in the cause, and you just have to hope that the cause has advancement opportunities. The amount of time and resources you dedicate to charities or innovative investments reveals your humanitarian nature.


Your compassion and emotions are apt to cloud your thinking when it comes to financial decisions. Be careful that the people you support aren’t taking advantage of your generosity. Remember; your debt won’t disappear just because you ignore the bills!

Whenever you find yourself struggling to make a career or financial decisions, take a look at your sun sign. Consider the warnings for your sign and think about whether you are fighting against your nature or working with it to build a better future for yourself.

Great Wealth That Comes From A Tarot Card Reading

    Tarot can definitely make you richer in some ways that you might not even expect. Tarot can offer advice and help with important decisions, the outcome of which may have a significant bearing on how financially successful you become. Through the  insights it provides, Tarot offers a blueprint to help you maximize your financial position – for you to become potentially wealthy.   But is that really what you are seeking?

What do you truly value?

What kind of riches do you desire now? Material wealth or a life rich in fulfillment and positive experiences? Often, we think that achieving the former will to lead to us attaining the latter.

This is rarely the case.

Money does not always solve  problems (except for those immediate, pressing financial needs). In fact, it often creates greater problems. Think of all those famous people who gained extraordinary wealth and yet seemed to leave this life somewhat unfulfilled; Michael Jackson, Princess Diana, Elvis Presley…the list is endless.

How Tarot can help you improve your finances

Tarot cannot guarantee a lottery win. However, it provides valuable guidance on how to take advantage of circumstances and opportunities that present themselves to you.

Ultimately, any wealth you generate is the sum of your own hard work, creativity and decision making. However, by creating in you an awareness of what is possible – of what you are capable of achieving now and in the future – Tarot can lead you towards financial success combined with a sense of lasting fulfillment.

How Tarot can contribute to your success:

– Tarot gives guidance on the path to achieving a material goal.

– Tarot provides practical insights and answers to questions such as the right job to take, the right time to ask for a raise, etc.

– Tarot helps you become more sensitive to circumstances. It gives you the support and confidence to listen to your own intuition. Tarot creates a condition of mindfulness…You don’t have to make so many difficult decisions. You can let them make themselves.

– Tarot offers insight into yourself and your life. It leads you towards increased self-awareness and self-improvement. This in turn leads to future financial stability.

– Tarot gives you a picture of unseen obstacles. These are very important in financial performance.

– Tarot adjusts your attitude towards money. With the insight gained through Tarot you will be better equipped to take decisions in your best financial interests.

– Tarot offers empowerment to make the financial changes you want to make in order to create future success.

– Tarot can help you understand the causes of past financial difficulties, which will help you avoid making the same mistakes again.

– Tarot can tune into your financial psyche and eradicate the fog of financial uncertainty.

Cards that can indicate financial good fortune:

The following are some of the tarot cards that best predict financial success. They should motivate you to achieve more – and earn more:

Ten of Pentacles indicates inheritance or heritage.

Nine of Pentacles suggests a luxurious lifestyle and that you will have a good disposable income!

When the Sun card appears in a financial reading, it suggests high-earning investments.

The Wheel of Fortune suggests a financial windfall or a surprise gift of money.

In a financial reading, the Six of Wands signifies you will achieve a reward for the hard effort you expend on a particular task.

Key In Manifesting Wealth And Prosperity

  Some felt that they are born to die poor and suffer but in reality… almost anyone can tap into the Universal Law of Abundance to become rich, wealthy and prosperous! 

Before proceeding further to understand this law of Universe and learn to apply this law of Universe, it may be clarified that it is a spiritual process. The law of Universe to manifest money is a powerful law and is just as effective as the laws of physics. So powerful and useful is this process that you should pay careful attention to all the suggestions given here and come back to read this article regularly. Thus be sure to bookmark this webpage and this website so that you can repeat what you read – as it is human to slowly forget the details over a period of time.

Ultimate Secret to Manifesting Wealth and Prosperity

We’ll follow a step by step approach in understanding this powerful money manifestation process and then how to apply it. Of course, the same process can be used to manifest other things like property, friends, soul mate, good and helpful friends, health, or improve relationship, health etc. but for the purpose of this article, we shall focus on manifestation of money.

