Understanding Aura Colors

Aura Colors

Metaphysical believers and practitioners believe aura colors are created or caused by vibrations. Every molecule in the universe translates itself into some type of pattern which emanates from the body as vibrations. The human eye can be taught to see these vibrations as colors. Just as we are unable to hear physical sound waves, aura colors are only visible to a few, but the human eye is slowly gaining this ability according to some.

The aura color wheel consists of the seven colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. If you are trying to see someone’s aura color for the first time, stand them in front of a white wall or background without excess light and concentrate on a single spot on the person’s face for at least 60 seconds. The center of the forehead is a good concentration point. Without taking your eyes off the forehead, scan the edges of the head, arms, and shoulders. If the white areas around this is brighter, then you are witnessing an aura. This may not happen the first time you try, but be patient and keep trying as you practice your concentration.

Some people may also be able to feel auras. To do this, stand face to face with the person whose aura you are feeling and place the palms of your hands about 6-8 inches from the top of the person’s head. Keep your distance while moving your hands down the body and all around. As you work, you will eventually recognize fluffy effects as you work your way down. It will feel like touching a feather light pillow, but it is electromagnetic energy. If you feel the energy, but cannot see it, then you may wonder how to find its color. The short test below will help.

For each question, choose the letter that is closest to you. Only choose one answer.

1) Which of the following is closest to describing your personality?

  1. Forceful/Energetic
  2. Considerate/Thoughtful
  3. Friendly/Healthy
  4. Sociable
  5. Helpful/Caring
  6. Humble/Spiritual
  7. Sympathetic/Tender

2) Which statement best fits you?

  1. I easily anger
  2. I enjoy physical activity
  3. I dislike rules
  4. I communicate with ease
  5. I love helping others
  6. I daydream
  7. I enjoy learning new things

3) I would describe myself as…

  1. A loner
  2. A risk taker
  3. Spontaneous
  4. A nature lover
  5. A good listener
  6. A visionary
  7. Extremely sensitive

4) Overall, you consider yourself…

  1. Realistic
  2. Confident
  3. Optimistic
  4. Outgoing
  5. Intuitive
  6. Curious
  7. Idealistic

5) Others consider you…

  1. Well grounded
  2. Brave
  3. Creative
  4. Love centered
  5. Highly spiritual
  6. Imaginative
  7. Independent

6) Which of these is your favorite?

  1. Flowers
  2. Chocolate
  3. Shoes
  4. Jewelry
  5. Home furnishings
  6. Makeup
  7. Candlelight dinner

7) You consider yourself…

  1. Tenacious
  2. Strongly motivated
  3. Focused on a plan of action
  4. Having benevolent character
  5. Having well developed instincts
  6. Modest
  7. One who remembers dreams

8) What is your most common element when not feeling well?

  1. Anxiety/Nerves
  2. Body aches
  3. Stomach
  4. Short of breath
  5. Sore throat
  6. Watery/Dry eyes
  7. Headache

9) In the workplace you are…

  1. A hardworking team player
  2. Prefer a challenge
  3. Prefer working with your hands
  4. Strive for perfection on tasks
  5. Feel guilty when saying no
  6. Feel appearance should take precedence
  7. Often end up as a leader

10) An overall statement about yourself would be …

  1. I am often blunt, but just because I value honesty
  2. I love adventure, even if it is a bit dangerous
  3. Activities like dancing and exercise are fun and my favorites
  4. I love being intellectually stimulated and prefer organization
  5. Material possessions are not priority
  6. I feel like a fish out of water in most large groups
  7. I am majorly concerned about the environment

If the majority of your answers were “A”—Your aura is mostly red.

If the majority of your answers were “B”—Your aura is mostly orange.

If the majority of your answers were “C”—Your aura is mostly yellow.

If the majority of your answers were “D”—Your aura is mostly green.

If the majority of your answers were “E”—Your aura is mostly blue.

If the majority of your answers were “F”—Your aura is mostly indigo.

If the majority of your answers were “G”—Your aura is mostly violet.

If your answers are evenly divided then your auric color fluctuates or are combined. If none of these seem to fit, go to your closet, and see what colors you have the most of and enjoy wearing. If you typically wear black or tan, what color are your accessories? This usually associates with your aura color.

Color Meanings

Now that you know your aura color, we can share some meanings for each color.

  • Red – Strong willed, straightforward, forceful, energetic, team player, hard worker, realistic, competitive, impulsive, overwhelmed by change, may have health issues around anxiety
  • Orange – Adventurous, courageous, considerate, thoughtful, lacking in self-discipline, may have health issues around the kidneys or reproductive organs
  • Yellow – Playful, laid back, optimistic, friendly, easily hurt, timid, may have health issues around the spleen
  • Green – Love others, social, love nature and animals, perfectionist, organizer, trustworthy, may have issues with the lungs
  • Blue – Caring, helpful, peacemaker, freethinker, steadfast, intuitive, spiritual, may have health issues around the thyroid or throat
  • Indigo – Daydreamer, imaginative, calm, modest, unassuming, introvert, sometimes lacks self-esteem, may have health issues with the eyes
  • Violet – Idealistic, wise, sensitive, truth seeker, independent, authoritative, extroverted, may have psychic power, may have health issues around the nervous system and pineal gland

Now that you know, use the information to help others find their aura.


  1. The relationship between vibration and color perception invites deeper inquiry into human consciousness and its capabilities.

  2. I find the methodology for perceiving auras to be lacking in empirical support. Nonetheless, it is an interesting cultural phenomenon.

  3. ‘Aura readings’ seem to blend spirituality with psychology, which may have broader implications for therapeutic practices.

  4. ‘Seeing’ vibrational energy as color could revolutionize how we understand emotional states, yet it remains highly subjective.

  5. It’s compelling how subjective experiences, like seeing auras, can influence interpersonal dynamics and self-perception.


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