Wise Suggestions For 2017


“I usually don’t recommend itemized suggestions for getting ready for future events, but I will this time. Many of us has experience the curse of 2016 but let’s move on and make this 2017 a lot better!”

First, for those who would like some stock tips, with the government appointees that are being chosen, there will be some protectionist legislation which will be happening.  A lot of this protectionist legislation will set laws in place until 2026, when significant change happens in the congress.  So, my recommendation is that the Oil Company stocks will be good investments for a number of years, including Exxon/Mobil.

Part of this will be because the price of gasoline will be going up.  Part of this will be because the oil companies will have protection for expanding their business processes.  So, the oil company stocks will be lucrative.

Another recommendation, for those so inclined, the Automakers currently are selling large trucks and SUV’s, with little demand for small cars that get higher gas mileage.  This means now is the time to purchase smaller cars that get higher gas mileage.  Demand is down which means their prices will be down – with the newer and used vehicles.  This includes the smaller, more gas efficient pickups as well.

I’m still psychically seeing gas prices go up and up.  2017 is not going to be the year that the gas prices are double what they were in 2016, but that year will be coming around the corner.  There is a little time (2017) to move in the direction of preparing.  But, when the gas prices do go up, the demand and prices of small vehicles with higher gas mileage (and electric and hybrid cars) will go up again, also.  If you only drive a large SUV or low-mpg truck during that time, you’re going to feel it at the pump.

Meanwhile, for those of you who want to make greener investments, do so.  It is a good time to invest in alternative energy industries and green companies because it’s time to “put one’s money where one’s mouth is”.  Make your actions count.  Pick up the bat and step up to the plate.  If you consider the greener businesses worth having around, then get in the game.  We make our feelings and considerations real by investing our time, our energy, our intelligence in projects and even our money in these companies.  Don’t sit on the fence.  Pick one thing that you feel is important and if you’re not sure, then begin your involvement small to see how it works for you and your life.  Try it and see.

Remember, we’re all in this together.  The more people with our hands on the oars, rowing the boat in a certain direction, the stronger the forces to go in that direction.  There is the old saying, “Actions speak louder than words.”  There are plenty of people who speak many empty words loudly, but carry out little action.  We don’t need to speak loud words when our actions become strong enough to speak for us.  We can let our actions do the speaking.   Hope plus action causes manifestation.

Some of the action I recommend – prayer and meditation.  Both of these bring in more help than we can ever imagine.  When real help is needed, we can go to the One who can bring forth that real help.