Secondly, do not get confused or entangled with the terminology. We have mostly used the word Universe or the Universal Law but you can replace it with God, Cosmos, Higher Powers, Infinite Powers or Creative Force, if you like.

Understanding the Ultimate Secret to Manifesting Wealth and Prosperity

1. You will manifest exactly what you hold in your mind with faith and clarity. 

In other words, the secret is that you will eventually manifest what thoughts or messages you radiate out to the higher power or infinite source or God. The mechanism behind this to be understood is that the Universe faithfully duplicates or mirrors your thoughts and emotions and brings them before you in terms of physical realities such as products, persons or circumstances.

You can also understand it this way that the Universe very faithfully echoes whatever you think, repeat or affirm. This is the sum and substance of the law of manifestation, which must always be kept in mind. As we proceed further, we shall appreciate it better and learn the techniques to apply it in our lives to manifest money and prosperity.

2. Universe does not say NO

The second most important feature of this law of manifestation is that it always works. This spiritual force is like a faithful Genie which will always obey your command and your command is what your repeated thoughts, affirmations and beliefs are.

It doesn’t discriminate between good or bad, useful or harmful. Universe will simply manifest for you irrespective of your age, name, gender, education or the language you speak

Therefore, make sure that you visualize, think, affirm and belief the right things for yourself and cut out the thoughts of lack, negativity or pessimism. The Universal law will faithfully mirror or duplicate your thoughts and it can never reject what you expect or radiate in your innermost beliefs and thoughts.

3. Have precise goals

You must know exactly what you want. It is better to write down precisely what you want, look at your goals several times a day – until you achieve it. If you are vague or weak in your belief about what you want or how much money you want or by when you want then by the previous 2 features explained to you, you can understand that Universe too shall be vague or weak in manifesting what you want.

Take a few minutes off, write down with a nice pen or print what is the amount you want to see in your bank account. In case you merely wish for 10 Million Dollars but don’t think it would be possible then begin with a smaller amount you think is possible – say $ 100,000. Once you achieve this, your level of faith will go up and you can increase the figure in your visualization too.

Suppose it is you desire to own a high end model of Mercedes or BMW or a sports car like Porsche or Lamborghini or Ferrari, then it would be a good idea to make a vision board of photographs of your favorite car’s model say BMW i8. Also you may like to visit the showroom of BMW cars in your town and stand near to BMW i8, imagine how would you look and feel inside the car and driving it. Hold this feeling in your mind vividly. This is the important part of the whole secret.

4. Acquire Wealth Consciousness

Soak and saturate your mind with ideas of lavishness and magnificence, convincing yourself that you live in the world of abundance. Often see the pictures of Money, Wealth, Opulence represented by luxury houses, big farm houses, luxury cars, expensive jewelry and also visit the show rooms of these brands. While many books and articles on the subject may talk a lot on other points, but often they fail to emphasis enough on this part of the ultimate secret.

If you would like to go to nice hotel, then you can plan to have just soup and bread – it will cost less but you will imbibe the richness of the place, fill your emotional mind with the experience of fine cutlery, courteous service and plush ambiance. Take home this experience, imbibing it in self. This is an important exercise as this experience it helps you to visualize yourself connecting you strongly with Wealth and Prosperity.

The quicker and higher you can create your wealth consciousness, the faster will be your rate of success in realizing your financial goals. You will begin to notice a change in yourself and others too will start responding to you in a different and better manner.

All you have to do is to keep holding the thoughts of financial abundance in your mind, day after day, week after week in your mind’s eye, especially just before retiring into your bed and immediately after getting up.

5. Learn to receive

This suggests that you should be open to receiving from others. Strangely, a lot of attention is paid to other things by the practitioners of the law of manifestation but they fail to open the doors when it comes to receiving it. This is most crucial part of the secret to manifestation of money. One of the reasons could be that most of us are brought up with the belief that it is OK to give but one should not take. It is this belief system which needs to be changed as Universe will choose an appropriate channel to send you the money and if you are not a good acceptor, how will the money reach you?

Now you can’t say that the Universe did not help you manifest the money! Next time you get a nice gift, say thanks to the person and God and receive it gracefully.

6. Leverage the Power of Affirmations

To reinforce what has been suggested so far, incorporate the use of affirmations in your action plan. If you continuously repeat a positive statement with the desired end result in mind and in the present tense, you are activating the spiritual law of attraction. For example you may repeat several times a day in your mind or audibly: “I am very happy & grateful that money comes to me in increasing quantities from many sources on a continuous basis.” Another good affirmation is: “Money comes to me easily and effortlessly”

A secret tip to better manifestation success: The best time to do these affirmations is when you just wake up or just before getting in to the bed. This is the best time to program your sub conscious mind. Do the affirmations for 5 to 10 minutes each time, twice a day – at least.

7. Use Power of Visualization to Manifest Money

Usually affirmations and visualization go hand in hand. The secret to the Universal law is that more faculties of the self we the better it is. By visualizing what you need to manifest, you can feel better, giving rise to stronger feelings and emotions. Another benefit to visualization is that you can double check how would you look with the manifested things in your hands or with you. This helps you to do corrections, if felt intuitively by you. Now firmly establish a picture of what you want in your mind.

For example, if it is your clear desire and goal to have $100,000 in your bank account then set aside a few minutes every day to visualize the bank statement or passbook where the net balance is $100,000. To help improve visualization, you may take the print out of the old statement, put a figure of $100,000 and look at for some time. Now do the visualization exercise.

8. Trust the unique ways of Universe to deliver

You must not doubt the Universe as to how or the method it will deliver the money to you. Also do not interfere with the choice of timings or the channels chosen by the Universe. Leave it to Higher Powers to decide what is of highest and best good for you. Thus be open to receiving the money from whatever source, medium or method or the timing God chooses to send it to you. This also means that increase your receptivity.

9. Remove the negative emotions or thoughts

Always remind yourself that negative thoughts or negative emotions like doubt, fear, jealousy, hatred or impatience interfere with the working of spiritual laws. While Universal law is a positive and pure law, these negative thoughts have negative energy which can create blocks to flow of money into your life.

If you see a rich man on the street then appreciate him and his style, wish him good luck ( in your hear) and imagine that you too are getting rich through the same source.

10. Watch your thoughts and words of expression

Be vigilant about the thoughts you think and words you speak throughout the day. It is important because one pound of hard work can be wiped out by one ounce of negativity. An expression like, “I can’t afford it” or “I don’t have money to buy it” if repeated a few times is sufficient to wipe out the entire efforts to manifest money – put in by you in a day. Even joking or telling lies to someone about not having money will have the same effect on your subconscious mind. Human sub conscious mind cannot tell between a serious or no serious statement.

11. Act as if you are already Rich

Do not give signals to yourself, your subconscious or the Universe that you are poor. If you have money to buy a good shirt of a good brand then do not go online or economy stores or surplus stores looking for a bargain. Having money and still going to bargain counters is sending a signal to Universe that you love going to cheap and economical stores and the Universe will dutifully oblige you by always sending you there only.  Of course, it is a different matter altogether that you don’t have that much money also. In that case keep you appearance neat and tidy and wear clean, washed and well ironed clothes. Don’t hoard money unnecessarily. Use your wisdom to strike a balance between spending the money and enjoying it with saving money and respecting its value.

12. Do not discuss this with others

The world is full of all kinds of people. There are few people who are positive, encouraging and genuinely wish to see you become rich and prosperous. There are fewer people who understand fully how to tap the Ultimate Secret to Manifesting Wealth and Prosperity. It takes a long time to build something but it takes only a fraction of moment to destroy it. Hence keep your exercise and process to become rich a secret, lest your progress is damaged by even a casual negative remark.

How To Attract Good Luck?

    Everyone wants to be lucky and a lot of people tried so many things just to have some luck. We all want things to go our way and for life to deliver great opportunities, an inflow of money and people whom we get along with. Some seem to have all that and it looks very easy for them while the rest of us struggle along, doing our best and hoping for a lucky break. Thankfully, there are ways you can give the universe a nudge to help you attract good luck.

10 Methods to Attract Good Luck

1. Make New Friends

Many opportunities come via people we know. More friends equals more opportunities. Get out there, find like-minded people and socialize. If you can mix with active, interesting people, you have a much better chance of hearing about likely opportunities. Friends have friends who have friends. Go out and meet them; build your network.

2. Try New Things

You may not have discovered your passion or your life’s work yet. Unless you attempt new things, you may never discover what that is. Keep an open mind to all possibilities. You don’t know if you could be an talented ceramicist unless you pick up a lump of clay and give it a go. How do you know that you aren’t a gifted energy healer? Or an amazing tarot reader? No-one ever said, on their death-bed, “Gosh, I wish I hadn’t done all those things.” People who broaden their minds and their life experience become interesting characters who attract good luck and good friends.

3. Relax to Attract Good Luck

Stop focusing on what is going on in your life and begin to look at what is happening around you. Turn your attention outward. People who are anxious and uptight tend not to see the chances life is offering to them. They are too wrapped up in their own fears. Easy to say, but until you learn how to relax and let go of your resistance, good luck will elude you.

4. Look For Signs and Symbols

You are being guided by your inner being, guardian angel, fairies of the universe, call it what you will. There’s a divine intelligence available to all of us, but most shut it out, preferring to rely on our senses for information. One way to begin to pay attention to those whispers from the universe is to look for signs and symbols. Trying to make a decision? Guidance is being offered to you. It might be a line in a book or a song. A particular bird in a particular place. A literal road sign. The name of a store. A number which keeps showing up for you. Teach yourself to be aware of the subtle hints all around.

5. Adopt an Attitude of Knowing

During your self-talk, you’ll find yourself wishing for something to happen, some good outcome or the manifestation of a desire. We all do it. Instead of wistfully wishing adopt an attitude of sureness, of knowing that it will come to you. Say, “When that thing I want comes into my life…” instead of “I wish I could have that thing…” Wishing in that way is yearning. Yearning emphasizes what you don’t have. Knowing tells the universe that you are certain it will be delivered. And it will be – unless something better comes along.

6. Buy the Ticket

We’re not encouraging you to gamble, but you can’t win the lottery if you don’t buy a ticket. In the same way, you can’t gain from an investment if you don’t make the investment. You won’t get the job unless you apply for it. So help yourself to attract luck – buy the ticket.

7. Go With Your Gut

Your gut feeling is your intuition. While many dismiss intuition as wishful thinking or indigestion, scientists have shown that intuition is real. In fact, many important scientific discoveries have occurred because scientists followed their own intuition. And of course, we at PsychicOz KNOW that it is very real. Intuition is expressed through a feeling, a quiet thought, or perhaps a compulsion to take action even if we don’t know why. Scientists say that intuitive feelings are a result of our subconscious recognizing patterns. Patterns which we have absorbed and learned without realizing.

8. Expect Good Luck

Expectation is similar to knowing, as described above. Expectation is more general. Someone who lives in expectation of good things happening will attract good luck throughout their life. That doesn’t mean they won’t suffer ‘negative’ events, it simply means they have programmed themselves to a positive expectation. When they get it, it feels natural; the normal course of events. Many people do the exactly opposite, they program themselves to expect the worst and are always surprised when the ‘worst’ keeps turning up.

9. Play With the Law of Attraction

Have fun with all this. Play some Law of Attraction games. You have nothing to lose and you don’t need to tell anyone, do you? Try our money manifesting techniques . Or maybe our more general magical manifestation technique. Perhaps you are hoping to be lucky in love? We have ideas for attracting love too.

10. Give Good Luck

Have you thought about making someone else feel lucky? One of the easiest and most satisfying ways to attract good luck to yourself is to give it to another. Tape an envelope with a dollar or two inside to a park bench or other place where you’ll know it will be found. You could write on the front, “Have a coffee on me.” You never know… that two dollars might save someone’s life, or restore their faith in humanity, or simply pay for them to have a good cup of coffee. Make someone feel it’s their lucky day.

Financial Freedom Starts With…

    It could be very depressing at times when you know you’re stuck when it comes to finances especially if you’re struggling from paycheck to paycheck but you have an opportunity to change your finances immediately.  You first have to change your energy around money and can do so instantly by claiming your prosperity. We call this transmutation and it’s a very powerful mental shift that can bring healing, improvement, and yes, money to you quickly. Transmutation is simply changing the energy around you from one level into another. It is how anything in your life comes into reality. Now you can consciously apply it to money.

The question is not, “Where can I find more money?” The question is, “Do you have the courage to claim your prosperity and allow the money to flow to you?”

Prosperity is a state of mind.  It is a general term for thriving and flourishing. It’s a global description made up of various different things such as health, wealth, happiness, love, family, fulfillment and more.  It is the state of flourishing, thriving, good fortune and success in any area you want to define for yourself.  While its definition differs for each of us, the emotional satisfaction in it is shared by all of us.

There is no trick or magic to being prosperous.  

1.    Decide to be prosperous.
Prosperity, and having it, is as simple as believing you deserve it and claiming it for yourself.  It is tied to self-image and self-esteem.  To have it, just simply claim it, “Prosperity is mine!”
The universe is infinitely abundant. Claim your piece of what you want. Then, all you have to do is convince your subconscious you deserve it.  Once your subconscious believes it deserves it, prosperity floods in.  If there is doubt, so what, it happens. Don’t fret it.

2.    Define prosperity for yourself.
The difference in types of prosperity is how we define it.  There are 7 billion of us on this planet and we define prosperity based upon what we think it is.  It is a fabulous quality about it, in that we get to pick and choose our own definitions of it and satisfy it for ourselves. For some it can mean financial wealth and social status, for others it can mean children and family, for some, it can mean a good crop.  The point is, we define it, and with that all types are equally important.

3.    Supercharge Your Intention.

Add in some emotionally charged desire for what you want. Decide it is possible. Focus your energy on it because energy flows where attention goes.  A change in your “prosperity meter” can happen quickly, a matter of days, if you really focus on feeling prosperous.

4.    Take Action.
What are you going to do differently?  You can wish and desire all you want but at some time, you must take action to get what you want. We have seven levels by which we can achieve what we desire.  All seven levels, especially when combined, will get you results much more  quickly.

The seven levels of to realize prosperity are:

  1. Awareness
    1. Claim it.
      1. It’s already here, you just have to start claiming it for you…
    2. Believe it.
      1. You have to change your belief about yourself. Do you really believe you deserve to be prosperous?
    3. Affirmations and visualizations.
      1.  Support yourself throughout the day.
  2. Release the old.
    1. Bless what is not working and say goodbye to it.
  3. Desire it
    1. You have to have strong desire for prosperity.
  4. Decide it’s possible for you.
    1. I am more than good enough for this!
  5. Metaphysically energize it.
    1. Meditate and live within it daily. Use all your senses to feel it around you.
  6. Change it.
    1. Take action. Make a plan. Follow it like a roadmap.
  7. Receive it.
    1. Gratitude.
    2. Enjoy it!

Just because there is an obstacle does not mean you should not have it. Do not let resistances stop you. They are there to just let you know your subconscious has resistances to overcome.

Contemplate prosperity. Keep it in your awareness constantly. Acknowledge it on every level. Identify with prosperous people. What will happen is circumstances will re-arrange themselves and things will start to happen real easy. This releases resistances.  And when you fully identify with it, you’ll have it, and without barely any awareness of it.

Reason To Be Happy When You Lose Your Job

    You’re comfortably sitting at your desk minding your own business and your boss suddenly calls you into her office and announces that your services are no longer needed. Should you panic? No! Not at all. For sure, you’d better head to the local unemployment office to open a claim, or you can do that, in most states, via the Internet. Once you’ve filed forms, you have given yourself time to breathe, regroup, reorganize, and decide what you want to do next.

Personally, these are the next three things I would do:

• Go home, change into something comfortable, brew a cup of herbal tea, and relax.

• Call a friend or lover and make plans for a wonderful evening.

• Take at least a week off with no intention of job hunting or stressing myself.

To Work or Not to Work

In today’s economy, it isn’t unlikely that it will take time to find employment, if that’s what you choose to do. Spend part of your week off making a plan and organizing your thinking. Do not search the Internet or the classifieds for work. You can start Monday morning and look for a new job, if that’s your choice.

Your unemployment should last between 60 and 99 weeks, depending on what state you live in.

Take your time. Figure out what your dream career is and go after it, or choose to go back to school and prepare yourself for that dream. If you have other kinds of support, appreciable savings, or a way to replace your employment income, you can choose to go a different direction for a while or forever. It’s all up to you.

This is a perfect time to consider an entrepreneurial occupation. Create that business you’ve always dreamed of. Are you a crafty person? Move toward marketing your crafts at craft shows, at online auctions, or even through artistic sites like Etsy.com. Ever thought about providing a paid service in your community? Lots of people get paid for dog walking, child care, gardening, running errands, or even paying bills and filing insurance claims for senior citizens.

Rocking Your Unemployment

Regardless of what direction you decide to go, this is the time to fill your life with joy, remove stress-causing obstacles, and open a door that could lead you to something truly wonderful. Adjust your attitude.

Wake up each morning and spend 10 minutes meditating on your good fortune. Push away the internal critic that might be yelling, “You need to get out there and find a job right now. Today. You’re desperate. This is an emergency!”

You are not desperate. It’s not an emergency. Have a delicious and healthy breakfast. Check your email. Check the weather, and go for a walk.

I’m not saying shirk your responsibilities; just take care of and nurture yourself. Begin a new life pattern so you move yourself toward what you need to make a living and support yourself, but build in ample time for relaxation, spiritual growth, mental growth and joy.

From that position, your meditations bring answers seemingly without much effort. If you need to find a job, you’ll know that. If being an entrepreneur is the answer, you’ll find that out. If it’s time to live on other resources as you attend to your heart’s desires, you’ll figure that out, too.

“Whatever you desire for your career is destined to happen and your intuition will help you.” 

Losing a job doesn’t have to be a tragedy. Yes, it causes change, but change can be exciting. Throughout life, we get opportunities to reinvent ourselves. Don’t overlook your chance to stand quietly and watch the clouds roll by, giving way to your golden moment in the sun.

Wise Suggestions For 2017

“I usually don’t recommend itemized suggestions for getting ready for future events, but I will this time. Many of us has experience the curse of 2016 but let’s move on and make this 2017 a lot better!”

First, for those who would like some stock tips, with the government appointees that are being chosen, there will be some protectionist legislation which will be happening.  A lot of this protectionist legislation will set laws in place until 2026, when significant change happens in the congress.  So, my recommendation is that the Oil Company stocks will be good investments for a number of years, including Exxon/Mobil.

Part of this will be because the price of gasoline will be going up.  Part of this will be because the oil companies will have protection for expanding their business processes.  So, the oil company stocks will be lucrative.

Another recommendation, for those so inclined, the Automakers currently are selling large trucks and SUV’s, with little demand for small cars that get higher gas mileage.  This means now is the time to purchase smaller cars that get higher gas mileage.  Demand is down which means their prices will be down – with the newer and used vehicles.  This includes the smaller, more gas efficient pickups as well.

I’m still psychically seeing gas prices go up and up.  2017 is not going to be the year that the gas prices are double what they were in 2016, but that year will be coming around the corner.  There is a little time (2017) to move in the direction of preparing.  But, when the gas prices do go up, the demand and prices of small vehicles with higher gas mileage (and electric and hybrid cars) will go up again, also.  If you only drive a large SUV or low-mpg truck during that time, you’re going to feel it at the pump.

Meanwhile, for those of you who want to make greener investments, do so.  It is a good time to invest in alternative energy industries and green companies because it’s time to “put one’s money where one’s mouth is”.  Make your actions count.  Pick up the bat and step up to the plate.  If you consider the greener businesses worth having around, then get in the game.  We make our feelings and considerations real by investing our time, our energy, our intelligence in projects and even our money in these companies.  Don’t sit on the fence.  Pick one thing that you feel is important and if you’re not sure, then begin your involvement small to see how it works for you and your life.  Try it and see.

Remember, we’re all in this together.  The more people with our hands on the oars, rowing the boat in a certain direction, the stronger the forces to go in that direction.  There is the old saying, “Actions speak louder than words.”  There are plenty of people who speak many empty words loudly, but carry out little action.  We don’t need to speak loud words when our actions become strong enough to speak for us.  We can let our actions do the speaking.   Hope plus action causes manifestation.

Some of the action I recommend – prayer and meditation.  Both of these bring in more help than we can ever imagine.  When real help is needed, we can go to the One who can bring forth that real help.

Money Psychics To Get You Out Of Bad Luck

5809083_f260     Aha! Well, you have read the title so perhaps you are one of the many who wants to get more or having financial problems or maybe just so eager to learn on how to find the best money psychic online, but before you learn on how to find them, let us understand on who is a good money psychic and why are they required. 

First – a psychic is a person who can understand your problem, read the planetary movements affecting you and can also read your mind to understand on what possible be a remedy that can be provided to you for your problem.

A psychic who has experienced in solving money related problems is known as a money psychic, these psychics have special ability to understand your money related problems and give you quick and fast remedy for the same. I would rather suggest you to visit a money psychic who has experience in casting spells – this would help you because if your problem is related to nocturnal theory then these psychics can give cast money spells for you as a remedy.


Are money psychics real?

Psychics who practice money related problems and can give you a solution are for real, psychics are learned people who know how to study the planetary movements and also have the power of telepathy, or to understand the mind, they can quickly understand the pain and agony of a person and can give you quick and fast relief with solutions to your problems. If a money psychic you have approached also practices black magic or white magic and knows how to create spells then that is a top up for you.

A psychic who is also a spell caster can cast spells related to any money problems you have, might be you are looking for a job, might be you are spending more and want to stop your habit of spending, or might be you want to earn money via lottery.


How can a money psychic help you?

Like I have already stated that money psychic are learned people who can study and understand the effects of planetary movements on your birth chart, and accordingly can give you solution to re-energize the planets and get good effects from the movements of the weak planets. If the money psychic you have visited is also a spell caster then the psychic can cast spells for you and give you powerful amulets to wear which would help you to attract money, be it your job or a gambling session or anything, they would make you a magnet to attract money and that the money which comes in would never go away from you. Hence money psychics can help you to get money and get out of money related problems.

New Year’s Resolution: Will It Work For You?

  new-years-resolution2     As always! Whenever a new year begins, most of us make resolutions about how we’ll work to improve our lives. However, most of us will abandon our New Year’s resolution before February comes or after a few days of trying it. We start out with good intentions but once January gets into full swing, we may start to lose focus—and our willpower.

This year, you can ensure that your New Year’s resolution isn’t made in vain. Just follow these strategies for sticking to your guns and you’ll find success in 2017.

Will this be the year you reach your goal?

1. Be Realistic
stand-out-when-applying-for-retail-jobs-600x310When you’re setting your goal, be sure that you’re not being too lofty. If you never go to the gym now, you probably won’t go every day starting in January. If you want to make a career change, you shouldn’t start applying to a bunch of jobs in a new field that you lack experience in. Be realistic. If you set yourself up for disappointment, you’ll certainly lose motivation after a couple of weeks of trying and failing.

2. Take Baby Steps
While you may want to go full steam ahead with your resolution, it’s probably a good idea to map out how you’ll get there in stages. That way, you’ll have a plan of action you can follow. Taking small steps each day, like resolving to take a walk during your lunch break or to research classes that can help you learn a new skill, will add up over time.

3. Don’t Quit When You Slip Up
4926092996_b8788cda0eFalling off the wagon is inevitable when you’re working on your New Year’s resolution. But just because you mess up, that doesn’t mean you should abandon your resolution altogether. Acknowledge that you took a step back and don’t beat yourself up about it. Small setbacks are a part of life and you can use this one as a chance to strengthen your resolve.

4. Enlist an Accountability Partner
To stay on track, it may help to ask a friend or family member to be your support system as you embark on your New Year’s resolution. This is someone who can check in with you to hear about your progress and who you can call on when you’re in need of inspiration. Having this person by your side, even figuratively, will encourage you to continue on, even when you’re having doubts about your own ability to keep going.

5. Reward Yourself Along the Way
guide_to_buying_dressAll work and no play can make even those with the strongest resolve quit without reaching their goals. Make a point to celebrate your success often—the first week you start your resolution, the first month, and so on. If you’re working on a fitness-related goal, reward yourself with a cool new pair of yoga pants, make a delicious post-workout smoothie or start saving money to get yourself a fitness tracking device. Knowing you have a reward on the horizon will help you push yourself and reap the benefits of whatever it is you’re going to celebrate your success with.